Start Every Day With Tropicana Orange Juice! $50 in Coupons Giveaway! TWO Winners!

When I was pregnant with Gavin I bought two bottles of Tropicana Orange Juice every morning on the way to the Emergency Room where I worked. I’d have them both gone by 9am. It was an every morning thing and I bet it has a lot to do with why Gavin now must start every morning with a glass of orange juice himself.

Did you know that just by downing an 8 ounce glass in the morning you’ve already taken two of your daily fruit servings?
Or how about the fact that an 8 ounce glass will also give you your daily serving of vitamin C? I know in the middle of winter I’ll do whatever I can to help fight off all the cough and colds around.
Did you also know that is has the same amount of potassium as a medium sized banana?
How about the good source of folic acid? As a pregnant mama I need all the folic acid in my diet that I can get. Folic Acid may reduce the risks of birth defects! I also suffer from a skin disorder called psoriasis. Folic Acid also helps me with normal cell growth!
An 8 ounce glass isn’t even a big portion. You can easily swig this down as you run out the door in the morning.

Orange juice has and always will be a staple item in our house just like milk and bread is. It’s an important part of not only my morning routine but my kids too. If orange juice isn’t your thing they also have several other flavors available in their Trop50 flavors. Gavin loves the lemonade and raspberry lemonade flavors while Johnny loves the farmstand apple! I love all their flavors but you can’t forget they have pineapple mango and pomegranate blueberry too!

What is Trop50 you ask?
Well, Tropicana offers the same great taste in these juice beverages but have 50% less sugar and calories! They are made with real fruit juices and have no artificial sweetners.

Tropicana has offered TWO Mom Spotted Readers a $50 pack of coupons for Tropicana juices!!! TWO WINNERS
-Each set will contain 10 $4.99 value coupons. (1 set per winner)

How to Enter:
1.) Finish this sentence: Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…
How to earn additional entries:
2.) Become a follower on my blog (publicly- privately does not count)-leave another comment (or let me know if you already are) – 2 entries
3.) Subscribe to my blog by EMAIL (not feed) – 2 entries
4.) Blog about my giveaway- with a link back to here AND Tropicana 4 entries (MUST include at least 30 words! Get two additional entries if you include a photo of the giveaway).
Post YOUR blog entry first and then the comment (please include the link directly to it not to your front page, and make an additional comment then the ones above.)
5.) Add my Mom Spotted button to your blog
6.) Follow Tropicana on Twitter
7.) Follow Mom Spotted on Twitter AND Tweet about this giveaway-

Win TEN coupons for FREE Orange Juice from @TropicanaOJ & @MomSpotted #giveaway Ends 1.23.11 TWO WINNERS

~this can be done once daily (leave link in comment)~
8.) Become a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook– leave me a comment
9.) Become a Fan of Tropicana on Facebook!
10.) Post on your facebook home page (1x daily):

Win TEN coupons for FREE Orange Juice from @Tropicana & @Mom Spotted Giveaway Ends 1.23.11 TWO WINNERS

(Make sure it links to me and Tropicana & put link in comment)
11.) Leave a relevant comment on any non-giveaway post (reviews are ok)

(Make sure to check out all my other giveaways!
Check the side bar to the right for list!)

That’s many chances to win a Tropicana Juices to start your mornings right!!!

Contest ends January 23rd at 11:59pm!

***USA, Puerto Rico, Guam, APO & FPO Only***
**Coupons expire March 31, 2012**

Mom Spotted Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means. While Tropicana provided the coupons, I am responsible for the giveaway.


  1. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    it starts me off on the right foot every morning 😉

  2. Tracy Houser says

    it has that needed vitamin C dose and wakes me up in a healthy way.

  3. Lori A. says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it helps me get some vitamins when I’m in a hurry.
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  4. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    1. Already follow you on GFC

  5. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    2. Already follow you on GFC

  6. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    1. Email subscriber shariwrigh at aol dot com

  7. Lori A. says

    public follower (1)
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  8. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    2. Email subscriber shariwrigh at aol dot com

  9. Tracy Houser says

    subscribed to blog via email. entry #1

  10. Lori A. says

    public follower (2)
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  11. Lori A. says

    public follower (2)
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  12. Tracy Houser says

    subscribed to blog via email. entry #2

  13. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    Fan of yours on Facebook as Chris Shari Alligood

  14. Tracy Houser says

    I’m a Momspotted fan on fb.

  15. Shari Lynn Alligood says

    Fan of Tropicana on Facebook as Chris Shari Alligood

  16. Lori A. says

    email subscriber (1)
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  17. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  18. Lori A. says

    email subscriber (2)
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  19. Lori A. says

    Follow Tropicana on Twitter
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  20. Tracy Houser says

    fan of Tropicana on fb.

  21. Lori A. says

    follow on twitter and tweeted!/ljatwood/status/154235981334188032
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  22. because…it has great vitamins and gives you a boost in the morning

  23. follow on GFC donnyandshelly

  24. follow on GFC donnyandshelly #2

  25. Lori A. says

    Fan of Tropicana on Facebook
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  26.’s healthy and tastes great! 🙂

  27. follow tropicana on twitter @atticgirl76

  28. RaettigFamily says

    It gives me that boost that I need

  29. I’m a follower through GFC-entry #1.

  30. I’m a follower through GFC-entry #2.

  31. I subscribe via e-mail-entry #1.

  32. I subscribe via e-mail-entry #2.

  33. Your button is in my sidebar.

  34. Jennifer Reda says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it gives me a boost of vitamin C!

  35. Jennifer Reda says

    follow your blog (redfuzzycow) #1

  36. Jennifer Reda says

    follow your blog (redfuzzycow) #2

  37. Jennifer Reda says

    your button is on my blog

  38. Jennifer Reda says

    follow tropicana on twitter (redfuzzycow)

  39. I like your blog on facebook.

  40. Jennifer Reda says
  41. Jennifer Reda says

    like tropicana on fb (jennifer reda)

  42. Amber says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it’s sweet and healthy and helps wake me up!

  43. Amber says

    I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect

  44. Amber says

    I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect

  45. Amber says

    I follow you on Twitter @momspotted, I’m @AmberGoo, and tweeted about this giveaway:!/AmberGoo/status/154259518400892928

  46. Amber says

    I like Tropicana on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore

  47. Heather Kersey says

    It gives me the boost to start my day out right.

  48. Amber says

    I’m your friend on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore

  49. Amber says

    I shared this giveaway on Facebook, my FB name is Amanda Moore:

  50. Jenny says

    because I know I am showing my kids how to start the day healthy! (kids notice everything…)

  51. jen says

    because it tastes so good!

  52. Liz says

    It’s delicious!

  53. Liz says

    I follow #1

  54. Liz says

    I follow #2

  55. Liz says

    I’m a FB fan

  56. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it’s healthy and full of vitamin C.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  57. GFC Follower-kport207


    kport207 at gmail dot com

  58. GFC Follower-kport207


    kport207 at gmail dot com

  59. Follow you on twitter as JT2ofusanddeals and tweeted:!/JT2ofusanddeals/status/154266962162225153

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  60. Richard Morris says

    I follow you blog on GFC
    Rich Morris

  61. Richard Morris says

    I follow you blog on GFC
    Rich Morris

  62. Richard Morris says

    Orange Juice is a great way to start my day b/c it gives me that pep to step out the door

  63. Richard Morris says
  64. Richard Morris says

    I like Tropicana on fb
    Rich Morris

  65. Mary Casper says

    gfc follower as cathy marsh casper

  66. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning, because it has been helping me with my morning sickness. Surprisingly! 🙂

  67. I’m following via GFC.

  68. I’m following them via Twitter.


  69. I’m your Facebook friend. 🙂

  70. won says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it’s sweet!

