Do you notice something different?

Guess what I went and did?
I went .com! Isn’t it exciting? Ok, so probably not much for you but for me it it LOL!
It will take 3 full days to fully make the switch so you may still be viewing this on blogspot.
I really want to take a moment to thanks ‘Baby Loving Mama‘ for walking me through it! I never realized how amazingly easy it was to do! She answered all my many annoying questions and assured me when my blog temporarily disappeared that it would come back. It did, but the longest 3 minutes of my life I swear!

So, do me a favor and go on over and visit her awesome blog!

So, I’m sure many of you want to know just how easy it was right?
Lets say FIVE MINUTES easy!
I always thought it was going to be a huge deal but it wasn’t!
I still need to fix a few things. I’ve fixed my buttons and I need to see what happens with google reader for your email subscriptions.
Do me a favor and let me know if you stop getting them?!?!
It seems I didn’t lose any of my followers and at the moment my page rank hasn’t changed either. My website grade did splat down to a 47 from a 98 so that was quickly removed LOL! Although I think that’s more because everything is in transition. We’ll see as I’ll be testing it again once everything is in the clear!

All of you should be automatically redirected to the .com from blogspot but just in case please rebookmark my site under the new address. Also check your buttons and see what happens.

Anyone remember how to sign into feedburner to change things around? Some odd reason I can only see the feeds I’ve signed up for. Weird huh?

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