I don’t know about your family but Christmastime definitely puts most families I know on a financial strain. Could you imagine winning $100,000 right now? Not only would that pay for my families entire Christmas but it would also allow us to pay off all our debt, finish building our home, take a vacation, and still have money left over!
American Express has an amazing sweepstakes on their site going on right now that could let you win just that! $100,000!! You’d have to pick me up off the floor if I won that. Before you start counting all the many ways you could use that money, you need to enter it. So here’s the website: www.amexgiftcard.com/holiday2010
Imagine giving your friends or loved ones a gift and finding out later that it is worth more— $10,000, or even $100,000. In time for holiday shopping, American Express Gift Cards is introducing “Season of Surprises,” its new holiday promotion where $250,000 in prizes is up for grabs – including a $100,000 grand prize.
This year, thousands of American Express Gift Cards will be worth more.* Those who receive an American Express Gift Card can go online at americanexpress.com/holiday2010 to enter their Gift Card number and see if they have won one of 2,000 $25 Gift Cards or ten $10,000 instant win prizes. Once online, consumers will also be entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to win the grand prize of $100,000. The promotion runs from November 15 until February 1, 2011.
Gift Cards Remain Popular
According to a recent study** conducted by American Express, gift cards remain the most popular item consumers will give this holiday season (53%). In addition, some consumers are getting creative with holiday shopping funds—using unused gift cards they received in the past to cover their holiday shopping costs (12%).The average American will spend $710 on holiday gifts this year.More about American Express Gift Cards
American Express Gift Cards have no fees after purchase — no fees for activation, no fees for checking a balance, no fees for monthly servicing, no fees for card replacement, and the funds on the cards never expire. Replaceable for free if lost or stolen, the American Express Gift Card is available in denominations from $25 to $500, with an upfront purchase price ranging from $2.95 to $6.95. American Express Gift Cards can be redeemed at U.S. retailers and restaurants that accept American Express Cards, and can be purchased at more than 70,000 retail outlets and online at americanexpress.com/gift. Gift Cards cannot be used at cruise lines, for recurring billing charges, at casinos or ATMs. See additional terms and conditions at americanexpress.com/gift.
American Express has offered Mom Spotted readers a total of $500 in Gift Cards!
FIVE WINNERS! (5) $100 Gift Cards!!!
Gift Certificates will come in packs of $25 GC’s.
1.) Tell me why your family/friend deserves the Season of Surprises this holiday and chance to win a $100,000 Gift Card prize
2.) Become a follower on my blog (publicly- privately does not count)-leave another comment (or let me know if you already are) – 2 entries
3.) Subscribe to my blog by EMAIL (not feed) – 2 entries
4.) Blog about my giveaway- with a link back to here AND American Express Contest Page 4 entries (get two more if you include a photo of the giveaway).
Post YOUR blog entry first and then the comment (please include the link directly to it not to your front page, and make an additional comment then the ones above.)
5.) Add my Mom Spotted button to your blog
6.) Enter the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes – 5 entries
Win in @MomSpotted’s $500 American Express Gift Card Giveaway! #giveaway ends 12.10 US & CAN http://wp.me/p18qpn-1yb
~this can be done once daily~
8.) Become a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook– leave me a comment
9.) Post on your facebook home page (1x daily):
Win an American Express Gift Card in @MomSpotted’s $500 American Express Gift Card Giveaway! #giveaway ends 12.10 US & CAN http://wp.me/p18qpn-1yb
(Make sure it links to me & put link in comment)
10.) Leave a relevant comment on any non-giveaway post (reviews are ok)
Check the side bar to the right for list!)
That’s many chances to win one of Five American Express Gift Cards this holiday season!!!
Contest ends December 10th at 11:59pm!
***USA & Canada Only***
This would be great for me. This past summer I had three surgeries so I have a few bills that I have been sent and I also have not had a paycheck coming in for a bit.
I could use the 100,000 so that I can spend more time with my kids. Right now my husband is not working so I work 12-14 hours a day, I feel like I never get to see my babies.
theclothspring at hotmail
My father in law lost his job almost 3 years ago and hasn’t gotten a steady job since, just side jobs, and my mother in law has only worked odd jobs here and there, since she needed foot surgery (piled with medical bills). They deserve a boost!
