Big Y Silver Savings Club Card Is a MUST Have!

I’m a Big Y shopper. I have been since I was old enough to drive myself there and then even before. Through the years their options have changed but they’ve always brought my family the very best for all our needs. One thing I’ve loved throughout the years is their Express Rewards Coin Program. Every time we made it to checkout my boys would fight over who got to play the “coin game”. We would win colored coins that we could hang onto for deep discounts on select items throughout the store.

It started out with several different colors: Gold, Red, Blue, and Silver. Then a couple years ago they got rid of the blue and red coins. If you were smart you didn’t through those coins away. Big Y knows how hard we worked at getting them and rewarded us by being able to add them together and trade them in for other coins.

Well, do you have a lot of silver coins? I know I go through spurts where I feel like every time I go I get three surprise silver coins and then I can go weeks without ever getting one. Since they are random you think twice sometimes before using them. You don’t want to use them on things that will only save you change when they could possibly save you dollars. Well, no more! Big Y has an all new program called the Big Y Silver Savings Club Card!

WHAT is the Silver Savings Club™?
The Big Y Silver Savings Club™ is a new way to save even more money at Big Y. Club members can purchase up to five (5)* of any individual item that has a special price with a silver coin, without the need to present actual coins. As a Silver Savings Club™ member you will continue to receive your gold coin rewards and Express Savings Club discounts.

HOW does it work?
Our computer recognizes a member’s scanned Silver Savings Club™ card. It will then automatically charge the lower silver coin price for ALL silver coin items purchased*. Silver coins will no longer be issued to the member since they are not needed for future purchases.

WHY is Big Y introducing it
Many of our customers have expressed their appreciation for the great deals available with our Express Rewards silver coins. These same customers have explained that sometimes they forget to bring their coins to the store or don’t have enough coins to buy all the items they want. The Silver Savings Club™ card eliminates the need to carry silver coins to the store or to participating gas stations.

HOW do I join?
Just present your current Big Y Express Savings Club™ card to your cashier and tell her that you want to join the Silver Savings Club™. Your annual membership fee ($20) will be added to the total of your grocery purchase. You will instantly receive your new Silver Savings Club™ card, which replaces your existing Express Savings Club card. Your new card will also automatically give you Express Savings Club discounts in addition to your silver coin savings. You won’t miss out on any of the benefits. It’s that easy!

I have used it for several trips already and I love it! I was able to get my $1 off a pound of cheese, a 4 pack of muffins, eggs, english muffins and more! Best part… I didn’t have to count my coins. Plus, my boys still got to fight over who played the game for a chance to win me some good gold coins for future use.

You can also use your card to take advantage all the other silver coin saving such as gas, movie tickets, and more! I’m hoping to be able to use it on our family 4 pack of Six Flags tickets this year! For more information please click HERE for all the details on this great new Silver Savings Club!

Mom Spotted Review Policy: I was provided with a Big Y Silver Savings Club Card at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.


  1. nan says

    i haven’t gotten their card yet..but i love their coins..just used one for apple cider

  2. Judy Bradley says

    I don’t understand what it is but I will check it out. Thanks for this info! We all need all the help we can get just to stay afloat nowdays!

    • Jennifer says

      Its like your express card just it instantly gives you all the silver sales without having to give them silver coins 🙂

  3. That is interesting, I have not heard of this.

  4. Erica G says

    We don’t have a Big Y. The programs sounds interesting though.

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