Aloha Friday – TV in Kids Rooms

If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life.

I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too!
Sound like fun?


So, for this week’s question:

Q: Does your child have a TV in their room?
If so, at what age did they get it?

A: In our house Gavin (3) does not have a TV in his room. Johnny (8) does. Johnny got it when he was 2. He was given it as a Christmas Gift from my in-laws when he was 2 years old. It was one of those TV/DVD Mickey Mouse Combo TV’s. I wish I could find one for Gavin as he obsessed with mickey still!

We debated back & forth when his birthday rolled around on getting him a TV. We ended up deciding against it since he is amazingly good with his bedtime routine. But now he’s getting old enough to ask for one and realize his brother has something he doesn’t.

We figure with the right rules and boundries there really is no harm. Johnny is only allowed to watch TV week days after homework & chores but not after dinner. On Friday & Sat. nights he can watch a movie for bed.
We are debating letting Gavin use it strictly Fri & Sat nights before bed as that was only when Johnny could use it up until a couple years ago. I think if you’re strict with the time limits have parental controls on (as Johnny does) there is no harm although I know some parents are extremely against it.

Gavin would not have cable in his room. I think that’s a privilege to be earned later.

I so wish Disney didn’t discontinue the Mickey Combo!

Oh, just want to add from one of the comments.
My first TV was for Christmas my junior year in high school. Hubs bought it for me and we had been dating already for years.

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