Since I haven’t had any spare time to do any new baking or cooking I thought I’d recycle one of our favorite recipes in our home.~~~~~~~~~~~
Sunday night I was feeling sick of the same old same old and ready to try out something new.
Sunday night I was feeling sick of the same old same old and ready to try out something new.
My hubby loves chicken parm and the picture in the recipe book was making me hungry so I chose it. Plus, I got to use my food processor. I got it for Christmas and haven’t had a reason to take it out of the box until now. This recipe called for bread crumbs. I know I had the store bought kind, but my recipe book was highly laughing at us fools who didn’t know what the real ones tasted like. So I said what the heck. So I took out my food processor and washed all the pieces. Who knew these had SO many pieces. I guess that’s what I get for starting out with the King of all processor’s when I had no clue how to use one. The Cuisinart Pro Custom 11 was the highest rated and most popular food processor.
Take 4 pieces of bread and tear them up and throw them in.
For full recipe on how to make bread crumbs just click the bold.
I always put the date on my stuff once I open them otherwise I would never remember!
I found it rather amusing that my organic cage free all things natural eggs (that were on sale and no other reason why I bought them) came in the most ridiculous over plastic packaging. There is actually a whole extra layer between the eggs and the cover. The other egg carton I normally get I save for my BFF the teacher. She uses them for pain and glue cups.
Take your meat tenderizer use the flat side and BAM!
Place in oven at 450 degrees for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted.
(chicken is already fully cooked)
Doesn’t it look really good? My hubby loves chicken parm so I was scared for the review…but considering he cleaned his plate and then told me it was better then his favorite version from a local Italian restaurant I was rather pleased with myself.Now, I need to figure out what to make with all those extra breadcrumbs I made.
Hmmm, maybe I’ll have to make my yummy Mac & Cheese recipe!
Hmmm, maybe I’ll have to make my yummy Mac & Cheese recipe!
Want to make this recipe? I got this great recipe along with others from my all time favorite (worth every penny) cookbook. And before you go crazy looking all over the place for it when I wanted it. I’ll save you the trouble. I found it at Barnes & Noble…. or you can click here to purchase it online!!!
1 Cup all purpose flour ( I just filled the bowl)
2 large eggs (I used 3)
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
6-8 oz each, trimmed
4 cups breadcrumbs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
lemon wedges (for serving)
This looks great! I’ve always wanted to make chicken parm. π Thanks for the recipe – looks like I’ll be able to do this!
Looks yummy!!!
I’m in Pembroke! How about you? I didn’t wanna give out my town on my blog so I figured I’d reply here.
Great site! π
wow, that looks so delicious! thanks for sharing that great recipe. i’ll have to try it! and now i’m craving italian for dinner tonight π
We eat chicken parm a LOT in our house..but I usually use ritz crackers and I put them in the oven! I’m excited to try this and I LOVE that you put step by step pics! THANKS!
I have that cookbook! That recipe was one of the first I made and everyone here loved it!
Okay, now that I’m drooling all over myself…can you come over to my house and make that for me and my crew?? This looks great! I’m going try it! Thanks for the recipe:)
The BEST Chicken Parm recipe ever. Once you try it you will never use another ever. My husband got the recipe from the site and it’s amazing. The step by step makes it so easy. EVERYONE MUST TRY!
This looks AMAZING! My fiance could eat chicken parm for breakfast, lunch, dinner if I allowed (sometimes he manages to make this come true). I would love to try this recipe with him. I am SO sick of boring breaded chicken. My son is also becoming a picky-chicken-eater so this would possible spice up his interest. We are always looking for new ways to eat chicken (somehow we always get back to plain and boring chicken cutlets). Lately we have been doing cutlets marinated in Italian dressing which is DELICIOUS when marinated long enough but not drenched. We need a bigger menu – thanks for the idea! π
i love italian food will be trying this out
I have GOT to try this. My husband and his 2 girls – like Chicken Parmesean from one place – a well loved pizzeria (and family friends). I have never thought to even try to tempt them with my own…..
I’m thinking this might be it — easy enough – but but but – some of that flavor also is coming from the homemade breadcrumbs — not the stuff from out of a can that has been sitting on a shelf for far to long… or comes in a commercial size bulk container…
yes, I might have a shot in tempting them — now to find my mother-in-laws pasta sauce…