Birth Stories: New Series

Birth Stories.

They seem to be everywhere these days. Every blogger and reader I know seems to be pregnant or have just had a baby. When I seem them post their birth story I can’t help but click and read every moment.I love seeing the new pictures (especially when they do NB professional). Well, Isharing’ve been doing some thinking. I want to start a new series. Once a week I will be featuring and sharing another person’s birth story.

I already have a few volunteers so I’m super excited to get this project going. Stay tuned.

Remember I shared Sawyers Birth Story?

I still can’t believe I have a baby. I swear I’m still absorbing the fact that I actually got pregnant. My pregnancy definitely flew by. I don’t know if it was because it was the whole holiday season which helped me focus on other things but I never felt like it was dragging. Was definitely a rougher pregnancy because older and not in the best shape which didn’t help either. I had a lot of back pain in the pregnancy and by the end just doing the dishes was nearly impossible.

At my 37 week check-up they told me I was as far from going into labor as could be. My cervix wasn’t even open. I know 37 weeks is just hitting full term but I was done. This was as far as I had made it with my other two. Since Gavin was a C-section it meant I could choose another section or have a VBAC. I chose to try a VBAC. IMO I’d rather go through the hell of labor then the pain of recovery. As you know though if I went past my due date they couldn’t induce me and I’d have to have a section. I scheduled the section at 41 weeks and crossed my fingers.

Check out that neck strength!

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  1. Jolene J says

    I’d love to share mine, still working on it and I have professional newborn photos of her. Shoot me an email if you’re interested 🙂

  2. Heather Robinson says

    I love birth stories! Looking forward to seeing what you post.

  3. Courtney says

    I love reading birth stories! I have 3 to share if you need more:)

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