Aloha Friday – Swine Flu & The H1N1

If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life.

I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too!
Sound like fun?


So, for this week’s question:

Q: Do you and your family get the Flu Shot? Are you planning on getting the H1N1 Swine Flu Shot?

A: I always get the flu shot. Due to my psoriasis and the medications I take I have immune issues. I get on the short list when there are low amounts available as well. I’ve had the flu once a few years ago when I was working in the ER. It was horrible. I think the couch had an indent of me for the rest of the time we owned it.

The kids will get it as long as I can get my hands on it for them. I strongly believe in vaccinations so they have both had it since 6 months of age. Johnny was born without an immune system and while he’s been fine since the age of 2 he usually gets put on that list with me.

Hubby is stubborn. He doesn’t think its worth the copay for the visit haha!

On the H1N1.
While I am big on vaccinations I’m not big on new ones. New ones that haven’t been around long enough to really see what bad things come from them. So unless they become mandatory in the school system I will not be getting one nor will my kids.

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