jcpenney Portrait Studio {April Promotion} Photography Tips Too!

Now, I’ll admit right from the start- I’m no professional. It’s taken a lot of practice and a bunch of trial and error before getting the pictures I like. Regardless if you have a simple point & shoot or a professional DSLR you can get good photos. It’s just being willing to step out of the normal posed shots and trying something new and not being afraid to fail.

I’ve really been enjoying all the extra pictures I take while practicing and love looking back. Here are a few tips I’ve learned to get the photos you want.


Candid photos are often some of my favorite. Only in candids can you truly lock in that moment and the emotion. For example in the photo below I love seeing the excitement of my older boys when they meet their new brother for the very first time. The topper for me is seeing how proud my husband is in the background watching it all.

Get Help.

Sometimes you need help. Don’t be afraid to ask! I love taking photos of Sawyer in the tub but we all know how fast a situation can go bad… I have a precious child and an expensive camera- neither of which I want to drop! By bringing in an extra set of hands I can get the pictures I want while being safe.

Keep Going.

I fell in love with all the Easter photos that I took of Sawyer. In the end I had about five good ones that I absolutely adored. In reality though I took a good forty shots in order to get those five.


Some of my favorite photos haven’t included faces. Make sure to pay attention to the whole picture and you’ll end up with unique photos that you’ll back on and be happy you took.


I love taking pictures of my Charlie. Getting his attention can sometimes be difficult though. I’ve learned when you’re trying to get a good shot make sure your alone. Charlie is easily distracted and if anyone walks into the room I’ve lost him. I’ve also found that having a treat near the lens can help make sure he is looking right where I want him to.

Bad Pics Happen.

We all get home and go through our photos and say Ugh. I never got that good shot. Sure, it’s disappointing but it happens to us all. Don’t let it get to you just keep trying. Plus, if you are taking shot after shot a few bad ones are okay if you get the shot you want in the end.

Of course no matter how many photos I take I still love taking our age milestone photos by professionals at the studio. It allows me to hand photos to all of our family without breaking the bank as they often run some great promotions. For example right now jcpenney Portrait Studios are running an April Promotion where you can get $20 for 6 traditional portrait sheets (mix and match size and images) as well as one free $9 sitting fee. This is a great opportunity for our family to go and get our first family portrait now that Sawyer has joined our family.

Locate a studio near you  and schedule your session online now. Click here.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of jcpenney Portrait Studio. I was asked to create a Pinterest Board and pin at least five (5) pins. I give jcpenney the right to repin any or all images/original content from this board. I received a promotional item as a thanks for my participation.

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