BabyBjörn is a well known company best known for their baby carriers. BabyBjörn has been around since 1961. I love that they not only focus on baby’s comfort & needs but Mom & Dad’s too! They also work very closely with pediatricians to always get great feedback and valuable information. Plus, while they began their company in Sweden they now look to pediatricians in Germany, France, and the USA as well! I also love that they not only stand behind their name and products but they also take responsibility for it! BabyBjörn also never compromises when it comes to their core values- safety, quality, and style!
“BabyBjörn AB is a family-owned, Swedish company founded in 1961. Right from the start, BabyBjörn’s goal has been to simplify everyday activities for parents and small children by developing innovative products for children up to the age of three. Our products are now used worldwide by millions of parents, and all of them have the same goal: happy, safe children. The enthusiastic reception our products have received from these families inspires us in our efforts to develop safe and attractive, high-quality products.”

The straps in the carrier are great as they are wide and don’t dig into your shoulders. I like that the straps in the back cross giving much added support. At first its a bit tricky to figure out how to put on so give yourself some time before you first use it. Make sure to look at your owners manual as it gives great step by step directions with pictures!

This has been my hubby’s favorite carrier so far as he states “its the only one that doesn’t scream ‘girl'”. I have to agree that I like its sporty design and that its not covered in lace and ruffles. It has great gender neutral color choices and nothing that is overly flashy (although if you like bolder colors make sure to check out their other designs…especially the Original that is available in 8 trendy colors!).

Baby Bjorn is generously offering one reader a BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Air too!
Congrats #238 fall baby
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That’s many chances to win a Baby Bjorn Air Carrier!
Contest ends November 4th at 11:59pm!
***USA Only***
J. Leigh Designz Review Policy: I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but it was not influenced in any manner by monetary means.
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