~Pencil Me In Cosmetics

I really like the prices too! They retail for $6.99 each which is comparable with other drug store brand cosmetics but to make it even better Pencil Me In has offered you guys a deal to sweeten the pot!
Buy 2, Get 1 Free. Buy 4, get 2 free, and so on. To take advantage of the promotional offer log onto: www.pencilmeincosmetics.com and choose the pencil colors that you would like to purchase then proceed to the shopping cart page. The cost for each pencil is $6.99. On the shopping cart page you will see in purple a link for this promotion. Click on it. The user name and password for this section is the same word: Healthy Choose your free pencils and proceed to check out.
Pencil Me In Cosmetics mailed me a few extras to give out. Since I already have them I can’t promise your colors of choice but you’ll still love them…and maybe if they are different it will inspire your creativity to come out!
You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.
Check the side bar to the right for list!)
That’s many chances to win your own Healthy Eye Liner Pencils!
Contest ends August 6th at 11:59pm!
***USA & Canada Only***
If you would like to be considered for an upcoming feature/review please contact me by email which you can find in my profile. PR Friendly. Thanks!
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