Now’s the Time: Balancing Good Skin Care and Looking After the Kids {Guest Post}

Taking care of your skin is extremely important. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and as such, it is exposed to the elements, which can cause havoc. For most people, finding the time and the energy to do so is never easy, especially for moms.

One of the most effective skin care routines that can lead to healthy skin is the regular use of a facial mask. A good facial mask can address various needs of the skin, leaving it soft, moisturized, and glowing. For busy moms, there are two options to consider when it comes to face masks.

You can opt for store-bought, ready-to-use masks that will save you lots of time and effort. You won’t have to come up with a recipe or waste much time mixing up different ingredients. Once you know what your skin needs, select the right mask and you’re good to go (but aren’t you always!). Ensure that you choose a product that uses lots of natural ingredients without any harsh chemicals and preservatives that will only make your skin worse.

The other option is to use ingredients straight from your pantry. This way, you can save money and be sure that what you are using has no harmful chemicals. Most of what your family eats can easily be turned into a facial mask. Natural spices, fruits, veggies, and oils can be used to create some of the most luxurious masks that will give you baby soft, problem-free skin.

The ingredients that you use or the mask you buy depends on your skin type and the problems you want to address. There are masks for dry, normal or oily skin. Some masks are specially formulated to deal with acne and acne scars. Experiment with a few options until you find what works for you.

Time is a rare asset for most moms. Without proper planning, you’ll never find enough time to take care of your skin. Make time at least twice a week, and ask for help when things get too busy. Target times when the children are napping or later in the evening to pamper yourself.

No matter how busy you are, always ensure that you take good care of yourself. Facial masks are affordable and extremely effective, so make them a part of your skin care routine. You won’t regret it.


  1. Vickie Couturier says

    interesting post,,didn’t know a lot of these tips,thanks

  2. Sarah L says

    I like using honey for a mask. Very soothing (and sticky so do it right before you shower)

  3. alicia k (Petite Pilates Pixie) says

    i had no idea about this! thanks for sharing

  4. saminder gumer says

    thanks for the great tips. if i can use what is around the house for this it would be great.

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