Mark My Time is a great new tracking product for kids! Their digital bookmark starts off with a basic clock so your child can know the time it is and then you can set it to count up or count down. This digital bookmark has received countless awards for not only its ability of tracking time but more importantly its motivating children to read more!
Mark My Time also carries a digital metronome for helping track music practice. I remember when I was younger I played the flute my mother always made my practice in half hour intervals. I never really had a way of tracking my time since it was so loud I often had to practice the cellar where there were no clocks. I would have LOVED having this to track my time. This timer helps track practice time but also is a digital metronome all in one! It received Winner of the National Association of Music Merchants award for “Best new Small Good”.
From their website:
The built-in metronome helps students get with the beat. Featuring an adjustable tempo range of 40/210 bpm, it also includes 5 rhythm settings (with an accent note). The mark-my-time digital bookmark for music also has an enhanced sound that you’re sure to love – the old time solid tick-tock that comes from wind up, wooden metronomes. The sound is less distracting than the high tech pitch that so many digital metronomes of today have chosen. An integrated clip allows students to attach the metronome quickly and easily to sheet music or music stand and it’s slim design allows it to fit easily into any music book.
Want one of your own?
You can purchase directly from the Mark My Time Website.
The Mark My Time Digital Metronome is available for $19.95
The Mark My Time Digital Bookmark is available in 6 great colors for $8.95
Looking for a new great fundraiser for your school? Make sure to go to their site and read about the great options for helping your schools and your children at the same time!
Product also available in store at Barnes & Noble & Borders.
Online at: Target and Fat Brain Toys.
Now that is a great idea!