So if you are looking for the perfect pair of stylishly comfortable shoes look no further then Lindsay Phillips!
You can purchase SwitchFlops starting at around $35 which is more then affordable with the straps being about $12.00 each!

*Please note if your strap is out of stock a close substitute will be shipped in place of your request*
Congrats Rhonda
You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.
Check the side bar to the right for list!)
That’s many chances to win a cute pair of SwitchFlops!
Contest ends March 12th at 11:59pm!
***USA Only***
J. Leigh Designz Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.
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