Are you an “Everyday Hero”? #ToughIs

I don’t know if I could really ever call myself anyone’s hero. When I think of the word “hero” I think of amazing people who have done so many thing, big things, to help others. The military is an obvious one when we think of heroes. They risk their lives and their families are often uprooted regularly or they have to leave their families for long spans of time. There are also the everyday heroes. People who don’t set out to make a difference in the world but do. It may be doing something as small as donating blood.

he·ro     ˈhirō/ noun
noun: hero; plural noun: heroes; noun: hero sandwich; plural noun: hero sandwiches
  1. 1.
    a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
    “a war hero”


If I had to think of why I am an everyday hero it would be to my kids. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. I would run to the ends of the earth if I had to. I try to always be the best person that I can be for them. They define a hero by “courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”. I am courageous because I have learned to fight when things get hard because when you are a parent you can’t just give up. You have to be able to look fear straight in the face and when you think you’ve reached a dead end you will learn how to make your own path. I may not have any “outstanding achievements” that are able to be put on a plaque on my wall but I have three living, breathing amazing achievements that just continue to be more amazing each day. Knowing that I had a hand in creating these amazing little people is pretty outstanding to me.

Johnny & Sawyer

As far as noble qualities I’d like to believe those are what I instill in my children every day. I am so proud knowing that I’ve raised boys who will stop to see why someone is crying or offer a hand when someone is struggling. They say please and thank you and always think of others. Raising kind-hearted children who work hard at their own achievements could make me their everyday hero.

Brawny Tough

Brawny knows all about Everyday Heroes, in fact, they’ve made a few videos featuring some of them. One story that truly touched my heart was the story of Antoinette Tuff. I live only an hour from the horrendous school massacre of Sandy Hook. Thinking back on what they day was like for that community just is just shattering. So when I listened to Antoinette Tuff talk about how she was able to talk her gunman down and save the lives of all her students it makes me so happy that she was able to find the words that day for a non-violent outcome. You can hear her full story here:

Her act makes her a true everyday hero. She saved the lives of so many people that day. Check out more of the inspirational video series featuring Everyday Heroes from Brawny® and stay connected with Brawny® on Twitter and Facebook.

What makes you an Everyday Hero?


  1. vickie couturier says

    I agree,there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my kids and grandkids,, whatever it took to keep them safe I would do it,,I even jumped in rapids to save my Daddy once ,,it was a bizarre accident,,I never gave it a thought ,when he fell out of the raft,,I automatically jumped in after him,,and grabbed him by the shirt collar,,wouldn’t let go until he was put back in the raft,,they had to pry my fingers off his collar,,I couldn’t let go,,he was 6’5 and weighed over 250..and at that time I was 5’2″ and about 145 lbs,,he didn’t have a life jacket on and had been drinking,,we hit a big rock and out he went,,,afterward he would brag and tell ppl he knew he had ONE kid that would step up and save him ,,so yeah,,for my babies Id walk on hot coals or give my life to save them in a heartbeat

  2. Kathy says

    I wonder why the definition says typically a man. I have many women heroes in my life. My mom raised us basically alone since my dad was an extreme alcoholic. I don’t know how she did it, but she is my hero!

  3. I know so many everyday heroes, amazing people doing amazing things that often go unnoticed because they are not looking for accolades. Such a great initiative to celebrate everyday hereos.

  4. Typically a man, the dictionary needs to change that! lol. I agree with you – for me, it’d be my kids! It is amazing to watch them grow into little people. You are a wonderful mom!

  5. My mom is definitely an everyday hero. She puts everyone in front of her and helps everyone she can.

  6. Michelle says

    Every time someone compliments me on my children I feel so blessed and proud. My mother& grandmother always remind (Ed) me just how much of a role I’ve played in creating how special they are.

  7. Jenilee W. says

    Aww! This is such a sweet post! I definitely think heroes can be men AND women, MY hero from my childhood was a very kind woman who took me under her wing and helped me fly. I know I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if it weren’t for her.

    There are definitely a lot of everyday heroes… and they deserve as much gratitude as some of the other amazing heroes out there!

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