My husband deserves to win because he’s such a hard worker.
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already a follower 2
I follow your blog publicly in GFC
I think this would be perfect for us because we are so in debt!! This would so pay off the Credit Cards previous bills, Hospital bills and Car payments but it would secure our future as a family. It would help us buy a home to raise JoHanna in and help start a college fund. It’ll set my mind to ease worrying everyday on what bill has to be paid and being able to continue to be a stay at home mom 🙂
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My Partner and I are raising our 7 year old and I am out of work. I am applying for disability but it’s a long process. It would be nice to have the extra money for the holidays.
I like you on Facebook under the name Mary Happymommy
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already followed your blog. 🙂
I could sure use some extra money for xmas and sure who could use an extra 100,000
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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I subscribe to your blog through email #2
Every year for the last….ever we’ve had to buy practical gifts due to fridge breakdown, dryer dies, water heater bust, this year my husband needs new tires boo!
GFC follower
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
GFc follower
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
I deserve to win one because I’m a newly single mom going through a separation/divorce. Money is tight and an extra bit of money would make a WORLD of difference this holiday season!!
I’m a blog follower!!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway! http://twitter.com/#!/caseydeuce/status/9783410520231936
I gotcha on FB!
Public follower #1
Public follower #2
We had a tough year, as did so many people…job loss, new baby, medical diagnoses, etc. It would just be so great to get some GOOD news! (Plus we’d be able to pay off our house and put money in the bank…it would be lovely to have that extra money every month!)
follow on twitter as nicjosemm and tweeted
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
I posted on the A Couch With A View FB page!
Your button is on my site on the giveaway linky page!
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I would love to see my sister win the grand prize. She has been working jobs for awhile now . But, in her free time she traps feral cats and has them spayed or neutered at her job {an animal hospital and boarding facility}. She has put a lot of money and time into helping prevent the over-population {a never ending battle} of cats in her area. So far she has been successful in two areas {behind a bar and behind a Wendy’s} with safely trapping and transporting cats to the animal hospital and then releasing them back into the wild. Anyway…I would love to see her win this because then she would be able to live her dream…owning her own sort of rescue/clinic.
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
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reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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button on my blog… mythisnthatlife.blogspot.com
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I have the button: http://2everythinginbetween.blogspot.com/
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I entered the sweepstakes today!
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
I entered the sweepstakes today!
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I entered the sweepstakes today!
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I entered the sweepstakes today!
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bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
This would be most awesome win yet! We are very tight this year and we have always had the kids buy a gift each for those less fortunate. This year we can’t afford that but…. with a spare $100 or such we can keep them in the giving spirit!
On Facebook , added this giveaway to page =)
My family works really hard all year, and some struggle. It would be great for any family member to be a recipient of a larger amount card!
My family deserves the chance to win the $100,00 grand prize because they’ve supported me my whole life, when I was sick in my teens, they did everything possible to help me. Now I’m in medical school and they are trying to help me as much as possible so I’ll have less debt. My dad’s car just got totaled by a deer and I’d love to be able to help him get a new car.
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My husband deserves to win because his birthday is 12 days before x-mas and every year he gets combined gifts because we don’t have the funds around this time of year. I would love to surprise him with a giftcard so he can get something extra special for himself.
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my list of why i could use this would be much to long, but like many people this last few years has been a huge struggle and being a single mom with 3 kids every day is a fight to get by , this would be such a nice treat to have a little extra , why do we deserve it? well that is hard as i am sure soo many people all need it and deserve it, all i can say is me and my kids all try our best , i find various ways like winning extras for them, things we couldnt afford and my kids (who are teens now) all are very good at being frugal and are soo good at being happy with all we have , they are grateful , which is all i can ask for and they deserve a treat now and then, so i would love to win this and get us all a treat
staceyx at telus dot net
i follow your blog on GFC (roswell)
staceyx at telus dot net
I would love to have this for our family this year as job cuts have affected us and we are already a 1 income family due to health issues. I’d also love to help with our older kids education costs and other family members who are feeling the crunch too as well as some neighbors!
thanks so much!
I’d really like to win this because we’ve had a lot of medical issues lately. The extra money would help sooooo much!