  71. won says

    I’m a follower on your blog.

  72. won says

    I’m a follower on your blog.

  73. won says

    Subscribe to your blog by EMAIL.

  74. won says

    Subscribe to your blog by EMAIL.

  75. won says
  76. won says

    Follow Tropicana on Twitter (@won2x).

  77. won says
  78. won says
  79. won says

    Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook (Wendy T).

  80. won says

    Fan of Tropicana on Facebook (Wendy T).

  81. Margaret Smith says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it gives me the energy to wake up and start my day.

  82. Margaret Smith says

    I’m a GFC follower (rickpeggysmith)
    Entry 1

  83. Margaret Smith says

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    Entry 2

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    Entry 1

  85. Margaret Smith says

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    Entry 2

  86. Margaret Smith says

    Follow on twitter (peg42) and tweeted:!/peg42/status/154292157598011392

  87. BEthanny says

    it complements every breakfast.

  88. makes me feel alive!

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  89. won says

    Wordless Wednesday- Christmas!

  90. won says

    A Few Easy Ways To Still Get Festive!

  91. Ann F says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it is a healthy way to get important minerals and vitamins

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  92. Ann F says

    I follow via GFC: abfantom # 1

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  93. Ann F says

    I follow via GFC: abfantom # 2

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  94. Ann F says

    I’m an email subscriber # 1

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  95. Ann F says

    I’m an email subscriber # 2

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  96. brandy g. says

    it is a great way for my kids and I to start the day with a little bit of Vitamic C.

  97. Laurel says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…

    …it gives me the vitamins I need and gets me going for the day.

  98. Laurel says

    Follow you on GFC 1

  99. Laurel says

    Follow you on GFC 2

  100. Laurel says

    Email subscriber 1

  101. Laurel says

    Email subscriber 2

  102. Laurel says
  103. Amber says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…it’s delicious and healthy!

  104. Amber says

    GFC follower under AmberFaith

    littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

  105. Susan Smith says

    it tastes good and it’s good for me

  106. Amber says

    GFC follower under AmberFaith

    littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

  107. Amber says

    Email subscriber

    littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

  108. Amber says

    Email subscriber

    littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

  109. Susan Smith says
  110. Susan Smith says

    GFC follower

  111. Susan Smith says

    GFC follower #2

  112. Susan Smith says

    Like Tropicana on fb Susan Smith

  113. Susan Smith says

    Like you on fb Susan Smith

  114. Susan Smith says

    follow Tropicana via twitter susan1215

  115. Amber says

    I follow you on Twitter (@littleamberfate) and tweeted:!/littleamberfate/status/154326655589031936


  116. Amber says

    I like your page on FB
    Amber Faith [Pilcher]

    littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

  117. Amber says

    I like Tropicana on FB
    Amber Faith [Pilcher]

    littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

  118. Amber says
  119. AndreaH says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because….my potassium levels can get low so this is a good way to enjoy a yummy drink and get potassium needed without getting sick of eating bananas!

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  120. AndreaH says

    I’m following via GFC (AndreaH). #1

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  121. AndreaH says

    I’m following via GFC (AndreaH). #2

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  122. AndreaH says

    I subscribed to you via email. #1

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  123. AndreaH says

    I subscribed to you via email. #2

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  124. AndreaH says

    I’m following Tropicana on twitter (andreacouponz).

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  125. AndreaH says

    I’m following you via twitter and tweeted:!/andreacouponz/status/154337015800922113

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  126. because— it is great for the immune system

  127. AndreaH says

    I liked you on Facebook (Andrea Hamilton).

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  128. Laura Lambie says

    follow via GFC as Rae Lambie

  129. AndreaH says

    I liked Tropicana on Facebook (Andrea Hamilton).

    davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com

  130. Laura Lambie says

    follow tropicana on twitter as zion777423

  131. Laura Lambie says

    follow you on twitter as zion777423

  132. DeDe in Guthrie OK says

    because it gives me a nice kick to wake up too.

  133. amandasue says

    It gives me vitamins, energy and in the winter its great to keep the colds away! 🙂

  134. amandasue says

    GFC Follower thanks.

  135. erica says

    it gets me energized for a long day at work!

  136. cheryl wheeler says

    Orange juice gives me the ability to start off my day on the right foot as long as I have all three kids out the door and on time to school that is all I need to help me gather the energy to come home and get some housework done.

  137. Donna B. says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it tastes great and makes an AMAZING orange protein shake with my Nectar Naturals protein powder 🙂

  138. Diane says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because of all the vitamins and nutrients. It is a real good pick me up every morning.

  139. hannah says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…it really tastes so good, and it gives me a good energetic start to my day

  140. hannah says

    follow on gfc (hannahAchrissmile)

  141. hannah says

    follow on gfc (hannahAchrissmile)


  142. hannah says
  143. hannah says

    follow tropicana on twitter ( achrissmile)

  144. hannah says

    like on facebook ( hannah knit)

  145. Kim says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it is tangy and helps me wake up.

  146. hannah says

    like tropicana on facebook ( hannah knit)

  147. Kim says

    I follow on GFC #1

  148. Kim says

    I follow on GFC #2

  149. hannah says
  150. Kim says

    I’m an email subscriber #1

  151. Kim says

    I’m an email subscriber #2

  152. Mary Beth Elderton says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because, it is thirst-quenching after sleep, full of energy to start the day, and full of nutrition for health and wellness.

  153. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I’m gfc friend, Beth Elderton

  154. Mary Beth Elderton says

    #2 gfc friend

  155. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I’m an email subscriber

  156. Julie Jones says

    Orange juice is a great way to start my morning because it helps boost my immunity with Vit C and it gives me a little bit of sugar that I crave. thanks!

  157. Mary Beth Elderton says

    #2 email subscriber

  158. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I follow Tropicana on twitter as mbm218

  159. Julie Jones says

    GFC follower

  160. Jill A. Collins says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because… it makes me feel like I’m starting my day off healthy.

  161. Julie Jones says

    GFC follower 2
    Julie Jones

  162. Julie Jones says

    Email subscriber 1

  163. Jill A. Collins says

    I follow your blog publically as jill24295
    Entry #1

  164. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:!/mbm218/status/154390595211759616

  165. Julie Jones says

    Email subscriber 2

  166. Jill A. Collins says

    I follow your blog publically as jill24295
    Entry #2

  167. Julie Jones says

    I follow Tropicana on twitter

  168. Jackie says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it’s sweet, refreshing and an eye-opener!!

  169. Jill A. Collins says

    I subscribe via email
    Entry #1

  170. Julie Jones says
  171. Jill A. Collins says

    I subscribe via email
    Entry #2

  172. Julie Jones says

    We’re friends on FB and I’m a fan of your page.
    Julie Jones

  173. Jackie says

    I follow on gfc #1
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  174. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I liked you on FB

  175. Jackie says

    I follow on gfc #2
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  176. Jill A. Collins says

    I’m a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook and I left you a message
    Jill A. Collins

  177. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I liked Tropicana on FB

  178. Jackie says

    I subscribe via email #1
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  179. Julie Jones says
  180. Jackie says

    I subscribe via email #2
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  181. Mary Beth Elderton says
  182. Jackie says

    I am a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  183. Elsie says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…

    orange’ you glad to feel energetic,
    orange’ you happy to get vitamins C and D and calcium,
    and orange’ you excited to have great taste to look forward to..

    I feel healthy, wealthy, and wise!

