I was never a coffee drinker growing up, I didn’t even like the smell. Then in high school I got addicted to Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Coffee’s. The addiction grew and I went from French Vanilla over to Coconut. About a year ago I got a hot coffee in the drive thru and actually liked it. After $2+ a cup I realized it would be much cheaper to start making it at home every day. I didn’t own a coffee machine though. A friend of ours was raving on about this one below and thought we’d give it a try.
We bought it at Bed, Bath, & Beyond (of course we used a 20% off coupon LOL) and I LOVE this machine! It works great and I don’t have to worry about breaking any carafe or burning my coffee if I make multiple cups and it takes a few hours to drink.
This is the removable inside. You pour the water in the large tub part and then pour it into the side. The coffee then goes back in there when it brews. There is a washable liner in there so I don’t have to waste any money on those either.
Then whenever you want a cup just push the lever and…Wa-lah!

Looks very nice. I just started making coffee for myself in the morning – it is getting cold and I need it!!!
It took me forever to figure this out too and I was so mad b/c it is really easy…
At the bottom of your post, on the left side it should say “Post Options”. Click that and a little area will pop open. On the right, it says “Post date and time”. Enter the date and time you wish to have your post published and then click on Publish Post. This will NOT publish the post right away but will wait until the date and time you entered.
The whole “save as draft” thing I still do not understand… I never hit that buttom because it seems to not save my changes or something. So once I set up the date and time, if I have to go back and change something or whatever, I just always hit publish post to update it… Does that make sense? Let me know how you make out.
I also have a Cuisinart coffee maker and LOVE it. I buy Dunkin Donuts coffee and the grocery store and make it at home. 🙂
Love your new coffee maker…thanks for the help on the music thingy on my blog!!! I love all your blogs…you are SO creative 🙂