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We could use this money! I have decided this year to be a stay at home mom and money is tight. This would be amazing!
Button: http://theapels.blogspot.com/
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staceyx at telus dot net
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staceyx at telus dot net
Became a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook. alissa spiehs-apel
i am a Fan of Mom Spotted on Facebook stacey dempsey
staceyx at telus dot net
We could use that money as my husband just graduated law school and is working 60-70 hours a week while studying for the bar. We could pay off credit cards, pay down law school loans and he could work less while we wait for a law job.
Commented on: slimpressions seamless control top shaper
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posted on my facebook page stacey dempsey
staceyx at telus dot net
Seeing how I had to quit my job to deal with some health issues, this would be awesome! I would love to win and pay off some dr bills but I know that my mom is very deserving and she could definately use it for whatever, bills, a new kitchen, a few special things for herself!
Thanks for the opportunity!
My husband deserves to win! He has done so much for my family and I as well as the country serving in the Navy for the past 5 years.
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would love to help my parents out! My dad is fighting for his life with stage 4 lung cancer, has massive bills and the dental office my mom works for isn’t doing as well.. so they cut her hours in half, they could really use the help this year
We could really used anything we win. My hubby had an 18,000 pay cut back in February and we have not recovered from it. My daughter lost her job in October which has not helped. It would just be nice to have a little bit of money at the the end of the month instead of month left at the end of the money.
Merry Christmas Jennifer! I am following you all over…. Posted on my Facebook, tweet, tweet, follow you publicly, etc, etc.. 🙂
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Wow I would love to win 100K so we could pay off our debt and have a better chance at selling our house.
Already a follower- 1
Already a follower- 2
I would love to win this for my whole family. It has been a tough couple of years for all of us. Especially my mom. She is disabled so she cant work. My dad works very hard to take care of them. They have a total of 5 daughters, 5 son-in-laws and 12 grandchildren. It is very hard for my mom every year. She wants so bad to give her children and grandchildren a good Christmas but always ends up feeling like she didnt do enough. Buying presents for that many children can really add up. We always tell her not to worry that she doesnt need to buy anyone anything. But I dont think there is a grandmother that exists that would go along with that.
I would really love nothing more then to make my mom happy this Christmas. She lost her mother last year so the holidays are even more difficult then they used to be for her. My mom is amazing. She is so supportive and loving and just the best. I would really love to win this for my mom.
email subscriber- 1
email subscriber- 2
Our budget is pretty tight this year so this would definitely help!
I entered the sweeps..but no win…YET!
I entered the sweeps..but no win…YET!
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eileen r.
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My family deserves a season of surprises this year because we’ve all worked so hard to achieve our goals. The kids are both doing wonderful in college and I’ve gone back also and will graduate soon. We’ve all sacrificed and done without, with an eye on the future for all of us.
I’m a fan on Facebook.
I could really use the extra money for christmas shopping and help pay for some things that need to be replaced on my home.
Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes- 1
I can not even begin to tell you how much we could use this!! We have 5 kids and as everyone knows – it cost a lot to raise a family!! And we could use all the help we could get!!
Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes- 2
Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes- 3
Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes- 4
GFC Follower
Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes- 5
I am a single mother and college student to 1 boy and I have a boyfriend and he as well has 2 small children that we both help take care of. I am out of work and would love to win this gift card so that the kids could have a wonderful holiday this season.
dominican757 at gmail dot com
GFC follower -2
my parents have had a rough 2 years with my 65 year old dad out of a job it’s been rough. they feel guilty taking a mini vacation. I have been taking on their mortgage and its still difficult to make ends me. They refuse to turn on the heat until it’s painfully cold. no one should have to live like this.
My husband works very hard, so I can stay home with our children. And after working hard all day he comes home and works on the house, or does a side job. We don’t have money to buy for each other, so this would enable me to surprise him with a well deserved gift.
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dominican757 at gmail dot com
My family deserves this season of surprises because I have 3 sons and would love to use this to get them something wonderful for Christmas!
already a follower via GFC
+1 Entered the Sweepstakes!
my father in law can use some extra holiday cheer this year as he has been unemployed for a long time now and his unemployment is about to run out. a job would be a great answer to prayer!
