Popcorn and Cranberries

So, another part of the team is called a carnival. Each month we are given a topic to write on. This month’s topic was childhood memories. I don’t know why but the first thing that popped into my head was stringing cranberries & popcorn for our christmas tree. Maybe it’s because I have christmas on the brain from all the cards I’ve been making. But whatever the reason my childhood memory is this! I don’t know if you’ve ever tried this or not. I remember my mom and I spending hours on the couch with needle and thread stringing enough to cover our tree. It would look so pretty and of course all the pieces unfit for stringing you could eat.
Sadly enough I am not carrying on this family tradition. Not intentionally. Just I bought the cranberries. I bought the popcorn. Johnny and I sat down 2 years and a row and gave it a try. No can do. Between stabbing our fingers with the needle 5,000 times and Johnny eating all the popcorn it just wasn’t working out.

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