Sprig has a series of toys called the Adventure Series. The Adventure Series are battery free and can been played on land and water. Take them outside, take them to the pool. Either way get off the couch and play!
Not only does Sprig Toys believe in minimal packaging to help our landfills but they actually add cut outs that you can use for additional play.
The Dolphin Explorer Boat comes with a large explorer boat and a smaller rescue boat. It also comes with two dolphins- a Mama and baby of course! An adventure guide they call Captain Owen (we call daddy), and he comes with a hat, backpack, and a life preserver.
We decided to take our explorer boat straight to the bath tub. Its rather cold outside these days for water play and I had to toss all our bath toys out due to germs. As you can see Gavin had a field day playing with these toys.
His favorite of course was the main boat although he never put down “daddy”. He loved finding the dolphins and having them swim all around the boat. I did expect them to float more since they were described as water toys. The boat sunk if it had any water go over the top which worries me a bit as to drying out on the inside. The pieces to “daddy” also sunk so we were searching for the hat and life preserver constantly. That didn’t stop Gavin from having a fun time with these toys. He loved playing with them and they definitely kept him entertained without any other toys in the tub.

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That’s many chances to win a Dolphin Explorer Boat!!
Contest ends Dec 2nd at 11:59pm!
***USA Only***
J. Leigh Designz Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.
Sprig toys’ Dolphin Explorer Boat really fits during bath time of kids. When my mom was still taking care of my little brother, my brother often refuses to take a bath and choose to play so I think that this will help in encouraging the children to take a bath regularly since while playing with bubbles they could also play with a boat and other toys inside the tub.