Lately I’ve been trying to stop wasting time. I didn’t realize how much Facebook was distracting me. When you added up the time I was spending with the those stupid games it was crazy. So now I try to avoid Facebook. I pop on throughout the day to mingle and interact but once that’s done I close the window. I try to make a plan of what to accomplish throughout my days off and time my day. An hour for this and an hour for that. When 11 am rolls around I start what I wanted to do regardless if I’m done with what I’m doing or not. I’ve learned I move faster and leave less time for dilly dallying. I usually don’t get everything I planned on doing done but I accomplish a lot more then I was.If you spend a lot of time on the computer- pull down the drop menu and look where your spending most of your time. Do you need to be on there? Could you be doing something else? When you’re cleaning are you starting with the most used rooms? Try cleaning an area in your house that doesn’t get used frequently. It will stay cleaner longer and you’ll feel more accomplished at the end of the day. You’re going to do the dishes regardless. Start with something else and you’ll stand to get more accomplished. I do little things here and there like one day I just started picking closets to organize. Now all I have left is my pantry. It has made doing other things easier and faster.
Playing with the kids. Getting down on the floor or getting stuck in the slide outside. These are so much fun but somehow I was always too busy. Everything got my half attention and as a result everything was becoming half done. By focusing on individual tasks at a time bring us back to simple. Brings back focus for me. And generally….bring more happiness!
So, this week I ask you:
How do you best try to manage your time between things you want to do and things you have to do?
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