Wordless Wednesday – Older

Yesterday we had record heats. I couldn’t bear to put Sawyer in a long sleeper when the rest of us were dying of heat so I had to pull out a 0-3 month outfit. The others are still swimming on him but since it’s shorts and short sleeves it worked.

I thought he looked so old being such a big boy in his first big boy outfit!

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  1. OH! I just love him! He does look so much older!

  2. Definitely an old soul.


  3. Can you delete my first link? I was copying and pasting from browser to browser and forgot I still had Melinda’s link in there. But anyhow, how cute is he? So, so, so cute!!!!!!

  4. Oh my goodness, too cute!

  5. He is so precious!

  6. Every one of your shots put up have been cute!!! I think he’s uh-door-a-bull!!!

  7. He has an old soul. He’s such a cutie

  8. What a cute little dumpling! Thanks for sharing.

  9. I think we’re going to have to change today’s name from Wordless Wednesday to Sawyer Wednesday so we can watch that lil’ handsome guy grow! Well at lest grow into that outfit. Mom, if it was that hot why not just an undershirt and diaper. I have to tell you my youngest was a preemie and (Sawyer swimming in this one reminded me), I could not find anything to fit my 4 lb 2 oz baby (they wouldn’t let me bring her home until she was that weight. She weighed 3lbs 2 oz at birth. So one day we were shopping and my oldest daughter says, “Mom, look at this doll dress. It’ll fit Missy”. Well, I looked and tried it on her and guess what I had the best dressed 4 lb. baby in town (in doll clothes). LOL Hey, it worked.

  10. Aww! He’s so sweet! What a cute lil’ man πŸ™‚

  11. I love seeing his photos every week!! It reminds me so much of when my two were little like that – so sweet and precious and well, so…easy? (In that not throwing fits over nonsense way)

  12. Christina says

    So cute!!!! And he does look older.

  13. Oh what a sweetheart! I have a feeling he’s gonna be wearing LOTS of shorts this Summer πŸ˜‰ The weather is gonna be crazy for all of us, I’m sure.

  14. Oh my! He does look like such a big boy!

  15. OMG total cuteness….he makes me want to have another one!

  16. Danielle says

    Oh no, please delete my link #13…it was still on my clipboard I guess, so sorry!


  18. He is so precious!

  19. oh my gosh too adorable!!

  20. Dee says

    You know me-I LOVE big boy outfits!! πŸ™‚ How cute and its not SO big where it isn’t adorable. LOVE

  21. Awww! Such a little man! The shirt is so cute πŸ™‚

  22. Aw, he is so cute!

  23. It’s funny how a litte outfit can make such a difference in how they appear!! I love keeping my 10 month-old in sleepers, just so she looks more like a baby! hee hee!!

  24. Beth says

    They sure grow up fast! He is losing his newborn look. πŸ™

  25. He really looks so “grown up” in his shirt.

  26. Katy says

    He is so cute. He looks so serious, like he is really studying the world. Give him a kiss for me!

  27. aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww! he’s still tiny but so alert looking!!

  28. Rob says

    Too cute. That second post made me LOL.

    Happy WW!

  29. It’s funny how certain clothing can make little ones look older. What a cutie!

  30. Awww, he’s so cute!

  31. He is just too cute!

  32. He is such a precious baby!!

  33. Katie says

    what a handsome little man!

  34. So tiny!

  35. Your little man is adorable!

  36. Amy says

    So adorable!!

  37. Awww he does look way too grown up in this outfit but he is simply handsome!

  38. Andrea Meier says

    So stinking cute!

  39. Aw, what a sweet little pea!

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