  184. Jackie says

    I am a Fan of Tropicana on Facebook
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  185. Jill A. Collins says

    I’m a Fan of Tropicana on Facebook!
    Jill A. Collins

  186. Jill A. Collins says
  187. Cortney says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it’s a great source of vitamin C which boosts your immune system!

  188. Jean Carlisle says

    …it is quick and easy, nutritious, and tastes great!

  189. Cortney says

    I follow via GFC (Fleur).

  190. Cortney says

    I follow via GFC (Fleur). #2

  191. Cortney says

    I subscribe via email. #1

  192. Cortney says

    I subscribe via email. #2 (email provided in email box).

  193. Cortney says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter, @ms_fleur.

  194. Cortney says
  195. Cortney says

    I like Mom Spotted on Facebook. Cortney S.

  196. Cortney says

    I like Tropicana on Facebook. Cortney S.

  197. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it is yummy, convenient and full of vitamins!

  198. I follow you via GFC

  199. I follow you via GFC #2

  200. E-mail subscriber

  201. e-mail subscriber #2

  202. Erinn S says

    …It gives me the sweet taste I crave and some vitamins to boot!

  203. Erinn S says

    Email Subscriber erinnsluka@gmail

  204. Laura says

    It is cool and refreshing, and good for me!

  205. Erinn S says

    Email subscriber erinnsluka@gmail #2

  206. Erinn S says

    GFC Esluka

  207. Laura says

    email subscriber 1

  208. Erinn S says

    GFC:esluka #2

  209. Laura says

    email subscriber 2

  210. Erinn S says

    FB follower @ Erinn Arena Sluka

  211. Erinn S says

    Tropicana FB follower @ Erinn Arena Sluka

  212. Anne Loyd says

    It starts my day off right and keeps me going strong througout the day.

  213. Anne Loyd says

    I follow you on GFC as AnneL.

  214. Anne Loyd says

    I follow you on GFC as AnneL. 2

  215. Anne Loyd says

    I like you on FB as Anne Loyd.

  216. Anne Loyd says

    I like you on FB as Anne Loyd. 2

  217. Anne Loyd says

    I subscribe to blog emails.

  218. It’s easy for me to grab and go!

  219. Debbie Welchert says

    Orange juice gets me through til lunchtime without getting hungry. It also makes me feel really good in the morning.

  220. Debbie Welchert says

    1. I already follow you via GFC.

  221. Debbie Welchert says

    2. I already follow you via GFC.

  222. Debbie Welchert says

    1. I subscribe via email.

  223. Debbie Welchert says

    2. I subscribe via email.

  224. it gives me a tasty kick to get me going

  225. Debbie Welchert says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter/flipper211

  226. Wehaf says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it tastes great and gives me lots of energy.

  227. Debbie Welchert says

    I follow you on Twitter and tweeted giveaway.!/flipper211/status/154418393804587008

  228. Debbie Welchert says

    Mom Spotted Facebook fan/Debbie Welchert

  229. Debbie Welchert says

    Tropicana Facebook fan/Debbie Welchert

  230. Debbie Welchert says
  231. Natalie U says

    it tastes refreshing and gets me going
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  232. Natalie U says

    GFC follower
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  233. Natalie U says

    email 1
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  234. Natalie U says

    email 2
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  235. Kimberly says

    Tastes great and gets me moving!

  236. Kimberly says

    GFC Follower 1

  237. Kimberly says

    GFC Follower 2

  238. Kimberly says

    Email follower 1

  239. Kimberly says

    Email follower 2

  240. Kimberly says

    I like you on FB
    kimberly Schotz

  241. Kimberly says

    I like Tropicana on FB
    kimberly schotz

  242. Kimberly says

    i follow Tropicana on Twitter as kims2312

  243. Donna B. says
  244. Donna B. says
  245. GFC-hollowsins

  246. coliebear says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it wakes me up in the morning.

  247. coliebear says

    GFC follower (coliebear) #1

  248. coliebear says

    GFC follower (coliebear)#2

  249. It tastes great & gives me the Vitamin C I need

  250. gfc follower(Lori Thomas) #1

  251. gfc follower(Lori Thomas) #2

  252. email subscriber #1

  253. GFC-hollowsins
    entry 2

  254. email subscriber #2

  255. Added Mom Spotted button to blog(

  256. Follow Mom Spotted on Twitter AND Tweeted(

  257. Claudia Smigel says

    it is healthy and tastes great

  258. Claudia Smigel says

    i am a follower on networked blog stores1957

  259. Claudia Smigel says

    i am an email subscriber stores1957 at yahoo dot com

  260. Claudia Smigel says
  261. Claudia Smigel says

    I am a follower of Tropicana on Twitter!/s1sboo2

  262. Claudia Smigel says

    I am a follower of Mom spotted on Twitter!/s1sboo2

  263. Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook(Tudor Rose)

  264. email subscriber
    hollow_sins(at)yahoo dot com

  265. Claudia Smigel says

    I am a Friend of Mom Spotted on Facebook Claudia Smigel

  266. Claudia Smigel says

    Fan of Tropicana on Facebook Claudia Smigel

  267. Claudia Smigel says
  268. email subscriber
    entry 2
    hollow_sins(at)yahoo dot com

  269. Chavonne Harvey says

    Orange Juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it gives me a nice energy boost and keeps me full until lunch.

  270. Chavonne Harvey says

    I am a GFC follower of your blog #1

  271. Chavonne Harvey says

    I am a GFC follower of your blog #2

  272. sarah says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because… tastes great and is energizing!

  273. Chavonne Harvey says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter

  274. sarah says

    Subscribed to email. (1)

  275. sarah says

    Subscribed to email. (2)

  276. Chavonne Harvey says

    I follow Mom Spotted on Twitter

  277. Chavonne Harvey says

    I like Mom Spotted on Facebook

  278. sarah says

    I’m a fan of mom spotted on facebook

  279. sarah says

    I’m a fan of tropicana on facebook

  280. Chavonne Harvey says

    I follow Mom Spotted on Twitter @saveone83 and I tweeted!/saveone83/status/154458042849701888

  281. Chavonne Harvey says

    I subscribe to your e-mail updates at

  282. Chavonne Harvey says

    I subscribe to your e-mail updates at

  283. Shelly Peterson says

    It tastes good and has lots of vitamin c

  284. renee walters says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it is refreshing! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  285. renee walters says

    I subscribe to your email! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  286. renee walters says

    I follow you on GFC! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  287. renee walters says

    I follow you on Twitter as Renee Walters1! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  288. renee walters says

    I like you on Facebook as Renee Walters! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  289. Tonya Payne says

    It is good for me.

  290. Tari Lawson says

    …because it tastes great, is refreshing and boost my imune system.

  291. Tari Lawson says

    I am a GFC follower.

  292. Lindsay S says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it is a great source of vitamin C!

  293. Betty says

    Orange juice is a great way to start my day because it is healthy, delicious and keeps the colds away.

  294. Lindsay S says

    I follow you via GFC #1

  295. Betty says

    GFC follower – bettycd

  296. Lindsay S says

    I follow you via GFC #2

  297. Betty says

    GFC follower entry 2

  298. Betty says

    email subscriber

  299. Betty says

    email subscriber entry 2
    same address as above

  300. Lindsay S says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter @MissPearl13

  301. Betty says
  302. Betty says
  303. Lindsay S says

    I follow Mom Spotted on Twitter @MissPearl13!/MissPearl13/status/154548928371630082

  304. Betty says

    FB fan of blog
    betty dennis

  305. Betty says
  306. Lindsay S says
  307. Lindsay S says

    I like Tropicana on Facebook (Lindsay S)

  308. Lynda E says

    Citrus actually gets the metabolism kick started.

