Yesterday I shared with you my BlogHer highlightsfrom the “blog” aspect but I also was quite the tourist there too. As you know the husband came down for Friday & Saturday night so when I wasn’t off with the girls, scoping out the Expo Hall, or socializing at a sponsored event I was off with him to see as much of the city as possible.Even though I only live a few hours away the two of us have never been to the city together although both of us had been before. Hubby was actually at the World Trade Centers the day before the attack.As you also know this was just my hotel room view. I had to leave the curtains open the entire time.

When we checked out of the hotel Hubby and I drove around to see some landmark sites as well.
9/11 World Trade Center – Ground Zero
to think 9 years later there is still construction going on.

BlogHer was a blast. Both of us had a lot of fun!
I cannot wait to go to San Diego, CA next year! It is one of those locations I have alwayswanted to visit. The hubby and I are already talking about how to make it work.
LOL!The Naked Cowboy!Great pix!My fiance’ is from NY and we are planning on going this summer.I can’t wait because I have never been 🙂