How time flies…

I can’t believe that its already August. This means summer is almost over and to be honest here in New England there hasn’t been much of one! Rain! So much rain its past the point of ridiculous! Everyday we plan on going out on our boat it rains. Then Saturday when the sun was out and it was 82 degrees and sunny the river was extremely high and far too dangerous to go out on. I watched the news sat. night and a few people went out rafting on the river without life jackets (why?!?!) and now a teenager is missing, plus she didn’t know how to swim. They had to call the search off once night fell because the river was moving too fast and dangerously to search in the dark. Farmers are losing crops to the rain and our garden isn’t doing so hot either.

August also means something else around here. Massachusetts state taxes just went up. We originally had a 5% tax on purchased items. August 1 it went to 6.25% and alcohol wasn’t taxed before and now it is. I can see the New Hampshire border getting even more crowded now. New Hampshire doesn’t tax anything so people (especially smokers) head north.

Today the sun is actually shining so I will be bringing the boys to the park in hopes that the playground isn’t soaking wet!

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