  309. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  310. crystle tellerday says

    its good for me

  311. tess says

    its healthy and i love it
    tcogbill at live dot com

  312. tess says

    follow gfc-tcogbill at live dto com

  313. NJJ says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because its easy for me to digest, comes in a pulp free variety and pairs well with fresh buttermilk biscuits drizzled w/ sweet honey Yum! 🙂

  314. NJJ says

    GFC Fan GoldenOrchard #1

  315. NJJ says

    GFC Fan GoldenOrchard #2

  316. NJJ says

    email subscriber #1

  317. NJJ says

    email subscriber #2

  318. NJJ says

    Mom Spotted FB Fan C.j. Jennings

  319. NJJ says

    Tropicana FB Fan C.j. Jennings

  320. Richard Morris says
  321. won says
  322. won says
  323. Kiara says

    It gives me a boost that I need.

  324. Kiara says

    I follow via GFC.

  325. Kiara says

    I subscribe via e-mail #1.

  326. Kiara says

    I subscribe via e-mail #2.

  327. Kiara says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter.

  328. Kiara says
  329. …it tastes great and gives me energy to face my day.

  330. paige chandler says

    Loyal GFC follower.

  331. Wow, you were really productive!

  332. Terri S. says

    …it provides me with delicious way to get necessary vitamins.

  333. Terri S. says

    I follow your blog publicly via GFC – Terri

  334. Terri S. says

    I follow your blog publicly via GFC – Terri

  335. Terri S. says

    Email subscriber – #1

  336. Terri S. says

    Email subscriber – #2

  337. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/4!/ljatwood/status/154662930917494784
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  338. Kyl Neusch says

    it wakes me up to have a fun day

  339. Kyl Neusch says

    Follow Tropicana on Twitter: bleush

  340. Kyl Neusch says

    Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook

  341. Kyl Neusch says

    Fan of Tropicana on Facebook!

  342. Kyl Neusch says

    GFC: kyl neusch

  343. … because my potassium is low and my doctor told me to drink a glass every morning. It has helped!

  344. I follow you on GFC #1

  345. I follow you on GFC #2

  346. Anne says

    It wakes me up and makes me feel so much better than my usual 3 cups of coffee to get going n the morning 🙂

    jerseygirl1351 ataol dotcom

  347. I subscribe via email,

  348. Anne says

    I am an email subscriber to your blog (and left the wrong email address in my previous posting to answer your question).

    jerseygirl1351 atyahoo dotcom

  349. I subscribe via email,

  350. I have your button on my right sidebar.

  351. I follow @Tropicana on Twitter,

  352. I follow @MomSpotted on Twitter,

  353. Monique Rizzo says

    It provides me with a great dose of Vitamin C.Thanks so much for the chance.

  354. Deb K says

    Because it tastes great!


  355. Deb K says

    I follow with GFC



  356. Deb K says

    I follow with GFC



  357. Jessica T. says

    It gives me a great dose of Vitamin C to start the day with!

  358. Jessica T. says

    I have liked Mom Spotted on facebook.

  359. Mary Beth Elderton says
  360. Mary Beth Elderton says
  361. Cortney says
  362. Amber says
  363. Amber says
  364. because it gives me fuel for the day with all those vitamins!

  365. i like you on fbook!

  366. Patrice says

    it gives me a serving of fruit, along with vitamins and minerals, and it tastes refreshing.

  367. Linda Lansford says

    it gives me a kick start

  368. Linda Lansford says

    I gfc

  369. Linda Lansford says

    I gfc2

  370. Linda Lansford says

    I sub to email

  371. Linda Lansford says

    I sub to email2

  372. Linda Lansford says

    Become a Fan of Tropicana on Facebook

  373. Donna B. says
  374. kristina gruno says

    Gives me the energy and vitamins first thing in the morning! 🙂

  375. kristina gruno says

    I follow via GFC!

  376. kristina gruno says

    I’m a FB fan!!

  377. kristina gruno says

    I liked Tropicana on FB!

  378. kristina gruno says

    I’m an email subscriber!

  379. Beth Gomez says

    …it wake me up with a punch of tangy deliciousness.

  380. Beth Gomez says

    I’m following you on GFC, as Free Bees, Beth Gomez, solicitationsemail via gmail com

  381. Beth Gomez says

    I’m following Tropicana on Twitter as @monkeychic8

  382. Beth Gomez says

    I’m following you on twitter and RT:!/monkeychic8/status/154864268767002624

  383. Beth Gomez says

    I’m a fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook

  384. Beth Gomez says

    I’m a fan of Tropicana on Facebook.

  385. Erin says

    It’s delicious and good for me! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  386. Erin says

    I follow via GFC! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  387. Erin says

    I subscribed via email! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  388. Erin says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter! – @fictiononeforty (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  389. Erin says

    I follow Mom Spotted on Twitter & Tweeted!!/FictionOneForty/status/154867223666757632 (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  390. Erin says

    I liked Mom Spotted on FB! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  391. Erin says

    I liked Tropicana on FB! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)

  392. an 8 oz. glass gives me two of my daily fruit servings.

  393. 1. email subscriber to Mom Spotted

  394. 2. email subscriber to Mom Spotted

  395. Richard Morris says
  396. Lauren Brown says

    it tastes great!

  397. Lauren Brown says

    GFC #1

  398. Lauren Brown says

    GFC #2

  399. Lauren Brown says

    Email #1

  400. Lauren Brown says

    email #2

  401. Lauren Brown says

    like momspotted on fb(laurenwarrenbrown)

  402. Lauren Brown says
  403. Lauren Brown says

    follow tropicanna on twitter @Lulumsu33

  404. Robyn Galloway says

    It makes me feel refreshed and energized and gives me many of the vitamins and minerals I need!

  405. Robyn Galloway says

    follow via GFC 1

  406. Robyn Galloway says

    Follow via GFC 2

  407. Robyn Galloway says

    Subscribe to emails 1

  408. Robyn Galloway says

    Subscribe to emails 2

  409. Robyn Galloway says

    follow tropicana via twitter

  410. Robyn Galloway says

    fan on FB and commented

  411. Robyn Galloway says

    Liked tropicana on FB

  412. won says
  413. won says
  414. Mary Beth Elderton says
  415. Mary Beth Elderton says
  416. Karen L says

    its refreshing, something I can drink on the go and it’s good for you.

    asmgsk at gmail dot com

  417. Lindsay S says
  418. Shannon Egan says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it wakes me up better than coffee and it’s healthier for me. 🙂

  419. Shannon Egan says

    Following you on GFC #1

  420. Shannon Egan says

    Following you on GFC #2

  421. Shannon Egan says

    Subscribed to you by email #1

  422. Shannon Egan says

    Subscribed to you by email #2

  423. Shannon Egan says

    Following Tropicana on Twitter (SisterUlicia)

  424. Shannon Egan says

    Following you on Twitter (SisterUlicia) and tweeted!/SisterUlicia/status/155105963630792704

  425. Shannon Egan says

    I like you on FB

  426. Shannon Egan says

    I like Tropicana on FB

  427. Shannon Egan says
  428. Amity Johnson says

    It helps me get the amount of potassium I need daily..


  429. Amity Johnson says

    public follower frvetere

  430. Donna B. says
  431. Meaghan F. says

    We get a lot of Vitamin C. Miss_slytherin[at]live[dot]com

  432. Donna B. says
  433. Barb says

    It’s the one drink that helps my medicine go down without leaving a gritty after taste. 😉

  434. Erin says
  435. Arden says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because… Sometimes it’s the only servings of fruit I manage to fit in my day.

    kid.ra1nb0w (at) gmail (d0t) com

  436. Katy P says

    It tastes great and is a great source of vitamin C!

