I am kinda annoyed that my hubby said he’d do this with me, and hasn’t. I strongly believe in having a partner as it makes it more enjoyable. Johnny was fun to do it with but only having school hours to find the time means he’s not there.
One thing I have noticed though is “the burn”. I like the burn because you know that you’re body is working. The first week I started the Total Gym XLS I felt more exhausted and out of shape. Now I just feel out of shape, but I can do it. I’m not dreading the full counts and once I take the time to actually sit down and do it it’s really not that bad. Right now I’m trying to find a way to make it a part of my life not finding a way to just “do it”.
So this week I’m going to ask you what you do to help find motivation? What makes you find getting fit a priority in your life?
These are questions I need to start asking myself. I need to stop thinking about it and just making it daily life. It’s a gym, it takes only minutes out of my day. It not only helps me lose weight and gain muscle but its benefiting to my entire overall health.
J. Leigh Designz Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.
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