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My ex’s mom does so much for her community (the church, the youth group as well as the elders), she definitely deserves the Season of Surprises this holiday! She’s the most selfless person I know.
My family deserves to win the gc because we just have our baby girl and my hubby is currently unemployed. Right now I am the only one working in the family (my mom and my sister living with us too). Would really love to win this gc so I can use the gc to go and get everyone a Christmas present
I could use the $100,000 so I don’t have to work 3 jobs. I miss my family. We’ve been hit hard with the economy
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Gamermom007 at yahoo dot ca
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Gamermom007 at yahoo dot ca
I’d love to win $100,000 to help boost my savings. This economy has been so tough for me these past two years both emotionally and financially. I’d love to take a local vacation and put the rest into savings 🙂
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Gamermom007 at yahoo dot ca
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my husband recently lost his job and is searching for a new one, needless to say we need any help we can get to pay off bills
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Gamermom007 at yahoo dot ca
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imnotarunner already Follows Mom Spotted on Twitter AND Tweet about this giveaway-
Win in @MomSpotted’s $500 American Express Gift Card Giveaway! #giveaway ends 12.10 US & CAN http://wp.me/p18qpn-1yb
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Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes. Not a winner yet.
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Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes. Not a winner yet.
+4 I entered the sweepstakes!
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Following on twitter (Mystee007) and tweeted! http://twitter.com/Mystee007/status/9799395650310145
Gamermom007 at yahoo dot ca
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Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes. Not a winner yet.
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1-entered season of surprises giveaway
This would be so amazing! I would use it to move me and my 13yr old daughter and my parents to a house that isn’t a pile of junk. My mom is 70 this month. She’s blind and has had a hard life. She deserves something like this.
2-entered season of surprises giveaway
Well I’d love to win and put a dent in those student loans, you’re not your own when you’re in debt 🙁
silenttributary at yahoo dot com
posted on my FB homepage.
3-entered season of surprises giveaway
blog follower silenttributary at yahoo dot com
4-entered season of surprises
My family deserves great things because they put up with my husband and I!
mk_mitchell90 at hotmail dot com
We need this for the same reason that everybody else could. It has been a horrible year financially for my family and so many others!
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Posted giveaway link on my FB wall C.J. Jennings http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=160883223955047&id=100000636291206
I think my aunt deserves this. She is now 59 years old. When she was 42 her father (my Grandfather) passed and she took in her mother who had alzheimer’s and her severely mentally challenged brother. At first she tried working and taking care of them both, but as my Grandmother’s Alzheimer’s progressed she had to quit work. She took care of my Grandmother for 10 years, until my Grandmother passed at home in her own bed as she had always wanted. My aunt never had any help until the last 8 months when Hospice started coming in to do what they could. My aunt has not had a day off in 17 years. Her brother still lives with her and she does everything for him. The only break she gets is 4 hours, 3 days a week, when her brother goes to the Reach Program. She basically gave up her own life to take care of her mother and brother and other than Hospice telling her what a great person she was for not putting her mother in a nursing home and her brother’s social worker telling her how great she is for not putting her brother in a group home she has had no thanks and doesn’t expect any.
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5 I entered the sweepstakes!
My family definitely deserves to win because we are always broke! lol. We can never pay all of our bills no matter how hard we try. Especially my parents who have a lot of financial issues. If we won $100,000 it would help ease the stress off of my family which means the world to me! I want everyone to be happy and sleep comfortably without any worry.
Honestly I don’t want to list reasons why we “deserve” it, there are so many people out there that do and just makes me feel bad. I’ll just say that we could really, really use the extra especially this time of year. If we were lucky enough to win the big one I would love to help out my mom who has been out of work since 2008 and in school, my brothers who both can’t work and my sister who has two teen girls, a 16 month old and new born…so I’d stretch it as much as I could between us. Thanks for the chance since awesome bloggers like you that take the time to do giveaways are the only way my family had any kind of Christmas last year and will again this year!!
As a graduate student this semester I have been working without getting a pay check. If that wasn’t hard enough we had to pay for daycare for our 10 month old. Winning a card would be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, although I am sure there are others who need it more than me….
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Nov. 30
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Suzy B.
Nov. 30
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I’m following your blog via GFC!
I am a single mom. I get child support but that only goes so far. I struggle with bills & am huge debt! I’d love to win to pay a few bills!
