I chose the Citrus Spray Cleaner from their Household section. I have tried other green cleaning products before and felt that they weren’t very effective. At least not more then pushing water around. When I used the Citrus Spray I didn’t feel that way at all. It effectively cleaned all around my kitchen. I could see it working on my stainless sink when I first sprayed it even and when the water touched it it bubbled a little like when vinegar and baking soda meet up. It also didn’t blast me with a strong cleaning scent when it sprayed. I like that the sprayer also had a snap cover over the sprayer. I am notorious for leaving cleaners on the counters and I like the extra safe guard in case Gavin was to find it.
While I don’t have a dog, my mom does. She has a golden retriever with long hair. I picked this because I have often heard her complain about how the the shampoos she was using on him always left his fur feeling dry and like something was in it. No one wants to pet their dog and feel a film on their hands afterwards. So when I saw that Ecostore USA carried an Herbal Fresh Pet Shampoo I knew it would be something she’d be interested in using on Kody. I wasn’t there to see her do it. I had no intentions of getting involved in a pet bath. Especially in winter where it had to be in the tub versus the outside and a hose… She said it left him with a great smell. It was soft and not overwhelming. She said some shampoos that smell nice are very over powering and this one wasn’t at all. She said his fur definitely felt softer and she hadn’t felt any residue feeling when he was done!

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J. Leigh Designz Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.
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