Keep Your Dog Tick-Free with PetArmor® Plus IGR! #PetArmorProtects

Charlie loves being outside as much as we do. He loves rolling in the grass and sprawling out for the sun to warm him. If you walk by him he will throw his head back and try to get you to rub his belly as you pass. If one of the kids pass by he will turn into Mr. Crazy Dog and start running laps as far and as fast as his runner will let him. Being outside allows Charlie to interact with more … [Read more...]

Protect your Pet with PetArmor for Dogs #TICKFREEFALL

Let's be honest. I spent my whole life disliking dogs. I never paid any attention to them unless it was finding a way to avoid them. So when my kids begged and pleased for a dog I was adamantly against it. When the subject didn't drop and the husband chimed in too I knew it was a losing battle. They let me pick the breed and hubby was able to locate a breeder within an hour. There was no turning … [Read more...]