  437. Katy P says

    I follow with GFC #1

  438. Katy P says

    I follow with GFC #2

  439. Katy P says

    I am an email subscriber #1

  440. Katy P says

    I am an email subscriber #2

  441. Katy P says

    Follow Tropicana on Twitter @presprizes

  442. Katy P says

    I like you on Facebook

  443. Katy P says

    I like Tropicana on Facebook

  444. won says
  445. Richard Morris says
  446. Marcia Goss says

    because it tastes great and gives me energy.

  447. Marcia Goss says

    I follow on GFC. (Marcia Goss)

  448. Marcia Goss says

    I follow on GFC. (Marcia Goss)

  449. Marcia Goss says

    Email subscriber. #1

  450. Marcia Goss says

    Email subscriber. #2

  451. Marcia Goss says

    I follow you on Twitter @mgoss123 and tweeted.!/mgoss123/status/155366376285016064

  452. Marcia Goss says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter @mgoss123.

  453. Marcia Goss says

    I’m a fan of Tropicana on Facebook. (Marcia Goss)

  454. Amber says
  455. Amber says
  456. Mary Beth Elderton says
  457. Mary Beth Elderton says
  458. Lauren Brown says
  459. won says
  460. Gina M Maddox says

    …It is full of vitamin C! Thanks for the chance to win!
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

  461. Gina M Maddox says

    I follow you publicly on GFC “Gina M Maddox”
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

  462. Gina M Maddox says

    I follow you publicly on GFC “Gina M Maddox”
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com


  463. won says

    MAM {BPA Free Baby Products} Not Just Pacifiers Anymore!

  464. won says

    Making Better Blog Videos! Help!

  465. kathy says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it tastes great!

  466. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/6!/ljatwood/status/155439075757793280
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  467. Lindsay S says
  468. Donna B. says
  469. Donna B. says
  470. Jennifer T. says

    It’s refreshing and healthy.

  471. Jennifer T. says

    I follow through Google Friend Connect. #1

  472. Jennifer T. says

    I follow through Google Friend Connect. #2

  473. Jennifer T. says

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #1

  474. Jennifer T. says

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #2

  475. Jennifer T. says

    I’m a facebook fan of MomSpotted under username Jennie Tilson.

  476. Jennifer T. says

    I’m a facebook fan of Tropicana under username Jennie Tilson.

  477. It fuels me with vitamin C

  478. GFC follower

  479. GFC follower #2

  480. email subscriber aleksa91 hotmail com

  481. email subscriber aleksa91 hotmail com 2

  482. FB fan of yours – aleksandra n.

  483. Caitlin McClure says

    I love the shopping cart covers

  484. victoria lester says

    because it has vitamins and I’m pregnant which is healthy for the baby.
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  485. victoria lester says

    #1 – I’m a gfc – victoria lester
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  486. victoria lester says

    #2- I’m a gfc – victoria lester
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  487. victoria lester says

    I LIKE you on facebook – I’m victoria liester
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  488. victoria lester says

    I LIKE Tropicana on facebook – I’m victoria liester
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  489. victoria lester says

    I follow Tropicana on twitter – I’m @victoria99999
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  490. Marcia Goss says
  491. victoria lester says

    I subscribed & confirmed via email using:
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com
    Entry 1

  492. victoria lester says

    I subscribed & confirmed via email using:
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com
    Entry 2

  493. Allison Downes says

    Because it gives my body alot of Vitamin C!


  494. Allison Downes says

    1- GFC Follower


  495. Allison Downes says

    2- GFC Follower


  496. Allison Downes says

    1- Email Subbie


  497. Allison Downes says

    2- Email subbie


  498. Allison Downes says

    I have your button


  499. Allison Downes says

    Tropicana Twitter Follower | @Olivewoodbooks


  500. Allison Downes says

    Mom Spotted Twitter Follower | @Olivewoodbooks


  501. Allison Downes says

    Tropicana FB Fan | Allison Downes


  502. Allison Downes says

    Mom Spotted FB Fan | Allison Downes


  503. Allison Downes says
  504. Brenda Gaines says

    it gives me the energy needed to start my day

  505. Brenda Gaines says

    gfc follower as Brenda Gaines 1

  506. Brenda Gaines says

    gfc follower as Brenda Gaines 2

  507. Brenda Gaines says

    email subscriber 1

  508. Brenda Gaines says

    email subscriber 2

  509. Brenda Gaines says

    follow tropicana on twitter as showdown561

  510. Brenda Gaines says

    i follow you on twitter as showdown561 and tweeted!/showdown561/status/155701989974618112

  511. Brenda Gaines says

    i like you on fb

  512. Brenda Gaines says

    i like tropicana on fb

  513. won says
  514. won says
  515. CherylS22 says

    It’s quick & nutritious.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  516. CherylS22 says

    Already a GFC public follower (CherylS22)

  517. CherylS22 says

    Already a GFC public follower (CherylS22)

  518. CherylS22 says

    E-mail subscriber

  519. CherylS22 says

    E-mail subscriber

  520. CherylS22 says

    I’m a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook (Cheryl EntryAccount)

  521. CherylS22 says

    I’m a Fan of Tropicana on Facebook (Cheryl EntryAccount)

  522. CherylS22 says
  523. CherylS22 says
  524. Mary Beth Elderton says
  525. Mary Beth Elderton says
  526. scottsgal says

    it’s healthy and has vitamins to start my day

  527. scottsgal says

    like you on fb
    cheryl s

  528. scottsgal says

    like tropicana on fb
    cheryl s

  529. Richard Morris says
  530. Michelle C says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it tastes like a treat even though it’s healthy! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  531. Michelle C says

    1. Following with Google Friend Connect
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  532. Michelle C says

    2. Following with Google Friend Connect
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  533. Michelle C says

    1. Subscribed via email
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  534. Michelle C says

    2. Subscribed via email
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  535. Michelle C says

    I have your button on my sidebar!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  536. Michelle C says
  537. Michelle C says

    I like you on facebook – michelle chappell
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  538. Michelle C says

    I like Tropicana on facebook – michelle chappell
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  539. Kristen says

    ….because it’s full of potassium!

  540. Kristen says

    I follow on GFC

  541. Kristen says

    I follow on GFC (2)

  542. Kristen says

    I have your button on my blog

  543. Donna B. says
  544. Donna B. says
  545. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  546. Joye Rast says

    It help fight off colds

  547. Joye Rast says

    I follow with GFC-JaydensGrandma #1

  548. Joye Rast says

    I follow with GFC-JaydensGrandma #2

  549. Joye Rast says

    I subscribe via email #1

  550. Joye Rast says

    I subscribe via email #2

  551. Joye Rast says

    I like you on facebook-Joye R

  552. won says
  553. Richard Morris says
  554. won says
  555. won says

    Pesto Spinach Stuffed Shells Recipe

  556. Amber says
  557. Amber says
  558. Mary Beth Elderton says
  559. Mary Beth Elderton says
  560. Pat R says

    because it jump starts my day without caffeine.

  561. Pat R says

    I follow you on FB.

  562. Pat R says

    I subscribed to you on email.

  563. Pat R says

    I became a fan on FB.

  564. Pat R says

    I became a fan of Tropicana on FB.

  565. CherylS22 says
  566. Cortney says
  567. victoria lester says
  568. victoria lester says
  569. Suzanne K says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it helps me ward off the colds that find their way home with my daughter! And, we all know, moms aren’t allowed to get sick!

