Since kids use their feet to help support their balance it’s easier to catch themselves before hitting the ground. No fumbling about where to put their feet. In return this means your child is no longer concentrating on the fear of falling but the joy of riding. The bike itself is only 7 pounds (a third of the weight of a normal 12″ bicycle with training wheels).

It was super easy to put together and only required one tool. Strider Sports even supplied the tool for you! All that needed to be put together were the handle bars and front tire.
Overall, we really like this bike. He caught on much faster then I expected him too. I thought I would have to explain it to him but really there’s no explanation needed. He did question why his brother’s bike had petals and his didn’t but we told him it helped him go faster. He liked that idea. When I first saw the video above I thought the parents with those kids were crazy. I couldn’t imagine such a small child going that fast, especially on hills and ramps. Gavin however goes just as fast although I’m still running along beside him just in case. As with any bike a helmet should always be worn. If you don’t have one don’t worry as Strider Sports also has child sized helmets available for purchase off their site.
I think having a Strider Sports Bike under the tree this Christmas would be a gift any child wold LOVE!

Congrats Anonymous
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That’s many chances to win a Strider Bike!!
Contest ends Dec 2nd at 11:59pm!
***USA Only***
J. Leigh Designz Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.
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