Etsy 4th of July Bash: Presenting Michelle’s Unique Gifts & Creations! Giveaway! {CLOSED}

Presenting Michelle’s Unique Gifts and Creations!

Kama Sutra scented goats milk soap

Who are you?
My name is Michelle Bell, married with three teenagers
How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I have been selling on Etsy for a little over a year now. I have two shops, and

Peppermint and cranberry layered soap

What made you decide to open up shop?
When I first opened, it was because I had so much jewelry and was deciding what to do with it when I stumbled upon Etsy. Then I started soaps, then candles.

How did you decide on your shop name?
My shop name isn’t very unique, but every name I thought of for jewelry it was taken, so that’s how I ended up with the name I have.

Lemongrass scented glycerin soap

What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
My favorite item in my soap and candle shop is the peppermint/cranberry layered soap because the combo smells and looks so nice! My favorite item in my jewelry shop is the shoe and purse themed pandora bracelet because I love purses and shoes!

Green tea and lemongrass soy candle 8 oz.

Do you have any websites, blogs, or other markets we can find you on?
I have a twitter account and my blog is, you can also find me on Plumdrop at. I also have a fan page on FaceBook

Almond Biscotti layered soap

What are some of your favorite stores from other sellers on Etsy?
The other sellers shops on etsy I love are:
2kute, hdawnparrat, wallexpress, SerendipityTreasures, and heathenshearth

(many of her’s are mine! Some have even been featured here before too!)

Pink sugar glycerin soap

Michelle’s Unique Gifts and Creations has offered this pretty Pink Sugar Glycerin Soap above to one of my readers!


You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.

(Make sure to check out all my other giveaways!
Check the side bar to the right for list!)

That’s many chances to win this lovely soap from Michelle!

Contest ends July 19th at 11:59pm!

***USA & Canada Only***

If you would like to be considered for an upcoming feature/review please contact me by email which you can find in my profile. PR Friendly. Thanks!

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