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My husband is deserving because for the last two years we have been unable to give each other gifts, and have been able only to focus on our children at Christmas. He continually goes without to provide for his family. He deserves a chance to stock up on the things he needs and a few fun things as well!
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
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Im already a follower
I don’t know that I deserve it more than the next person but it would be so nice to close the year out in a positive way. It has been a rough year with the loss of my FIL and a close family friend. Hubby finally found a job after a year and a half but it has left us without much in the bank. The savings has been depleted. The twins are still in diapers and it is not cheap. I have been trying to do a side business to get more money but it has been slow going. Even $20 would help.
would love to win…college savings # 1 on my list!
Your button is located here
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I would love to give this to my husband as both he and I have been without jobs for over a year and we have 2 kids in college.
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girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
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I am a FB fan and I wrote on your wall. Screen name: Jessica Hendrickson
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
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I would love to win this. Not to use on myself, although Iwould love to, but to adopta needy family for Christmas. We just cannot do that ( we can barely pay our bills and live pay check to pay check). We have already bought our kids Christmasover thepast coupleof months. I would love to help the parents of a needy family be able to give a nice Christmas to their children.
Follow publicly w/gfc (lollimom)
I posted the giveaway on my FB page. Screen name: Jessica Hendrickson
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
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my mom deserves it because she’s been through a lot! she’s a cancer survivor and recently lost her house
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I would love to win this for my husband. He deserves a great holiday this year, and financially we are struglling. He is such a great provider and I would love to do something special for him.
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i would love to win so i could give it to my daughter, she is raising her son alone while her fiance is in afgan,she works all kinda hours and doesnt really have any time for herself by the time she gets home , picks baby up at daycare , bathes him, gives him a snack , gets laundry iin machines , finds time to feed herself , and get to bed early enough to start all over again the next morning.after she pays her bills she doesnt have any left so this would definately help her out, thanks
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My friend Margie is selfless. She has 4 kids and a hubby and emphatically says she is blessed x5 . If you count that dog she is blessed x 6 🙂
She does tirelessly for everyone and is a true faithful friend
jtrophy at gmail dot com
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I am now a single mom of 3 boys who is currently undergoing a brutal divorce. Any sort of financial help this holiday season would be a blessing for our family of 4. 🙂
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i would love to win this because my daughter is supporting me right now along with her deceased sisters to children. we are living a tight life with no extra anything. it is really so unfair to her. but we had to take the kids in.
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My parents are struggling this year because their real estate taxes went up. Their home value went down (and they’ve been trying to sell for 18 months) but taxes went up.
They could use some nice gifts for Christmas this year.
What a wonderful giveaway! I could think of tons of things to do with $100,000. We need new windows, some painting done, etc. However, I would love to use a chunk of that money to help my Mom and Dad. Things are tight for them right now and they could really use to have some housework done. Being able to help them would be awesome!
Jeanine Peterson Win an American Express Gift Card in @MomSpotted’s $500 American Express Gift Card Giveaway! #giveaway ends 12.10 US & CAN http://wp.me/p18qpn-1yb
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Jeanine Peterson Win an American Express Gift Card in @MomSpotted’s $500 American Express Gift Card Giveaway! #giveaway ends 12.10 US & CAN http://wp.me/p18qpn-1yb
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Winning the $100 would make it possible for us to have a better than planned Christmas. These past few months have been harder than normal for us and we are now living in debt. 🙁 (This is VERY hard for me.) It is just a season and we are tightening everywhere to get back on track. The holidays are a hard time to do this because we want our kids to have all we can give them and not be concerned or worried about money. If we won the $100,000 it would pay off virtually all of our debt (all of our debt except 1/2 our mortgage). That would be amazing! It would make it possible for us to be on track, save some money and pay off everything we really need to. Then we could think about moving closer to my husband’s work.
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Our family of 5 children, their spouses and our grandchildren only get together once or twice a year because we live in different states. This card would help us with the food for our family gathering at Christmas.
My sister deserves to win because she watches my kids for free while I work. It is so nice to have someone I trust watching them while I am gone.
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we deserve this because we stick together!