  570. Suzanne K says

    public GFC follower sksweeps

  571. Suzanne K says

    public GFC follower sksweeps #2

  572. Suzanne K says

    I like Mom Spotted on facebook as Suzannek Sweeps

  573. Suzanne K says

    I like Tropicana on facebook as SuzanneK Sweeps

  574. Diane F says

    Its healthy and has vitamins.

  575. Diane F says

    email subscriber #1

  576. Diane F says

    email subscriber #2

  577. Lindsay S says
  578. nannypanpan says

    it starts my day out sweet
    nannypanpan at

  579. nannypanpan says

    nannypanpan at

  580. nannypanpan says

    e-mail 2

  581. nannypanpan says

    gfc nannypanpan

  582. nannypanpan says

    gfc 2

  583. Lori says

    it immediately gives me a little sweetness boost to wake up!

  584. Michelle C says
  585. Donna B. says
  586. Donna B. says
  587. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  588. Kristy Thiel says

    …because I feel as though it gives me more energy!

  589. Kristy Thiel says

    I follow you on GFC!

  590. Kristy Thiel says

    I follow you on GFC! (2)

  591. won says
  592. won says
  593. Anissa says

    it wakes me up and gives me something to get me out of bed 😉

  594. Anissa says

    RSS follower 1

  595. Anissa says

    RSS follower 2

  596. Anissa says

    I get your emails 1

  597. Anissa says

    I get your emails 2

  598. Anissa says
  599. Richard Morris says
  600. CherylS22 says
  601. Michelle C says
  602. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/9!/ljatwood/status/156490595932708864
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  603. Mary Beth Elderton says
  604. Mary Beth Elderton says
  605. Marcia Goss says
  606. victoria lester says
  607. victoria lester says
  608. Amber says
  609. Amber says
  610. Lindsay S says
  611. Donna B. says
  612. Donna B. says
  613. Vanessa says

    it is a healthy start to the day.

  614. Marcia Goss says
  615. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  616. won says
  617. won says
  618. won says

    Baby Names, Back Aches, and Third Trimester!

  619. Richard Morris says
  620. Mary Beth Elderton says
  621. Mary Beth Elderton says
  622. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/10!/ljatwood/status/156841991802593280
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  623. CherylS22 says
  624. …………it’s full of fiber and vitamin c

  625. I am following your blog via networked blogs (Shiloh K)

  626. I am subscribed to your email newsletter under (shilohleah (at) yahoo (dot) com

  627. I am following Tropicana on twitter (@mckinneymommas)

  628. Left a comment on a non-giveaway post ” Baby Names, Back Aches, and Third Trimester!” – p.s. congrats! 🙂

  629. victoria lester says
  630. victoria lester says
  631. Ladytink_534 says

    It helps me get the vitamins I need

  632. Ladytink_534 says

    I’m a GFC follower: Ladytink_534

  633. Ladytink_534 says

    2.I’m a GFC follower: Ladytink_534

  634. Ladytink_534 says

    Email Subscriber

  635. Ladytink_534 says

    2.Email Subscriber

  636. Ladytink_534 says
  637. Ladytink_534 says

    I LIKE you on FB~ Jen Tink

  638. Ladytink_534 says

    I LIKE them on FB~ Jen Tink

  639. Ladytink_534 says
  640. April G says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it’s good for my body and tastes great!

  641. April G says

    I’m a public GFC follower (April G).

  642. April G says

    I’m a public GFC follower (April G), entry 2.

  643. April G says

    I’m an email subscriber.

  644. April G says

    I’m an email subscriber, entry 2.

  645. April G says

    I’m a fan of your Facebook page.

  646. Annmarie W. says

    …because I can start the day feeling like I’ve done something healthy for myself!

  647. Annmarie W. says

    I follow on GFC! (amweeks) -#1

  648. Annmarie W. says

    I follow on GFC! (amweeks) -#2

  649. Annmarie W. says

    I subscribe via email! -#1

  650. Annmarie W. says

    I subscribe via email! -#2

  651. Annmarie W. says

    I follow TropicanaOJ on twitter! (amweeks)

  652. Annmarie W. says
  653. Michelle C says
  654. Donna B. says
  655. victoria lester says
  656. victoria lester says
  657. Marcia Goss says
  658. Richard Morris says
  659. won says
  660. CherylS22 says
  661. Cortney says
  662. won says
  663. won says

    Wordless Wednesday – Brotherly Love!

  664. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/11!/ljatwood/status/157191437128183808
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  665. Mary Beth Elderton says
  666. Mary Beth Elderton says
  667. Amber says
  668. Amber says
  669. Michelle C says
  670. hannah says
  671. hannah says
  672. Donna B. says
  673. Donna B. says
  674. carla Pullum says

    It gives me all the vitamins I need to start my day!

  675. Kimberly B. says

    Because it is healthy, tastes so good and gives me energy to get started in the morning.

  676. Marcia Goss says
  677. Richard Morris says
  678. won says
  679. kindra baron says

    It’s much more healthy than the cup of coffee I tend to reach for! 🙂


  680. kindra baron says

    #1- I subscribe to your e-mails


  681. kindra baron says

    #2- I subscribe to your e-mails


  682. kindra baron says

    I’m a fan of your FB page & I left a comment on there

    Kindra Baron

  683. kindra baron says

    I’m a fan of Tropicana’s FB page

    Kindra Baron

  684. kindra baron says
  685. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/12!/ljatwood/status/157549618253660161
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  686. won says

    Fast & Easy Tortellini Vegetable Soup #Recipe

  687. Mary Beth Elderton says
  688. Mary Beth Elderton says
  689. victoria lester says
  690. victoria lester says
  691. McKim says

    It tastes great and it’s good for me!

  692. McKim says

    I’m a follower via GFC.1

  693. McKim says

    I’m a follower via GFC.2

  694. McKim says

    I’m an e-mail subscriber.1

  695. McKim says

    I’m an e-mail subscriber,.2

  696. McKim says

    I ‘like’ Mom Spotted on facebook.

  697. McKim says

    I ‘like’ Tropicana on facebook.

  698. Amber says
  699. Amber says
  700. Donna B. says
  701. Donna B. says
  702. Marcia Goss says
  703. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  704. Tara says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because
    it tastes great and helps keep my healthy!

  705. Tara says

    gfc follower (Tara Huff)

  706. Tara says

    Tropicana twitter follower

  707. Tara says
  708. Tara says

    like you on facebook (Tara Huff)

  709. Tara says

    like Tropicana on facebook (Tara Huff)

  710. Richard Morris says
  711. won says
  712. won says
  713. won says

    Fiesta Beef & Black Bean Enchiladas with VELVEETA® and Ro*Tel® Recipe

  714. CherylS22 says
  715. victoria lester says
  716. victoria lester says
  717. Mary Beth Elderton says
  718. Mary Beth Elderton says
  719. it boosts my immune system.


  720. Donna B. says
  721. Donna B. says
  722. victoria lester says
  723. victoria lester says
  724. Richard Morris says
  725. Mary Beth Elderton says
  726. Mary Beth Elderton says
  727. hannah says
  728. hannah says
  729. Mary says

    I like the exersaucers.

  730. Katie S says

    Orange juice is a great way to start my morning because being pregnant, I need to have a good breakfast and orange juice never upsets my sensitive stomach. In fact, I’ve been craving orange juice since becoming pregnant! It’s a good way for me to add more Vitamin C, Calcium and Vitamin D in my diet.

