Between You and Me: The way to share those precious family memories! Review & Giveaway! {CLOSED}

As well all know Father’s Day is creeping upon us faster then we realize. It’s just 2 weeks away! Still don’t have any ideas on what do give Dear ‘ol Dad this year? Still want something personal he’s going to know came from the heart?

You should check out “Between You and Mejournals from Sand Dune Publishing.
I gave you guys a promotional code for them back in May, for Mother’s Day HERE.

Well, don’t forget about Dad! What a great gift idea this would be!
I know Dad’s don’t sit and gossip and tell stories the way we do with our Mom’s. If I really needed to know something or just curiously ask my Mom it wouldn’t take much. My Dad on the other hand – not so much. Don’t get me wrong. We can talk no problems just finding out those small things don’t happen like that.

One of these books will really help him tell you things you never knew about him before. Then it can become a cherished belonging that will forever tie you together that you can pass down to your children one day!

Maybe you’d like to get one that you can fill out and give him. Although you may not think so, I’m sure Dad would relive some of those wonderful memories along with you!
I actually got my hands on one of these books! I received the “Grandma” book.
When I was around 11 or 12 my Dad’s parents moved to Daytona Beach, FL. Within a couple of years so did the rest of his family. Not us, we stayed here. (shucks!)
Anyways. I used to have an incredibly close relationship with my grandparents. My grandmother used to even bring me to school every morning because I lived outside the district because of a move and didn’t want to change schools again.

When they left our relationship soon faded.

Well, in one week my grandparents are coming up to live at my Dad’s for the entire summer! We are so excited to have them here! I can’t wait for the boys to see them!

I thought this would be a great gift idea to give my grandmother when she first gets here and hopefully she can give it back to me before she leaves. It would be great to have! Plus their are extra pages in the back that she (or me) could technically add photos too! Making it kinda like a memory scrapbook!

This book/journal is a great book! It’s hard covered with a spiral bound journal. The color is nice and bright. There is so much more then I truthfully expected from this book. I don’t think I really realized just how many things they’d ask and that I would have never thought to ask!

Some are:

What I love is it asks everything…somethings you might even not feel comfortable asking but you would love to know! The book takes all that out of it and just lets you simply bond and share memories!

Sand Dune Publishing has offered one of my readers one book of their choice!
How sweet is that!


You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.

(Make sure to check out all my other giveaways!
Check the side bar to the right for list!)

That’s many chances to win this great memory journal from Sand Dune Publishing!

Contest ends June 20th at 11:59pm!

***USA Only***

If you would like to be considered for an upcoming feature/review please contact me by email which you can find in my profile. PR Friendly. Thanks!

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