Happy Green Bee is a children’s clothing store that sells clothing made with only natural organic materials! Organic clothing is a great way to protect your child from all the chemicals & toxins being poured into kids items these days!
From their website:
Cotton clothing retains harmful toxic residues, often causing rashes and eczema on sensitive skin
Clothing made with organically grown cotton does not retain toxic residues; it is a pure, natural, and breathable fiber.
Cotton occupies only 3% of the world’s farmland, but uses 25% of the world’s chemical pesticides. Worldwide, 25 to 75 million agricultural workers suffer from acute pesticide poisoning.
Organically grown cotton is not treated with pesticides.
Petroleum based hydrocarbons (chemical fertilizers) are intensively applied to cotton crops to artificially speed up and otherwise “enhance” the plant’s growth cycle and productivity. The runoff of these compounds pollutes our watersheds and food chains.
Organically grown cotton does not use petroleum-based fertilizers.
Genetically modified seed accounts for 75% of conventionally grown cotton. We can only speculate about the unintended and unforeseen consequences of genetic engineering.
Organically grown cotton does not use genetically engineered seed.

If your looking for fun bright colored clothing that will match their fun loving personalities this is your store! Their baby, toddler, and kids clothing has great adorable patterns with stripped tights, petaled skirts, ruffled swimsuits, reversible hoodies, and so much more!

I had the opportunity to review the Mom’s on the Go Kit! This kit is jam pack full of all sorts of goodies that will not let you down! It comes in a clear zippered reusable case. I love that the zipper has a cloth diaper pin on it! There is a Giggles, Riddles, and Rhymes read out loud book, 80 ml Herbal Room Spray, Grow Your Own Apple Tree Birthday Kit, 2 oz Baby Soft Calendula Oil, 4 oz Baby Soft Laundry Liquid, All Natural Diaper Ointment, and an adorable Tooth Fairy Tin!
This is the perfect gift set for any new mom or a mom going on a trip as it has all the basic essentials. Speaking of basic all these items have just basic natural ingredients!!! No added chemicals, perfumes, or dies which is essential for baby’s sensitive skin!
They even list the ingredients on the side of all the products so you know exactly what your using! The oil is great for bath time or when you want to try out infant baby massage! The laundry detergent is great so the clothes you put your baby in don’t cause their skin to break out in allergic reactions or rashes from harsh chemicals! I love the little tooth fairy tin and {heart} the idea of the Apple Tree kit!

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That’s many chances to win this great On the Go Kit from Happy Green Bee!
Contest ends June 26th at 11:59pm!
***USA & Canada Only***
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