- Provides gentle bust line support for full and engorged breasts
- Acts as a warm compress to soothe tender breasts and ease engorgement
- Shields sensitive nipples and breasts from direct contact with harsh shower sprays
- Protects nipples and areolas from direct contact with soap and other chemical residues found in many toiletries. A big plus for breastfeeding moms!
Benefits of Shower Hug not in the shower:
- Provides an alternative to a traditional or nursing bra for soft, comfortable support. Strap-free design relieves pressure on shoulders
- Prevents nighttime leaks with or without the use of adhesive breastfeeding pads
- Offers hands-free convenience to hold cold packs and heat packs in place.

The Shower Hug is super soft. I thought for some reason it would have a terry cloth feel but its the incredibly soft high quality knit terry velour. It has stitching around the edges to keep it from fraying and really large “velcro” area. I say “velcro” because its not really velcro. Its nicer. Its definitely not going to have all that yucky lint in after awhile. Its smooth and not scratchy. I couldn’t find anywhere what exactly is was but wish other products would use this! It arrives nicely folded in a sheer organza bag with a gift tag as well.

Congrats chelsea
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That’s many chances to win your own Shower Hug!
Contest ends October 20th at 11:59pm!
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