Random Tuesday Thoughts – Chop it all off, baby! Plus, the biggest WTF ever!

So, I think I’m the only Mommy Blogger who didn’t blog about Halloween yesterday! Why? Because all my pictures are stuck on my 8 GB ScanDisk card that I can’t upload from because it freezes my computer every time and I haven’t had 2 seconds to get them on a CD.
Halloween wasn’t as fun as usual, it rained. Do you know how much fun it is to go trick or treating in the rain? We’re troopers though! We’ll do whatever it takes for free candy! We started a little earlier then normal this year so we wouldn’t be in the dark and in the rain, but it got dark faster then we thought it would!
I chopped my hair! All of it! I told you I would! Hubby is so happy with me! I still hate that he likes short hair more then long! Of course I took pictures for you but didn’t realize I put them on the other disk! Ugh! I cut over a foot of my hair off! That first shower I wanted to cry! I couldn’t make a ponytail now if I tried!
I asked hubs later that night if he really, truly liked my hair. What was his response? You look old. What?!?! I was so mad! He swears it was in a good way but seriously you do not tell a woman facing 30 in a year or so that she looks old!
Still haven’t won a Leap Frog Zippity Contest! ugh! Know of any I can enter?
One of our friends just gave birth. Wish we would have known I would have had a gift handy but since we were partying with her one night and then she just went in and had a baby when no one knew she was preggers we were all rather surprised! Um, so the story is she never, ever knew. Um, yeah, ok. Whatever you say.
How do you gain 30 pounds, your cycles are different, and you don’t notice? Or see a doctor?
I knew I was preggers both times before I even peed on the stick!
It’s not called not knowing. Honey, its called denial!
She was a bigger girl so we didn’t really notice the weight change and since every time I saw her she was taking more shots then a shot gun who would have thunk it?
Turns out she was told the week before giving birth she was pregnant at the hospital. She went in for severe back pain. She got mad, left, and said she was getting a second opinion. I’ve never heard of such a thing?!?! A second opinion on a pregnancy? Really?
Well, turns out she was far overdue and that baby was past the need of coming out. She wound up with Eclampsia. Her boyfriend woke up to her having a seizure. She slipped into a coma and the baby was born a few hours later. Both are now fine, luckily. But goes to show you what lack of proper prenatal care will do to you!
Am I the only one swallowing that one down?

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