Wordless Wednesday- Christmas!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Is it bad if I admit I’m glad it’s all behind me? I’m so tired and exhausted and will be packing it all up this week. So much work and it’s over in the blink of an eye!
I’ve been playing with a new camera I got (not a gift) the Olympus Pen so I’ve been playing with the settings. I used it over Christmas since it was smaller then my other camera.

Here is our tree once Santa arrived.

Johnny refused to take any photos for me. Nice, huh? He got this drum set from Dad & I. He was so into all his gifts that he went from one gift to another. He was on a scooter and didn’t take his helmet off before coming back to his drums.

Gavin of course always gives me his handsome smile.

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  1. Great shots! I’m still worn out from Christmas!

  2. That drum photo is pretty funny! I love Mr. Smiley Face Gavin!

  3. You took some nice shots! Your tree looks great btw. Happy WW!

  4. Jenny says

    Fun pics!

  5. Oh girl, I slept all day yesterday & half of today. I’m pooped I way over did it. Look at those gorgeous pics. Love. Love. them, and hey, look at that boy of yours. A set of drums huh? Tell him in a few years maybe he can audition for my husband’s band! ROCK & ROLL LIVES ON! & that cutie with that special smile. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

  6. It looks like you guys had a great Christmas!

  7. WOW A drum set. You poor girl but I do see that it’s in the Garage so HURRAY for having a garage thats warm for him to play in. Merry Christmas to you and your Family. looks like everyone enjoyed the day

  8. Mimi says

    Ok, I’m seriously loving that camera!! Looks like a bountiful Christmas!

  9. Looks like they had an awesome Christmas … was the drum set under the tree too?

  10. Ladytink_534 says

    Lovely tree! What a great haul too 🙂

  11. won says

    I hope you got a pair of earplugs to go with the drum set.

    You’re a brave person 🙂

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