  731. Katie S says

    I’m a public follower of your blog #1

  732. Katie S says

    I’m a public follower of your blog #2

  733. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…It gives me the vitamin and mineral boost I need to start my day right 🙂

    Thank you for this great giveaway!

  734. I follow through GFC under Kayla @ TheEclecticElement!


  735. I follow through GFC under Kayla @ TheEclecticElement!


  736. I subscribe via email


  737. I subscribe via email


  738. Marcia Goss says
  739. won says
  740. won says
  741. I follow Tropicana on Twitter @TheEclecticE

  742. I follow you on Twitter @TheEclecticE as well and I tweeted:!/TheEclecticE/status/158369405405900801

  743. I’m a fan of yours on Facebook under Kayla P.

  744. I’m a fan of Tropicana on Facebook under Kayla P. as well

  745. Michelle C says
  746. Donna B. says
  747. Donna B. says
  748. Amanda Alvarado says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…it gives me the vitamin C I need to help keep my body from catching all the winter sickies that are going around!

  749. Amanda Alvarado says

    Follow via GFC 1 – Amanda Alvarado

  750. Amanda Alvarado says

    Follow via GFC 2 – Amanda Alvarado

  751. Amanda Alvarado says

    Subscribed via email 1

  752. Amanda Alvarado says

    Subscribed via email 2

  753. Amanda Alvarado says
  754. Amanda Alvarado says

    Like Tropicana on FB – Amanda Alvarado

  755. Amanda Alvarado says

    Like your new page on FB – Amanda Alvarado

  756. kelley wood says

    it really wakes me up in the morning being so refreshing!

  757. kelley wood says

    email subscriber

  758. kelley wood says

    your fb fan

  759. kelley wood says
  760. kelley wood says

    follow gfc

  761. Marcia Goss says
  762. victoria lester says
  763. victoria lester says
  764. won says
  765. Richard Morris says
  766. Mary Beth Elderton says
  767. Mary Beth Elderton says
  768. won says
  769. Jamie says

    it tastes great and I feel like it gives me a boost of vitamin C!

  770. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/15!/ljatwood/status/158740026904162304
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  771. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…
    it tastes great and is so much better for me than coffee.

  772. Michelle C says
  773. I liked both you and Tropicana on facebook.

  774. Donna B. says
  775. Donna B. says
  776. kelley wood says
  777. won says
  778. Kelly says

    It’s a good start to my day, and it tastes awesome!! Love O.J.

  779. Kelly says

    Subscribe to your email.

  780. Kelly says

    Like you on FB

    Kelly C.

  781. Kelly says

    Like Tropicana on FB

    Kelly C.

  782. Kelly says

    Follow you pubclicly on GC@Sarafan2 #1

  783. Kelly says

    Follow you pubclicly on GC@Sarafan2 #2

  784. Kelly says

    Subscribe to email #2

  785. Kelly says
  786. CherylS22 says
  787. won says
  788. won says

    Commented on
    pediped® footwear launches the pediped® Rewards Program with “Purchases with Purpose” Fundraising Sale

  789. Mary Beth Elderton says
  790. Mary Beth Elderton says
  791. Robin says

    It gives me a big boost of vitamin C

  792. Marcia Goss says
  793. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because… it’s a great way to top off breakfast!

  794. I like Tropicana on facebook

  795. I follow Tropicana on twitter

  796. I like you on facebook!

  797. victoria lester says
  798. victoria lester says
  799. Lisa says

    …it is delicious and healthy.

  800. Lisa says

    I follow tropicana on twitter–Lisa_Pecora

  801. Lisa says
  802. Michelle C says
  803. laurie says

    it goes so good with whatever I have for breakfast.

  804. Donna B. says
  805. Donna B. says
  806. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  807. eleanor r says

    I need to drink something other than coffee.

  808. Mary Beth Elderton says
  809. Mary Beth Elderton says
  810. Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because I can get things done in time.

  811. GFC follower #1 – miss.brooks9

  812. GFC follower #2 – miss.brooks9

  813. email subscriber #1

  814. email subscriber #2

  815. your blog button is on my blog far down right… #1

  816. Follow Tropicana on Twitter via @4evamamii

  817. Follow Momspotted via @4evamamii

  818. facebook fan of momspotted

  819. facebook fan of tropicana

  820. “It taste to yummy” 🙂

    mhcommet (at) yahoo (dot) com

  821. Jen G says

    …because orange juice taste better with medicine that milk! =P

  822. Jen G says

    Following you on Twitter and NetworkedBlogs ~ @GricefullyHSing

  823. Jen G says

    Following on Twitter and Tweeted about the giveaway!

  824. Jen G says

    Liked Mom Spotted on Facebook.

  825. won says
  826. won says
  827. Michelle C says
  828. CherylS22 says
  829. Linda says

    because by taking it in the morning it gives me two of my daily fruit servings!

  830. amy deeter says

    keeps me energetic

  831. amy deeter says

    i follow tropicana on twitter

  832. amy deeter says

    gfc follower 1

  833. amy deeter says

    gfc follower 2

  834. Jacob LaFountaine says

    it gives you a nice taste boost

  835. victoria lester says
  836. victoria lester says
  837. kelley wood says
  838. Amanda says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…it gives me that little energy boost I need! Plus, it’s full of vitamins!

  839. Donna B. says
  840. Donna B. says
  841. Lynette Mattke says

    …it tastes great and it is healthy.

  842. won says
  843. won says
  844. BMackey says

    for my older daughter, i would love to have the alphabet train puzzle. but i would love to win the prize pack for my niece/nephew due in a couple of months.

  845. BMackey says

    i follow mom spotted #1

  846. BMackey says

    i follow mom spotted #2

  847. Mary Beth Elderton says
  848. Mary Beth Elderton says
  849. kelley wood says
  850. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  851. Marcia Goss says
  852. Michelle C says
  853. Kelly Lebo says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because….

    It’s full of so many vitamins and a kick start to my families day.

  854. Kelly Lebo says

    I am a follower on your blog

  855. Kelly Lebo says

    I suscribe to your emails

  856. Kelly Lebo says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter

  857. Kelly Lebo says
  858. Kelly Lebo says

    I am a fan of Tropicana on Facebook

  859. Donna B. says
  860. Donna B. says
  861. Jen says

    …because it’s the best source of vitamin C

  862. Jennifer H says

    It helps me feel refreshed and healthy

  863. Jennifer H says

    email sub

  864. Jennifer H says

    email 2

  865. Jennifer H says


  866. Jennifer H says


  867. Jennifer H says

    ur fb fan (J Cochrane Hay)

  868. Jennifer H says
  869. Mary Beth Elderton says
  870. Mary Beth Elderton says
  871. Jen says

    gfc follow


  872. Jen says

    GFC follow #2

  873. Jen says

    I email subscribe #1

  874. Jen says

    I subscribe #2

  875. Jen says

    I follow tropicana on twitter


  876. Jen says
  877. kelley wood says
  878. mindy says

    it gets me going

  879. Shelley C. says

    it is a great pick me up.

  880. Shelley C. says
  881. Shelley C. says

    I Follow Tropicana on Twitter @mrspoofa.

  882. Shelley C. says

    I Became a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook

  883. Shelley C. says

    I like Tropicana on fb

  884. Shelley C. says
  885. won says
  886. won says
  887. won says

    Commented on
    Sesame Street’s ‘I’m Elmo And I Know It’ : Kid-Friendly Parody Version Of LMFAO’s Hit Song ! Love

  888. won says

    Commented on
    Wordless Wednesday – Facebook Updates

  889. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/19!/ljatwood/status/160052188406747136
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  890. Marcia Goss says
  891. victoria lester says
  892. victoria lester says
  893. …I’m not a big foodie in the morning and OJ gives me the nutrition I need to start the day off right!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  894. I’m a Google Friend (follower): Cori Westphal
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  895. Michelle C says
  896. I’m a Google Friend (follower): Cori Westphal
    Entry 2

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  897. I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com.
    Entry 1

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  898. I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com.
    Entry 2

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  899. I have your main button (it’s alphabetical):

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  900. I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  901. I like Tropicana on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  902. Donna B. says
  903. Donna B. says
  904. angie says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it gives an energy boost to make it through the morning.

