Weekly Recap Wilton & Chicago!

What a week. Lately I am feeling behind, overwhelmed, and tired beyond belief. Of course I’m tripping over my own two feet lately which doesn’t help. I know you’re waiting for some fun WIlton pics so here are some. I have tons to share with you and sadly a lot for a later time once new fun products are being released that I had to swear to keep a secret to get to play with.

Skipping Monday because I included it into last week’s Weekly Recap since it was a long weekend.

Horrible shot I know but it is the only non product picture I took that day. I was crazy busy trying to wrap things up before I left for Chicago but wanted some time with the boys so I brought them out for ice cream YUM!

We arrived in Chicago. Little did I know my home area in Western MA was being ripped apart by tornado’s.  Luckily while I was freaking out trying to locate my family I had a great party to attend at the VP of Marketing’s house.

Can we say I just can’t control myself? For the record I did NOT spend the most!!
*This total was before The employee discount & gift card Wilton generously gave us.

We all got the first copies of the 2012 Wilton Yearbook. Since they only had 25 in print at the moment we felt very special getting autographed copies! This cake is amazing and I’ll be doing a post all about it so you can see just how amazing it really is!

Even though I didn’t get home until around 4 am my boys still had baseball & tball first thing in the AM. If that wasn’t tiring enough I also had a birthday party. As tired as I was I still would have had a ball to get 5 mins running around this place.

I was so worn out from very little sleep over the past week, I found my lawn chair in the backyard and Gavin and I played (and finished) the Where’s Waldo game for the iPad.

So there you have it my week in review. How was your week?


  1. blueviolet says

    Jenn was telling me about the Wilton trip! I still have to ask her how much she spent!

    The cake was beautiful, and Wilton has the BEST tools to work with!

    • Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama says

      Jenn was surprisingly tame. Tanya spent the least but then it was Jenn.

  2. Katie says

    i’m tired!

    Love Wilton stuff – so awesome that you get to participate with them!

  3. Maureen says

    I have gone to the tent sale these last few years and I am planning on it this year.

  4. I’d love to be able to go to one of those tent sales — how fun!

  5. Mel says

    Sounds like you had a busy week! Wilton rocks for having such an awesome event for you ladies!

  6. Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama says

    Hmm….I wonder who spent the most????? 🙂

    And was that were the birthday party was? My kids would have a ball in that place.

    Glad you made it home, even if it was super late!

    • Jennifer says

      Hmmm I wasn’t naming any names HAHA!!! One of these years I’ll out do ya 😉 But I shopped for me and you had some stuff you were picking up for others lol.

      Yes! Isn’t that the coolest place to have a party or take gymnastics?

  7. That cake is fantastic. Looks like you had a good time, even if it was tiring.

  8. Karen Propes says

    I love that cake was phenonenal, I love baking,, I use to own my own shop but after getting married and kids, couldn’t do all. II need. but I did make my Wedding cake. But I will say Wilton does hold up. Especally when others see my cakes they want one for their child;s Birthday. I would love to be a Wilton Mom, it looks like so much fun!!!! but at least we have you to share all the fun. Thanks

  9. chelesa sims says

    looked like u had fun. hope noone was hurt in the tornado

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