If you find yourself forgetting to count a kick or got yourself distracted you can easily delete a session and start over.

“First Candle/SIDS Alliance is a national nonprofit health organization uniting parents, caregivers and researchers nationwide with government, business and community service groups to advance infant health and survival. With help from a national network of member and partner organizations, we are working to increase public participation and support in the fight against infant mortality.
First Candle is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code and has been recognized as one of the top fifteen children’s charities in America and as a “little charity that does big things” by Parenting and Parents magazines. Most recently, Worth Magazine named First Candle one of the nation’s top 100 charities worthy of donor support.
A national member in good standing of Community Health Charities, First Candle participates in workplace giving programs throughout the country. We are proud to maintain administrative costs well below the nonprofit industry standard of 25 percent. In fiscal year 2002-2003, First Candle reported that fund raising and administrative costs comprised only 18 percent of the organization’s total operating budget.”

~Winners have been notified by email~
You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.
Check the side bar to the right for list!)
That’s many chances to win a KickTrax to count your baby’s movements!!
Contest ends October 11th at 11:59pm!
***USA & Canada Only***
If you would like to be considered for an upcoming feature/review please contact me by email which you can find in my profile. PR Friendly. Thanks!
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