{Wordful Wednesday} Sigh

Two weeks ago Sawyer finally learned how to crawl. Then just a few days later he learned how to pull himself to standing and is now EV-VER-RE-WHERE. I can’t get anything done and I can’t get him to stay entertained on his own no matter how much I try. Today I played with him nonstop hoping to tire him out so I could work on a sponsored post. Nope. He wasn’t having it. He kept coming over pounding on the table and yelling at me until I played with him again. If only naptime was longer then the time it takes to do laundry & dishes…..

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Standing Impatient Sawyer

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  1. Katie says

    Violet was a late crawler too, but once she started, watch out!! Enjoy keeping up with him!

  2. He is SO CUTE, though!! I remember my kids screaming at me at that age. LOVE those memories!

  3. Things get so hard when they get mobile. I can’t believe he’s getting around like that! Good mom for keeping him entertained though. I love that picture. He’s looking at you like, “I’m going to get into anything I want. What are you going to do about it?” Cute boy.

  4. He’s still so cute!!! I understand the frustration though.

  5. Lolo says

    He sure is a cutie even when he is keeping your hands full.

  6. I dread the day my little one goes mobile. I know all my free time (which is so limited) will be gone! He is so stinking cute though!!

  7. He looks so cute!!.. Agree that he is at an age which needs 100% attention.
    Happy WW:)

  8. And it begins!! Welcome to that part of growing up where the blog posts get shorter and less frequent…and the baby gets more mobile and into things πŸ˜‰ Love it!

  9. Oh, you’re in trouble now mom ;-). It’s so fun to see them moving on their own though isn’t it?

  10. he is turning into a big boy!

  11. At least he’s a cutie pie. πŸ™‚

  12. Dee says

    You’re so lucky that he held out this long! Kallie has been crawling and pulling up for many months. Her favorite is pulling up to the xbox and pushing that big button in the middle – hubs HATES that. He put stuff in front of it and she climbed on top of that!!! No more!

  13. Oh I understand the feeling. Kaden gets into everything since he begins to walk! oh Watch out Mama, Sawyer is on the move!!

  14. Once Addy started crawling it went so fast from there, too! They grow way too fast. He adores his mama and was demanding you spend every awake minute playing with him! πŸ™‚ Too cute!

  15. WOW he’s getting big! I know I am going to regret saying it… but I can’t wait til my little guy can get around!

  16. He is so cute but I am sure you are busy, busy now with him on the move!!

  17. Oh boy! Well, at least he is so super cute πŸ™‚

  18. He is sweet, you’ll get there!

  19. Aww, what a cutie, if a bit mischievous. πŸ˜€

  20. Ha, my little girl is 7 months, and just now deciding to roll over. I was enjoying the potted plant stage, where I could plop her down with some toys, and she wouldn’t move! I’m nervous for the kind of mobility you are describing!

  21. “Hey, Mommy whatcha doin’?

  22. Rosey says

    I do remember it being really hard to get anything done when the kids were just walking. I feel for ya. He sure is cute though, lol.

  23. It’s Catch 22 at that age. You’re excited to see the “firsts” and your child grow, but it’s also a time of busy, busy, busy.

  24. I am in the same boat… 8 years and 2 years later, lol. I never feel like I can get anything done :/

  25. He is soooooo cute! And I so get you. I’m still trying to find time to finish my to do list and my kiddos are 6, 4, and 1.

  26. I definitely remember those days! I’m so glad my dude finally learned to play by himself once in awhile.

  27. Eileen says

    OH Boy! No, really…OH BOY!

  28. Anne says

    Sounds like he is keeping you busy!

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