A Day In The Life…

Lovable Labels has a contest for a rockin‘ sponsorship to BlogHer! Here are the details:
These are the four categories…
I have chose the ‘A Day In The Life’ option. My life is anything but thrilling, but let me tell you about today. First off it started off all wrong. Today was my first day back to work. At 9am. I woke up at 9:30am with two kids that Dad was supposed to take with him in the morning. My husband’s grandmother is in the hospital and is very sick. They took her off life support yesterday and family has been staying with her in these last moments. He didn’t want the kids around today in case something happened.
I panicked as my boss had called me 2x already looking for me. I got ready as fast as humanly possible put out an emergency phone call to Gavin’s daycare during the school year and begged them to take him. I ran around the house trying to put things together to make a lunch for Gavin and out the door we went. I dropped him off and had to go back home for a check and sunscreen and back to the daycare I went. I texted my boss and told him I’d be in shortly, leaving out the part out that my 9 year old was going with me.
At 10:30 I graced the office with my presence and emptied out my mailbox that was stuffed with unfinished work from my vacation last week.
The next 6 hours was spent booking birthday parties and taking care of issues with our science camps. I was supposed to work longer but the daycare only had a half day slot open.
This was fine by me as it seemed every parent I spoke to had seriously lost their mind. I had one mom pick their child up 1 hour late and act as though there was nothing wrong with that. Another parent didn’t understand the concept of ‘8 and up’ with their three year old and if the man trying to reach the CA tax board called me one more time demanding money from 2008 I was going to flip. Our 1800 number is their old number and even though we’ve had the number for 10 years CA fails to update their website.
Once we signed out of work we went and picked up Gavin. I had an argument with the girl in charge that yes I brought a brand new container of sunscreen in and no I did not want to give it away. From there we hit Auntie Em aka ATM. Grabbed some cash and hit the farm stand. Grabbed some corn just as the farmer brought them in and some fresh tomatoes since mine are still green. Stopped at the local ice cream stand and got the kids dessert before dinner because that’s just how I roll sometimes.
When we got home we watered the gardens, went through today’s boxes left at the front door, and went chasing after my corn that Gavin decided to toss down the driveway when I wasn’t looking…all because it wobbled when it rolled, lovely.
Shortly after the Hubs pulled in to take the tables back from Gavin’s party. I helped him load them up and headed indoors. It was already almost 8pm.
I began to make dinner I was taking it easy tonight with corn on the cob and pasta. Suddenly my ears heard Johnny telling a joke about breast implants. I went into the room to see what in the world was going on. My boss gave him a joke book and clearly didn’t check the appropriateness of the jokes for him. After dinner I had the kids prepare their backpacks because tomorrow we head out to Boston for ‘Do Good Day’.
We got the boys down for bed, the Hubs went to bed, and here I am typing this up. I’ll be up for awhile still after this working on tomorrow’s posts.

So that’s my typical work day. What did you do today?

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*This post was written in hopes of winning a sponsorship from Lovable Labels for my trip to BlogHer 2010*

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