Recently I was offered the chance to review a flat iron from Hana Salon by Lisa over at It’s A Glam Thing. I immediately jumped at the chance! I have extremely thick hair and while that gets me many compliment from hairdressers, it doesn’t do me much good anywhere else. Hair clips pop, rubber bands break, and styling, why bother? It just falls out from the weight.
Thick hair is heavy hair and so while I have often wanted to try out a flat iron I was worried about spending the money just to have it not work.

I decided to give it a try on a night we were going to our friends Jack and Jill. I was a bit cautious since if it messed up I had no time to fix it. I had read that I could use it on both dry or damp hair. So, once I got all the access water out of my hair I applied my make up and then grabbed the iron. I set it to the maximum heat because trust me, my hair is thick (I’ve had multiple salons tell me its the thickest they’ve ever worked with). Sure enough it worked! I was so excited. It did take quite awhile to do since some pieces I had to go over a couple times. You could easily tell the sections that were ironed verses the sections that weren’t. The pieces I hadn’t gotten too were wavy and frizzy and the ones I had done were soft, smooth, and straight! I loved that I could curl the bottoms under. That pamphlet it came with showed a few tips and techniques on other ways to use it for other then straightening!
I don’t often praise hair tools because 9 out of 10 fail to meet my standards but the Hana Professional far exceeded my expectations! It sounds steep at $140 but if I count up the tools that have failed me in the past I have spent well over that. Plus, this can technically replace both my $65 hairdryer and my $40 curling iron that cost almost that already!
Plus, if you purchase from Misikko right now its on sale!

Lisa over at It’s A Glam Thing is giving one away to one of her lucky readers!
Make sure to check out her whole site! It has tons of great advice, tips, and giveaways!
She even has a blog with all the latest news and reviews!
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