By now unless your living under a rock you’ve all heard about the tragedy and devastation going on in Haiti after the massive earthquake they had last week. Kolcraft has stepped up to help all the children by running a silent auction on $1000 worth of products!
I, personally, think it was a great idea! It grabs attention and lets both Kolcraft and you help the children of Haiti through K.I.D.S. Donations! Wanna know how to participate?
Head on over to Kolcraft’s Facebook Page and check out the comments that go down the page. They have several items that you can bid on.
As of right now (and these will hopefully be going up) the following items are for grabs:
The Contours® Classique™ 3-in-1 Bassinet is valued at $179.99 and has a high bid of $80!!
The Contours® Soybean-Latex Foam 2-Stage Infant-Toddler Crib Mattress with Rayon from Bamboo Cover that retails for $319.99 is at a bid of $43, however it does need to hit $90 to sell.
The Contours® Options® 3 Wheeler is valued at $169.99 and has a high bid of only $96.00!
I would love to see if these could not only hit their value of sale but exceed it!
So head on over to the Kolcraft Facebook Page and see all the items up for grabs during their silent auction! Don’t wait long though because the bidding ends tomorrow (1/19) at 4pm sharp!
So head on over to the Kolcraft Facebook Page and see all the items up for grabs during their silent auction! Don’t wait long though because the bidding ends tomorrow (1/19) at 4pm sharp!
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