Experience The Wilton Tent Sale!!!

I know I’m skipping the morning festivities but I can’t wait any longer to tell you about the Wilton Tent Sale…that is going on until June 22!! As you know I got my first ever experience of the Tent Sale when I was invited to the 4 day stay called the Wilton MomReTreat! Did you also know that they picked some very lucky winners from facebook to attend as well?
They called it the 2010 Sweet-Up! I’m hoping that means there will also be a 2011, 2012, 2013 oh you know what I getting at! These lucky facebook winners not only got to get a tour of the building but they were also lucky enough to get the remaining copies of the 2011 Wilton Yearbooks that they had on hand before they are even available in stores!
They were also allowed into the Tent Sale a day before opening day and given a 20% discount on their total purchase! If you’re not a fan of Wilton on Facebook yet you should be!
We also were allowed to visit the Tent Sale a day early! This is known around there as Friends & Family Day! Not only were we told we’d also get the 20% off discount but we were also given $150 to spend there and they let us know they’d also pay to ship everything home for us!
How sweet is that?
As you can tell all seven us were beyond thrilled! This was our last official group shot as sadly after the time we had in the tent sale we were losing Caryn, Lori, and Christine who had to leave a day early.
When we arrived we were so excited we missed the sign on the front that said carts were found on the side. We stood there waiting for returned ones lol! For those of you wondering there is no entrance fee and product priced are slashed like crazy!
Look how it goes on forever…
As you can see Shannon & Tanya were smiles from ear to ear. I think we all lost our first 20 minutes just stunned at the door. There aren’t only Wilton Products in this tent but K & Company, Copco, and EK Success as well! The scrapbooker in me was ready to burst at my seams!
It was just isle after isle of products we love!
The lines went incredibly fast even though people had their carts brimming to the rim! I would love for Wilton to invite me back just to be a cashier for an hour lol! It must be amazing to see the amount of stuff people purchase. One of my cashiers said she saw someone buy over $1000 worth of stuff! At the discounted rate I should add! Even through all this craziness my girls were incredibly friendly and so eager to be there. Such a nice change from some of the depressing cashiers back home!
As you can see I didn’t have much self control either as my cart was one of those brimming to the top!
To tell you I couldn’t wait until my boxes arrived when I was home was putting it mildly! SO when Cindy emailed me to let me know my stuff was on the way I started running to the door every time I saw a delivery truck!
My poor Fed Ex man came the day we paved our driveway and had to carry all this to my porch from the road! All 90 lbs of it!
In sheer excitement I started opening the boxes right there. I went to start pulling it inside and realized I could never lay it out as I wouldn’t have the room. So I just pulled out and spread it all over my deck!
The most expensive thing I grabbed at the tent sale ran for $24 and that was my Master Tip Set that normally costs $50 now I’ll have everything I need to make some beautiful cakes. After that the highest price was $13.50, but other then about 5 items most of the product was less then $5! I wish I grabbed some more sprinkles and icing as they ran for $1 each!!!

As you can see I even got a few scrapbooking items such as wooden rubber stamps, stickers, and a Mickey Mouse Scrapbook! Those stamps run for around $15 in stores but were only $1.29 at the tent sale. It was hard not to buy them all!
As you can see the Wilton Tent Sale is an event that can’t be missed. I know some people say it should visit other areas but it would be so hard to move all that product! This is right outside their warehouse and its a wonderful way for them to give back to the community they live with. Many people from all over the country and Canada actually rent tour buses and make the trip in large groups. If you live far away this might be an idea to think of for next year! I know I’m considering it!

If you’d like to check out more on the Mom ReTreat click here and you’ll pull up all my posts about this wonderful event!


  1. MD says

    thanks for the photos! I’m considering going to this event, and your blog gives me an ideal on whether it’s worth it.

  2. Patty says

    Hi, how do you get picked for the wilton mom retreat?

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