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My husband lost his job in an automotive plant two years ago and decided to start all over in his career and become an electrician. He went to school for a year and is now a first year apprentice. He makes barely over minimum wage, and with four kids to take care of, he often thinks he made a mistake in changing careers. That kind of money would relieve us of debt and let him pursue his dreams without worry or guilt.
Im not really sure if i am deserving of such a great gift, but i do know i sure am struggling. i am just finishing up on my associates degree and havent had a job the whole 2 years ive been in school cuz i cant find one that fits around my work schedule and jobs are already hard to come by especially where i live. i am a single mom trying to better myself for my kids.
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I think my mother deserves to win! She is always a wonderful and well-rounded person who is an inspiration to me everyday!
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My family deserves the Season of Surprises this holiday and a chance to win a $100,000 Gift Card prize because we have been working hard all year and paying the bills.We still never have money for the wants. I would love for us to go out to eat or just a weekend getaway!
dmraca at gmail dot com
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I feels weird to write why i deserve it over another person. I think winning any amount would help us tremendsly. He was out of work for almost a year, finally got a job in March only go out on workers comp in june. He just had shoulder surgery and they are unsure if he will be able to go back to his line of work due to so many buldging disks in his neck and back. We had to get a lawyer because the insurance stopped sending workers comp payment. It would be nice to not have to live pay check to paycheck, even for just a little while,
email subscriber
To win 100k would be a mega blessing. We would pay off our mortgage, put some toward retirement and
pay down the parent plus loans we took out to see one off to college – we ran out of money for our child
to finish school. We were not willing to incur any more school loan debt.
If I win the 100.00 American Express card it would be set aside for a new stove. Ours is over 25 years old
and we are tired of putting money into to keep it running.
Chris Ann
I would love to win $100,000 so we could pay off our cars, set up some money for our kids for college, and not have to leave pay check to paycheck.
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money is tight this year and i would love to win this to buy gift for my family.
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My mom just broker her wrist and will be out of work for at least 2 months. This would be great in helping her deal with her fears surrounding money.
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My husband works so hard to provide for us, and he isn’t likely to get much this Christmas…He definitely deserves to win a Season of Surprises!
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$500 American Express Gift Cards Giveaway!
I don’t know about your family but Christmastime definitely puts most families I know on a financial strain. Could you imagine winning $100,000 right now? Not only would that pay for my families entire Christmas but it would also allow us to pay off all our debt, finish building our home, take a vac
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because i want so bad to give my bf a nice holiday. He hasnt had one in years
drea8685 at yahoo dot com
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I just want to give, give, give this year! I want to make everyone’s Christmas special 🙂
We deserve it because we are a young family living on one income trying to pay off business debt and adoption debt! What a blessing that would be!!
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It would help to defray the costs for my parents to fly to stay with us for the holidays. What a great giveaway!!
I don’t think anyone “deserves” to win $100k. I don’t really care what you do. I would very much like to win, but I certainly don’t deserve to. Luckily that doesn’t hurt my chances in a random draw though.
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I think my parents deserve to win the 100,000 giftcard beacuse they have both always worked since before I was born and my mom even work two jobs. I think it is unfair that they work so hard for everything while other people are just handed things or live off the government. I would love to see them take a break and relax for a bit.
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Chelsei Ryan
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My brother deserves it because he’s having a baby, is sooo good to his wife, and puts everyone else first!
Thanks for the chance!
penelopesoasis at yahoo dot com
My daughter deserves to win this because she is a hard worker who has been on her own supporting herself and putting herself thru college
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My family sure could use $100 (I can’t even think about the possibility of the $100,000 – blows my mind). The economy has hit especially hard where we live and my husband (after 2 pay cuts) was forced to look for another job (which still pays significantly less than what we were making a couple years ago). We’re making it work…but a little extra to be able to “splurge” would be awesome!
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I don’t think we deserve it more than anyone else but I know we sure could use an extra $100 right now just because we have been so weighed down and need to get away for some special family time.
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I need and deserve this gift card because I am unemployed right now, and could really really use the extra money.
Well we have also been affected dur to health problems i can no longer work so to go from 2 incomes to 1 is quit a struggle because bills reflect a double income as the saying goes the more you have the more you spend, and all your loans and spending habits are based on a double income, so this would be a releif as the money can go to a bill and take off a little pressure.
