Aloha Friday: Broken Bones

If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life.
I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too!
Sound like fun?

So, for this week’s question:

Q: Have you ever broken a bone?

A: I certainly have! Not many though. When I was around 13 I dressed up as a “club girl” (I know, I know) for Halloween. I remember my father telling me I wasn’t leaving the house like that. I walked out the door anyways fell on the front steps in my high heeled knee length boots and broke my ankle. Karma, right? I was on crutches for a few weeks.

When I was little (5th grade) I broke something in my left hand. Can’t remember what exactly. I lived out in the country and was riding my bike down an extremely fast hill. I got going so fast that when i got scared and tried to brake it was steep that I actually flipped over the handle bars.

When I was 17 a senior in high school I was a Varsity Cheerleader. We were teaching a new girl how to fly. When she came down her arms were supposed to be open so we could catch her. Instead she came down with her elbows. She hit my straight in the face and didn’t just brake my nose but actually shattered the bone.
I was left with 2 shiners and a cast. Lovely. I actually needed plastic surgery to reconstruct it. Wish they could let me chose it because I swear its still slightly crooked.

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