
Here is our latest round of winners! I know that this is a list of two end dates but I’m more concerned right now making sure all the behind the scene emails are going on. Getting posts up for winners can be a time consuming process through in all the back and forth emails and it can even take hours. My main concern right now is making sure the winners are getting contacted as soon as possible and their information is getting forwarded on to the sponsors as quickly as possible in hopes to make deliveries before Christmas.

Now before you go and think about leaving me because you know anything I get up now will be ending after Christmas don’t think I don’t have anything great not coming. If you’ve been a regular reader you know I always have great giveaways planned so it is definitely worth sticking around.

For instance starting in the new year I’ll be giving away one of these:

Hallmark Recordable Storybook
Congrats From 3 to 5
Play-Doh Cake Makin’ Station Playset
Congrats bridgette butcher
18″ BFC Ink Doll
Congrats Leah Walker
Christmas Pajamas For FOUR People ($205 Value)
Congrats Vickie Couturier
$100 American Express Gift Card
Congrats Dave
Congrats Rhonda
Congrats Donna B.
Congrats Nomi Sheridan
Congrats Barbara
2 Tonka Strong Arm Trucks
Congrats Apryl @ Christian Clippers
Moxie Girlz Magic Snow Doll
Congrats crystal allen
Christmas Cookie Wilton Bundle!
Congrats Cari S.

All winners have been emailed and have 48 hours to respond.

Congrats Everyone!


  1. Cari S. says

    Woo Hoo!! Thank you!

  2. Donna B. says

    *happy dances some more* thanks again Jennifer!! 🙂

  3. Vickie Couturier says

    Thank you so much,your a doll!

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