I would give this gift card to my sister. She has 2 sons and both of their birthdays is in the month of January. To have birthdays one month after Christmastime is sure to put a strain on her budget. It would be a nice surprise to give this gift to her anonymously! Thanks for the great giveaway!
alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com
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2010 has been a rough year for us (car accidents, surgeries, and more!) and we’re hoping for a much brighter 2011! This would really start it off right!
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This would be a great and cheerful surprise to my mom. I admire how she spends all her time volunteering in the hospital and community.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
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Posted on fB@tcarolinep JEssieKatie S
I don’t know if my family deserves this gift more then any other. I do know that times are tough for many families. It would be great if I won, and I’d probably end-up paying bills with it because that’s just how it is, but I would dream of buying a new set of sheets, or some new dishes to replace my chipped ones, or something for myself for my birthday, but honestly I won’t buy myself anything because it’ll go toward bills if I’d win any money.
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Wow…100,000 would be a Godsend for my family. We don’t make a lot, and have 2 kids with another due in January. If I won 100,000, I would definitely use it to put a large downpayment on a home of our own for our kids to grow up in.
Have your button rocketgirl00 dot blogspot dot com (bottom pg)
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This would be great for me! I am broke right now, and with my family I dont want to scrimp on them during on the holidays
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Deserves to get out of debt and take a vacation because this year has been very hard on all of us
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Like so many families this awesome sweepstakes would mean so much. It would help not only with the holidays but we would finally be out of debt as well as buy a home.
inalak at msn dot com
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I’m sure their are many great people out there who deserve to win more than us. However, we would love to win b/c it has been a tough year. We moved 1000 miles away from our families and have struggling to get back on our feet ever since.
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i think my mom deserves to win, after decades as a janitor work is getting harder and now she takes care of my uncle too.
a little ease in her life would be so great for the sweetest person ever.
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
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we live on a modest income since having twins 2 years ago, this would sure help with Christmas!
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My household would be deserving winners! Both of us adults work as much as possible just to keep up. We live in the Bay Area, so we have to pay $1,350 a month rent just for an average 1 bedroom apartment. Just the rent and regular bills are overwhelming, and keep us both begging for OT on our jobs.
I follow you on twitter @tracylr233 and I tweeted
My mom deserves to win because she is truly selfless. She’s almost 80 and she just never stops. She is always their to lend a helping hand to others, whether it’s driving the people to church (who can no longer drive) to making food for sick friends and helping others with their yard work. She’s a fantastic great-grandma, grandma, mom, and friend.
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Two kids in college and being Dairy farmers with the price of our milk down we could use it
http://twitter.com/mkjmc/status/9922833538875392 tweeted
we need this money since we are expecting #3 (he was a surprise!) We need to buy everything plus my son is turning 5 on Dec 18th!
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reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
This would be perfect as hubby lost his job and is trying to make it as a carpenter on his own. It’s been very tough to start off.
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
I Would really love to win this. Our parents have some debts to pay off and I would really love to help them out since they have been so good to us. Plus, starting a college wouldn’t be a bad idea for my brothers or our LO.
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I could sure use this to buy propane, it’s getting cold!
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After 40years of devoted service my Hubby was forced to retire(or else) this year.
He is only 61, neither one of us is old enough for SS yet! We are not quite ready for this and times will be tight for quite awhile. We are both looking for part-time jobs…Walmart greeters to be? lol
Anyway, it would sure help us out and we would share the wealth if we won, thanks.
Our family deserves to win b/c we truly have great kids and I feel bad we aren’t able to get them more this year for Christmas.
Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com
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Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com
My husband and I would love to win! Between paying $1700 for rent/month for our tiny 1-bedroom apartment, trying to pay off student loans, still trying to find a job after getting my doctorate, and having lots of legal bills and health bills because I’ve been denied health insurance, it’s been tough relying on just 1 person’s income!
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I can’t really say we “deserve” it because there are so many others in much harder situations then we are. But, it would allow me to help with some financial stresses we have but also help others in need.
ljatwood at gmail dot com
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I think its been a tough year for everyone this year,Ive got 7 grandchildren an its been hard fro my to be able to get for them,im on disablity,an its been a lean year
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My family would love to win this. We would put the money towards our pets. They deserve wonderful things too.