  905. Desiree Dunbar says

    …because it is a great way to get Vitamin C.

  906. Desiree Dunbar says

    email subscriber

  907. Desiree Dunbar says

    facebook fan of Mom Spotted

  908. Shelley C. says
  909. Desiree Dunbar says

    follow Tropicana on twitter

  910. kelley wood says
  911. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  912. Mary Beth Elderton says
  913. Mary Beth Elderton says
  914. won says
  915. nicky korson says

    …it tastes great!


    because Tropicana wakes me UP!

  917. Marcia Goss says
  918. I like the Voice Activated Crib Light. =)

  919. won says
  920. Angela Winesburg says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because its tasty and full of the vitamins my body needs!

  921. Angela Winesburg says

    Following via GFC (hotsnotty2), thanks!

  922. Angela Winesburg says

    Following via GFC (hotsnotty2), thanks!2

  923. Angela Winesburg says

    Email Subscriber, thanks!

  924. Angela Winesburg says

    Email Subscriber, thanks!2

  925. Angela Winesburg says
  926. Angela Winesburg says

    Following TropicanaOJ via Twitter (@Hotsnotty2), Thanks!

  927. CherylS22 says
  928. won says

    Dealing with Gender Disappointment

  929. won says

    Hospital Bag – Packing Your Hospital Bag for Labor & Delivery!

  930. Michelle C says

    Great way to start my morning.

  932. Erica C. says

    …it gives my senses a tangy pep-tart!

  933. monte says

    Orange juice is a great way to start the day

  934. Donna B. says
  935. Donna B. says
  936. Ann B. says

    ….it’s a healthy way to start the day!

  937. Ann B. says

    Blog follower
    Ann Babenco

  938. Ann B. says

    Blog follower
    Ann Babenco

  939. Ann B. says

    email subscriber

  940. Ann B. says

    email subscriber

  941. Ann B. says

    Follow Tropicana on Twitter

  942. Ann B. says
  943. Ann B. says

    FB Fan
    Ann Babenco

  944. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  945. Megan M says

    Orange juice is an EXCELLENT way to start my morning because it helps with my blood sugar:)


  946. Caryn S says

    it provides my Vitamin C for the day

  947. Caryn S says

    GFC follower, entry 1

  948. Caryn S says

    GFC follower, entry 2

  949. kelley wood says
  950. Mary Beth Elderton says
  951. Mary Beth Elderton says
  952. Angela H says is healthy and makes me happy. 🙂

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  953. Angela H says

    GFC follower #1

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  954. Angela H says

    GFC follower #2

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  955. Angela H says

    Email subscriber #1

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  956. Angela H says

    Email subscriber #2

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  957. Angela H says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter. @thisisme79

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  958. Gloria S says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it perks me up.

  959. Angela H says

    I follow you on Twitter and tweeted. @thisisme79!/thisisme79/status/160791233684447232

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  960. Angela H says

    I like you on Facebook. Angela H

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  961. Gloria S says

    I like Mom Spotted on facebook

  962. Angela H says

    I like Tropicana on Facebook. Angela H

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  963. Angela H says

    Posted on Facebook.

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

  964. CherylS22 says
  965. Shelley C. says
  966. Kim Henrichs says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because…it tastes great and puts me in a good mood.

  967. Kim Henrichs says

    email subscriber skyejaden at gmail dot com

  968. Kim Henrichs says
  969. Daniel M says

    it’s good for you!

  970. margeparge says

    Because I easily get one of my daily servings of fruit!

  971. margeparge says

    I like TRop50 on FB

  972. margeparge says

    Subscribed to your email newsletter

  973. meme says

    It is good and good for you too!

  974. meme says

    email subscriber 1

  975. meme says

    email subscriber 2

  976. won says
  977. won says
  978. Michelle C says
  979. Rachel Kolker says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because it gives me energy!

  980. victoria lester says
  981. victoria lester says
  982. Leona P says

    It is full of vitamins

  983. hannah says
  984. hannah says
  985. Donna B. says
  986. Donna B. says
  987. Marcia Goss says
  988. kelley wood says
  989. Angela H says
  990. Barbara Bee says

    … because it’s delicious and gives me a reason to get up in the morning.

  991. Barbara Bee says

    I like Mom Spotted on FB.

  992. Barbara Bee says

    I like Tropicana on FB.

  993. Shari Lynn Alligood says
  994. won says
  995. julieh says

    It makes me feel energized after drinking it

  996. julieh says

    gfc follower julieh #1

  997. julieh says

    gfc follower julieh #2

  998. julieh says

    email subscriber #1

  999. julieh says

    email suscriber #2

  1000. julieh says

    follow trop on twitter–honeypie411

  1001. julieh says
  1002. julieh says

    like you on fb–julie hawkins

  1003. julieh says

    like trop on fb–julie hawkins

  1004. julieh says
  1005. Mary Beth Elderton says
  1006. Mary Beth Elderton says
  1007. CherylS22 says
  1008. won says
  1009. Carmen N says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because… it gives me another serving of fruit for my day. (Not to mention that it’s refreshing and tastes good!)

  1010. Carmen N says

    I’m pretty sure I’m a follower, although all I see is this message: “This gadget is configured incorrectly. Webmaster hint: Please ensure that “Friend Connect Settings – Home URL” matches the URL of this site.”

  1011. Debra F says

    Orange juice is a great way for me to start my morning because the vitamin c wards off all the germs from the students I teach all day.

  1012. Debra F says

    I follow you on GFC.

  1013. Debra F says

    I follow you on GFC.

  1014. Debra F says

    I follow tropicana on twitter

  1015. Debra F says
  1016. Debra F says

    I like you on Facebook
    Debra Ford

  1017. Debra F says

    I like tropicana on Facebook
    Debra Ford

  1018. Debra F says
  1019. Terry Cross says

    because it gives me the energy to start my day

  1020. Terry Cross says

    GFC- tlcfromtn #1

  1021. Terry Cross says

    GFC- tlcfromtn #2

  1022. Terry Cross says

    I follow Tropicana on Twitter- tlcfromtn

  1023. Terry Cross says
  1024. It is a great way to start the morning because vitamin C is great for you.

  1025. Terry Cross says

    Fan of Tropicana on Facebook

  1026. tracey johnson says

    it taste great and is great for me

  1027. Ed Nemmers says

    ,,,a day without orange juice is like a day without vitamin C!

  1028. Julie says

    it tastes great and is good for me too

  1029. sarah t says

    because i love the taste and it’s good for me

  1030. Lori A. says

    daily tweet 1/22!/ljatwood/status/161246506857402368
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  1031. Michelle C says
  1032. Karen Gonyea says

    It is delicious !!

  1033. Terri Martin says

    It is delicious and makes me happy as I am walking out the door.

  1034. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    it gives me the energy to get thru the morning
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  1035. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    GFC follow 1
    Valerie Taylor Mabrey
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  1036. kim e says

    it wakes me up quickly.

  1037. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    GFC follow 2
    Valerie Taylor Mabrey
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  1038. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    email subscriber
    vmkids3 at msn dot com