I love October. The leaves are changing color, the kids are back in routines, and the string of holidays is just about to start. It’s also the time when our home starts filling up with candy and sweets. My boys love trick or treating and come home with piles of candy. Some of our favorites are Hershey’s, anything Reese’s related and my favorite- KitKats!
I know with my three boys all cute they will make a killing on the candy. How do you say no to this cuteness?
So I wanted to think of a fun recipe for before or after the holiday. Since we have lots of single candy this is a great way to use them up. Take your cake pan or if you have one- I love my 12-Cavity Nonstick Brownie Pan from Wilton. Layer cookie dough, then chocolate bar, then brownie batter and bake for 20-25 minutes (longer if you use a regular pan). Let cool then remove.
When you remove it from the pan you’ll end up with this. Delicious but simple. I wanted something to take it to the next level.
So I scooped some Reese’s PB Cup ice cream on top. Drizzled it with Hershey’s syrup and then shaved a Hershey’s bar over it and sprinkled with Mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
It was a huge hit! My oldest isn’t a huge PB fan so we added little Hershey Bar pieces to his. Doesn’t this look delicious. The boys love sticking them in the microwave for a few seconds to warm them up if they aren’t being eaten at the time of baking. So good!
My boys said it was amazing! I have to agree.
Here’s the recipe all together in case you decide to print it 🙂

Reese's Pieces Cookie Brownie Surprise Recipe
- Batch of your favorite cookie dough recipe. chip free
- 2 Cups Reese Pieces
- Brownie Mix any + ingredients required for mix
- Mini Hershey Bars OR Full Size PB Cups
- Preheat oven to 375. Spray pan.
- Mix in Reese's Pieces with your favorite cookie dough. We used favorite on the back of a chocolate chips package.
- Next take cookie dough and layer bottom of cake pan. Only fill half way.
- Break Hershey bars and place in middle (or place single PB Cup). Cover with brownie mix.
- Bake for 20 minutes or until tooth pick pulls clean. Remember you will have a gooey center.
- Remove and cool before removing from pan.
- Serve with ice cream and favorite candy toppings. Use vegetable peeler to create fun chocolate curls with a chocolate bar.
This post is SPONSORED by Global Influence with PRODUCT provided by Hershey’s.
This recipes look delicious — brownies and reeses? You got to be kidding. I will make them and probably eat most of them. Thanks!
This is such a delicious and easy recipe to make for Halloween and even Christmas. I really like the Reeses pieces in this recipe and it makes it nice and gooey!
sounds really good
OH MY WORD! that looks delicious.. i think you just convinced me to cheat on my diet lol
Yup, there goes my diet! Lol!
oh man,I almost wish I didn’t see this recipe! I want to make it and just eat it for every meal…is that wrong? ha! Seriously though,I am so making this tonight! Thank you for the recipe and larger pant size! 😉
Holy moly that looks delicious! Oh my goodness. I want to eat that. Thanks for the recipe… I think. I may never be the same again 🙂
These brownies look, and sound, delicious! And we love Reece Pieces. Yum!
These look super good. I have a similar pan but it is smaller!
I only have to look at these delicious treats to gain 50 lbs, but they look so good. Well if I am gonna gain the weight I am gonna have to make them, and you know sample them again…again…again….
I know someone that would really love that dessert! I will have to pass it along to them so they can try it
Oh my gosh, that looks delicious! Not only would my kids love this, they could help make it!
These would be fun to make and I would battle my grandchildren for them!!
Oh wow! This is quite the loaded recipe and looks delicious! My grandsons would be big fans of this dessert!
Holy moly those look good! My girls would want to eat the candy while I was mixing them up though.
This looks awesome! Pinned it for later!
Now that my mouth is watering… I know this is a treat my family is going to love. I have a brownie mix I have been dying to make, now all I have to make is the cookie dough.
wow seriously delicious looking desserts, i’m not sure if I should go there, trying to cut down on sugar…
The brownies look delicious – I will be making them this weekend for my kids and for me!
Those would be a huge hit at my house!Thanks for the recipe!
gosh, they look so good. I love Reeses.
These all look so yummy. Especially the Reeses Pieces Cookie Brownie Surprise recipe. My family would love this !
I know weird as I am I was never big on chocolate but ya know these would fit right in on sweets I would love to have. These remind me more of a cookie instead of all that rich chocolate candy so I would defnitely be eating them. Looks tasty.
Those look so delicious I want one now!
Reese’s is one of the best candies around! The cookie brownie surprise looks incredible!
This sounds delicious 🙂 I have got to try this !!!
I think I just gained 5 pounds looking at this post!!!! Yum!
I’d try the Reeese’s peanut butter and chocolate cake mix
These recipe looks yummy. I love cutting up Reeses and mixing them in with my ice cream.
My fiance would love these! Definitely going to be trying these out. My little one is still too little for these unfortunately
Wow. This looks so good! I know my husband would love this!
Thank you for this!
These look like a diet gone wrong. But oh how I would love to ruin my diet like this.
Oh my goodness – this looks amazing!! I am like a kid – I love anything made with candy! lol
Now that really IS taking it to the top! (of my scale:0 ) haha. I’d eat this and it does sound like a really great mix of flavors. Heck, it motivates me to come up with all sorts of new recipes like this with leftover candies from holidays. IF there ever WERE any. (No thanks to my hubby). 😉
Looks delicious. This would be a good way to use up Halloween candy and for those great sales after the holiday.
It looks so GOOD! that is NAUGHTY! lol! 🙂
The Reeses Pieces Cookie Brownie Surprise recipe and picture looks totally unbelievable! It’s just making me soooo hungry! I love it and I want one …now!
These look sooo good! Everyone in our house loves chocolate and Peanut Butter so who wouldn’t love this!!
OMG this recipe looks SO good..and I have 2 of these pans and I absolutely love them. Really good for cornbread too.
This is a great recipe. I love melted chocolate on brownies or cakes. Chocolate is my weakness.
Drool-worthy for sure, how I long for these now! Reeses pieces are my faaavorite candy!
My mouth is watering. I love chocolate!
This recipe looks and sounds delicious and I love brownies and chocolate!
Oh. My. Goodness. These look amazing! Anything with Reese’s Pieces works for me!
Yummy, I love reesee’s. the more chocolate the better!
This looks so good. Its a shame I’m diabetic. My Sugar levels would go through the roof if I ate any. But I can dream of it.
Now I am not really a big chocolate person but I must say these look quite appealing to me and I know the grandchildren would love them. They love cookies, brownies, chocolate, and ice cream they would be in heaven. Looks fantastic. Might have to make these for the next birthday party. Great idea.
OMG – this looks sinfully delicious! We’ll be having a Baby shower soon – may have to make these, I know the New Mama-to be would LOVE them!!! Thanks for the recipe, I pinned it so I can refer back to it!!!
This looks SO yummy and perfect when you have left over candy. Thanks for the share!