When it starts to get cold out I start wanting warm soup. Problem is some soups have so much prep to them that I fall asleep just reading what is required or it takes so long to make that I could drive across the country in the same time. I love things that can be made in no time at all and from things I normally keep on hand anyways. This Tortellini Vegetable Soup is just that! I found it of course by jumping pinterest and it’s a Family Fun recipe that can also be found on their site.

Tortellini Vegetable Soup #Recipe
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 medium onion chopped
- 1 small zucchini diced
- 1 medium carrot peeled and diced
- 5 1/2 cups chicken stock
- 1 teaspoon dried basil more if fresh
- 1 bay leaf
- 1/2 cup canned crushed tomatoes
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 8 to 9 ounces fresh or frozen tortellini cheese or meat filled
- 2 to 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
- Black pepper to taste
- Cut up your onion, zucchini, and carrot and place them in a deep pot on medium heat and saute them with the olive oil and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions become soft and translucent. This will take 5-10 minutes.
- Next, you'll want to add the chicken stock, basil, bay leaf, tomatoes, and salt. Bring the heat up and bring the mixture to a low boil. Add in tortellini. I chose a multicolor pasta but really just any cheese tortellini will work. Cook for two minutes and then lower heat down to a simmer and cook an additional 5 minutes. Add in parsley and pepper and cook one last minute.
Cut up your onion, zucchini, and carrot and place them in a deep pot on medium heat and saute them with the olive oil and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions become soft and translucent. This will take 5-10 minutes.
Next, you’ll want to add the chicken stock, basil, bay leaf, tomatoes, and salt. Bring the heat up and bring the mixture to a low boil. Add in tortellini. I chose a multicolor pasta but really just any cheese tortellini will work. Cook for two minutes and then lower heat down to a simmer and cook an additional 5 minutes. Add in parsley and pepper and cook one last minute.
At one point your soup will look like the above shot but don’t worry about all the seasonings. When you spoon your soup into the bowl it won’t look so overwhelming. In fact it will look delicious! Of course my husband adds cheese to everything so here is how his looked- mine was the first shot!
This soup doubled well and preheated perfectly in the microwave the next day for lunch. Since it’s a pasta based soup know that you will have your tortellini suck up all the broth when you store it so you aren’t really having soup when you reheat it later. However, this soup was done in no time at all, it was delicious, and everyone loved it. What more can you really ask for?
Looks delicious – I love meals with lots of veggies.
I’ve been making this soup for years. A long time ago, much longer than I’d like to admit, I joined a group of women once a month for a Sunday afternoon meal. We called it our Recipe Exchange Group. We would each prepare a part of the meal and bring along the recipe to share. Elsa, our friend from Argentina, brought this soup to one of those long-ago meals where we’d not only eat, but also chat about our kids, our husbands, and food. It was an appreciated outlet for all of us in this small group of moms who liked to cook.
That looks so good…especially now that the cold is setting in.
I bet it’d go go nicely with that Cheese Danish I’ve yet to make!
That looks and sounds so very good!!!
Okay, you got me on t his one. I absolutely love soup and especially homemade. Can soup just doesn’t do it for me., and with fresh ingredients all the better. Just looking at this though I feel I just put ten pounds on each hip. Is it really a lot of calories I wonder, but it looks so good. My lip is dripping with juicy delight! mmmmmm Got to copy this recipe – that’s it. Step away from the recipe you’ve just been held up!
That’s very similar to my gramma’s soup except she throws all the veggies in there, and she boils the heck out of chicken wings and a soup bone first. Of course over the years I’ve added my own flair to it so now the kids call it NaNee’s soup! Don’t cha just love kids! hahahahaha
Oh yeah, now this looks right up my alley. I sort of make the same soup, but you use different types of noodles. Awww Your kids call it NaNee’s soup! That’s wonderful you see in Italian Gramma is Nana, but my Grandson came out with NaNee hense over the years and 9 grandkids later my name is NaNee. Thanks kids! hehehe Give them all a big hug for me especially Sawyer being as I watched that cutie grow up day by day. He’s such a cutie and those eyes well you just melt. 🙂 Have a great day & save me some of that soup! hehehe
This recipe looks good. I have never tried a tortellini soup before.
This looks absolutely delicious! Vegetable soup is one of my faves. Never thought of this recipe .