Wordless Wednesday [Craft Room In Progress]

I hadn’t planned on sharing this with you until I was done but I realized that even after going away to the Pocono Mountains for the weekend with Hubby and then a corn maze with the kids when we got back I didn’t take a single picture. Crazy, right?

So when I went through my ScanDisk card I found these photos I took just a week or so ago. My craft room rocked until I started blogging. Then the product started coming in and the room started becoming unorganized and filled with product, boxes, and bubble wrap. I’ve slowly been weeding through and half the room is officially done. I’m trying to get hubby to put in a carpet and set the cabinet. Because like all things he only half did the room.


The corner cabinet door actually arrived broken (3 years ago). Hubby took it to get it replaced. It never happened. I wish I had it. It’s a pain. The shelf is half broken and looks horrible because there is no door.


Sadly my countertop didn’t even get set so I’m constantly moving it and losing stuff in the cracks. It’s incredibly annoying. I really wish when hubby started something- he’d finish it. I mean have you noticed the other photos of the house I’ve shared? Our walls aren’t even painted and even have HUGE white splotched where the first coat was painted and then he went over them again to catch any errors and patched them, then never painted again. Ugh.

I’ve been spending a lot of time organizing all the cabinets (well, except for the one broken one). Getting all the little things together has been a pain. Sadly while I haven’t had much time to craft over the past 3 years doesn’t mean I’ve stopped buying stuff. The only problem is the room got so out of hand that I just shoved anything anywhere.

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  1. Valerie Stayton says

    Wow!! Very nicely done.
    Thanks for the linky

  2. Chelle says

    I LOVE it!

  3. That looks like a sweet room. I suppose you could cover the counters with self healing mats! Sewing stores sell them for the cheapest.

  4. Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama says

    I can see how that would be frustrating to have it partially finished! But it is a gorgeous room. Maybe you could try and hang a small curtain over the exposed corner until it gets fixed? Perhaps you have some extra fabric around? And wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you had stamps!

    Good for you to try and get it organized. I have plenty of areas myself that need the same treatment! Ugh.

    • Jennifer says

      Hee, hee I don’t kid when it comes to my craft room. My hobby could borderline obsession!

  5. Jenny says

    That is looking awesome!

  6. Mimi says

    I can NOT even begin to tell you how jealous I am with your craft room. BTW When do you find time to craft? LOL

  7. My house next… ok?!

  8. as long as u know where everything is at that is what counts lol

    • Jennifer says

      My thoughts exactly!

  9. That room looks great … I am overlooking the one cabinet since most of my house is half-finished, also. So lucky to have a great area to craft in. I have the habit of still buying crafting things even though I have no time to knit, sew or create. Lol

  10. Man, I wish I had room for something like that. Bet that really comes in handy, and very nicely laid out! I’m jealous for sure.

  11. Erika says

    Wow, that looks great! We have the not-finished-projects around the house too. It can be frustrating. Still, you have a great room there and hopefully your hubby will finish it for you soon!

  12. mellisa @funsavingmoney says

    Wow Jennifer, I could have so much fun in that room! We are planning on moving into a new house within the next year or so and you have inspiried me to look for a house that has an extra room for crafting. 🙂

  13. Can I come over to play!

    I love crafts and have always wanted a craft room.

    Lucky girl!

  14. blueviolet says

    Coolest thing ever!!! I had a craft room in my last house. This makes me cry!

  15. Even though its not done i still think it looks really good.

  16. Not So Average Mama says

    I know jealousy is a bad trait, but I am officially drooling with jealousy!

  17. Dee says

    Looks like lots of fun!

  18. Anne - Mommy Has to Work says

    That’s an awesome space, wish I had that!

  19. You’ve got lots of room, I hope it gets finished for you soon!

  20. Oooh! I’m so jealous! Maybe you can put a little curtain up over the door with double stick tape? My hubby never finishes things either, so annoying!

  21. Kasandria Reasoner says

    I think it looks great! Seriously nice!
    Happy WW!

  22. I only dream of a day I can get everything organized lol. I like your space! And I hear you about hubby finishing something… we still have 2 rooms without trim.. and NO paint in a few patches. He just patched them and left the drywall and plaster exposed. In the past, if I wanted something finished, I’d have to do it myself. This time, I am just bidding my time until he gets tired of hearing me mention it once or twice a week.

  23. Beth says

    I am in awe that you have a “Craft room”. One day. One day!

  24. NICE!!!! I want a room like that.

  25. Rob says

    All I can say is WOW. That is awesome and I am not even into crafts. I thinking Melinda is a little jealous though. LOL.

  26. Kayla says

    Oh man……My crafting self is drooling just looking at all the pictures of that BEAUTIFUL room of yours (even with the broken shelf) LOL

  27. Tiff @ Babes and Kids says

    How nice to have a room just for crafting. And look how organized you are!

  28. Deborah says

    Wow that’s a lot of stamps. Lovely craft space even if it’s broken and not fixed and painted.

  29. That is an amazing craft room though. I need one of those in my house.

  30. Lindsay says

    You’re so organized! Very nice craft room!

  31. BusyWorkingMama says

    Wow, that is one craft room! Looks awesome!

  32. Suzanne H says

    Wow, it looks great, it’s very organized!

  33. jessica @peekababy says

    This is one of the most convincing arguments for me to get out of NYC that I’ve ever seen! I can’t even fit a desk for myself in my apartment. Enjoy it!

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