- 5.5”x7.5” Journal – fits in diaper bag or purse
- 3 months of logging pages to track baby’s feeding, diapering and sleeping
- Log both breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- Space to track vitamins, baths and special moments
- Easy to use and portable
- Includes a sample page for suggested use, growth log, and contacts page for important numbers
- Coil bound to lay flat for easy use
- Assists in developing a schedule for baby
- Useful in the early days to ensure baby is eating enough
- Handy for paediatrician visits
- Helpful for babysitters
- Made with Acid free paper with post consumer waste content
- Printed in Canada
- ISBN 978-0-9812572-1-1

“One of the first tools Lindsay developed to help her through this difficult period was a tracking log for Juliet’s basic needs such as feeding, sleeping, diapering and bathing. The tracking enabled Lindsay to better understand Juliet’s patterns and to support a schedule that made everyone’s lives easier, while at the same time reducing stress.”

What I really liked about this book is it allowed all moms to use this book. It didn’t state to one specific mom or newborn. If you breastfeed or bottle feed or even used both this journal made it super easy to use. Tracking what you gave, when, which side, and how with just quick simple notes allowing you to get back to your family faster. It lets you track their toileting what they had and when as well as their sleep schedule so you can start to put together a pattern.
At the bottom of each daily chart there is a spot to check of “daily vitamin’ and ‘bath’. I laughed at first wondering if this was for mom or baby.
There is also a spot for notes so if something happened that day that you felt was needed to record you had sufficient space. The pages are all color coded to the color book you chose as well. You can chose from pink, blue, or green. I’d love to see a soft yellow in the future!
The back of the book has a double sided page for contacts, their numbers, addresses, and emails. It had a sturdy front and back and is small enough to throw in the small front pouch of your diaper bag or tuck into a top drawer of your nightstand. Spiral binding so it stays open.
Other then wanting a yellow selection I really can’t offer any ways to improve this book. I am happy to have one hand for when #3 finally comes our way as I often struggle with books that don’t stay simple and want to much for me. This is the perfect simple way to track the basics of your baby.

Congrats #17 goodwitchglinda
~Winner has been notified~
Check the side bar to the right for list!)
That’s many chances to win your own Glow Baby – Baby’s First Journal!
Contest ends October 13th at 11:59pm!
***USA & Canada Only***
If you would like to be considered for an upcoming feature/review please contact me by email which you can find in my profile. PR Friendly. Thanks!
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