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My husband has been laid off for over a year now, it’s going to be a tough Christmas but with the help of some giveaway wins and hopefully, this $100 American Express, it will still be merry.
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My parents could really use this right now they could use a little cheer right now as things have been very tough for them this year.
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lauragmsu at hotmail dot com
lauragmsu at hotmail dot com
My family deserves this because it has been a really rough year for us. It has been rough for my little family as well as my parents.
sugardipes1 at aol dot com
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I know my one girl friend really deserves the Season of Surprises winnings. She has always been so giving of herself, time, money, everything even when it is beyond her means. She has been the first to stick by me when I needed someone and she is the first to step up when her family needs her. I know I would be giving her a gift card or two and hoping she would be the luckiest winner. 🙂
In the past year we have had a baby, my husband has started his own company, and I have stopped working. This is going to be a tight-budgeted Christmas! I think my husband deserves to win because he has basically taken on the work of 3 people!
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We deserve this due to all kinds of personal problems right now (that I won’t get into right now) but we could really use this money!
pricousins at aol dot com
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pricousins at aol dot com
My husband is in the process of getting out of the Army, so unsure of when a job will arrive. We are saving all we can for Christmas presents. We will probably be unable to drive home and visit family for Christmas. This would come in really handy for food and gas. .
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pricousins at aol dot com
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pricousins at aol dot com
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main entry: This would be a blessing to say the least to use and helpout with my family from the job cuts in our family and having to make a lot of changes and sicknesses in our family this would help so much , thanks for the chance
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com
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I like you on facebook as julie cutshaw
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pricousins at aol dot com
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mjcommets at embarqmail dot com
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This would be great for us! I’ve had a horrible year and my car needs snow tires so this would be great to buy those with!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I wrote about this giveaway on my FB page. http://www.facebook.com/nanneyscreek
we deserve to win because are kids and cats have destroyed our carpet and we need new flooring
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On the right scrolling under “places where I hang out”
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes 3
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Entered the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes 5
There are so many reasons my family could use this kind of wonderful surprise! My husband works so hard to give all he can all year round, but money is often tight. About a year ago he finished an MBA program (in the hopes that he could advance his degree and start making money) but he has been unable to find a new, higher paying job with the economy the way it is. We are blessed that we both have jobs, but the whole point of getting the degree was to advance his career. And, on top of that, his student loans are coming due! If we could win this money we could stop stressing about Christmas, pay off his loans, and maybe pay off our cars. That would cause both of us to be very happy and stress free!
I have your button at http://www.nanneyscreek.blogspot.com
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maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
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maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I posted on my blog about your giveaway. http://www.nanneyscreek.blogspot.com
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WHo can’t use this? I would love it because I know a few people who need a little extra something this holiday season. I have some friends out of work and they have kids so I would do something special for them.
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This wouldn’t be for my family. If I win this, it would be for a friend of mine who had really tough year behing her. This would be her Christmas / birthday present 🙂 She has birthday only couple days before Christmas.
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I am a Mom Spotted Facebook friend and left a comment on your wall (Colleen Turner).
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Kathy as Nanneys Creek
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There are plenty of things I want, but I have everything I need. A lot of people are struggling to provide the basics for their families everyday. I would probably donate these cards to needy families
I want to buy my special needs an iPad for communication so this would help! Thanks.
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I Follow Mom Spotted on Twitter AND Tweeted about this giveaway @Mommy2Marlie
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My friend deserves this because she is always doing nice things for others and putting her needs last. She is the best!
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We deserve to win because we’re a one income household. I stay at home with DD (and soon to be baby 2) while DH puts in 14 hour days. Also, DH was rear-ended yesterday and we have liability only on that vehicle.
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We could really use the 100,000 to pay off our mortgage so we can hopefully move closer to our very good friends on the other side of the US. We’re all alone here and stuck with this house.
dayiscoming2006 at yahoo dot com
texastypeamom at gmail dot com
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dayiscoming2006 at yahoo dot com
I’m sure everyone needs these this year. I would say we need them because we are trying to keep a small business a float in this tough economy. I live in Vegas and yesterday it came out and said Vegas has one of the worst economies. Yeah for us.
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