Shelf Reliance has great options for food storage regardless if you’re looking for storage in your kitchen or in your basement. Tired of pulling out all your cans to find the one your looking for? Or how about buying things you already had just because you didn’t know it was in there?

Regardless of your kitchen organizational needs Shelf Reliance has an organizing system sure to fit all of your food storage needs! Plus they are adjustable, expandable, and stackable! How cool is that? So, if you get one and realize you need more just stack them on top of each other!

I love the ease that my son can go right in and find his Speghetti–O’s no problem if he gets hungry. I also like that it automatically pull the oldest to the front instead of when we put thin in normally the newest end up in front.
our cupboards are a mess.
I would love to have our can goodies organized, the disorder drives me crazy!
I need one because we have too many cans for our cupboard space!
tiggeraj at yahoo dot com
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tiggeraj at yahoo dot com
I need it because I live in a small apartment and we don’t have much in means of shelving…seriously I have cleaned out the closet that we use as a pantry and the next day my husband tells me it needs to be done again… ahhh…the pain!
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I so need one of these. I do home daycare and go through lots of food seeing on how I have kiddos all three shifts. Not that they eat on third shift but they sure do eat on the other shifts. I would love to have the big one, or two.
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I need all the help I can get in my tiny little pantry.
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
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nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
i basically have no cupboard space so this would help
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Organization, organization, organization
webowes at hotmail dot com
I am short and my cupboard shelves high. I really need this to help me organize and find what I need far easier than now. It’s hard to rummage through things and find what I need with different items behind others and being short complicates this more.
I need it because it would save me so much time and make my kitchen a safer place for me. I’m kind of short and I’m a total klutz so when I’m reaching and trying to find things, it usually ends in a mess. This would be a wonderful addition to my kitchen.
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I often buy duplicate food items because I have NO IDEA what I currently have in my cupboards. Organization is a DREAM of mine, but this could make it reality.
Who doesn’t need more organization in their pantry, cabinets or fridge?
everytime i try to find anything in the cupboard its always in the back or the last can i find. mverno@roadunner.com
I need a Shelf Reliance Consolidator because I literally have no cupboards! We recently moved into our apartment a few months ago and it happens to be half of an older home… needless to say, it has noooo shelves! I have had to be very creative to make new ways to store food but this would help greatly!!
kkondek at gmail.com
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My kids are pretty good about opening their own cans and microwave heating, but they are terrible at organization and neatness. So the can cabinet is always a disaster. Plus, my biggest concern is that they grab whatever they find first, and that means the newest cans, instead of rotating the older cans. I don’t always have time to sort the cabinet and pull older cans to the front. So this organizer would be PERFECT for us!!They could easily see and grab whichever they want, and I know that the cans are getting rotated properly because I add new ones to the top and they move down automatically. I love this idea for soda cans in the refrigerator, and I’m glad someone realized it could work in cabinets too. Brilliant!!
I usually buy multiples of the same thing when I go to the grocery store, so when I buy canned goods, I usually buy about 10 at a time. That is nice because I always have what I need, but it means my pantry is a huge mess. This would be a perfect way for me to keep it all organized.
kirkandalice at gmail dot com
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kirkandalice at gmail dot com
we are fortunate to have a deep pantry, but that can be a problem in itself. i spend a lot of time moving everything just to get the things i need.
Small kitchen, I can use any space saver, and this looks like a good one.
My husband and I just bought our first house the house is older and the cupboards are small and deep which makes it hard to get anything out of them.
This is genius! My husband is so irritated with out can goods pantry because everything is stacked all over and falls down and you never know what you have or need to buy. This would be great.
saradavis1 at gmail
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I could really use this because we have very tiny cabinets and lots of stuff! It looks really handy!
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Oh my pantry is a mess and I am always knocking stuff off the shelves trying to find something that I know is in there somewhere!
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We need some organization!
I could use this because my pantry is disorganized. I also buy in bulk due to the long distance we live from a major grocery store. Thanks for the chance to win!
I can not imagine a situation in which I wouldn’t need this in my kitchen. Maybe it is because we have 5 kids, and a puppy. Now that I think about the question. I don’t need one of these in my kitchen. I need one in my kitchen and about 10 in my store room!
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I an=m a neat freak and love everything in its place, married to someone that could care less about pantry and can goods organized, the disorder drives me crazy!
I follow on twitter, and will RT contest. madly59
madly59Win a shelf consolidator http://bit.ly/sP9h5 onlyjoy1959@yahoo.com I get your newsletter vi8a email
Since my daughter and 2my 2 grandchildren moved in my cupboards are a total disaster. I need all the help I can get putting them back in order. This I believe would do the trick! Thank you!
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I need one of these!
mlkskydive at aol dot com
I need the Food Rotation System because my cans are stored willy-nilly with my boxes,cartons and pouches in a too crowded cabinet sitting in my kitchen. jelly15301@gmail.com
Blog follower. jelly15301@gmail.com
I wish I could post a picture of my pantry and then you’d KNOW why. I bet I have things in there I haven’t seen for years. This sounds great. Thanks.
Because I would love to organize my can goods and also to create extra space.
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New cans always get put in front of the older ones.
I would like to use my old cans of food first so this would come in handy
I need this because I have very little storage and this would be perfect for all the cans. Thank you!
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I need one because it is always hard to keep my crazy, messy pantry organized!
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
my cabinet is a mess and it’s hard to find what can food we have. mavans@scottsboro.org
I need this because my cabinets are a omplete mess. Thee are cans everywhere. I have to go through the while thing to find one can usually.
hebert024 at aol dot com
we bought our town home as a starter home 5 yrs ago, thinking we will move out of it in 3 yrs. with job and economy it is getting tougher and kids are growing up, so space is a big trouble spot for us. This help me organize my kitchen a lot.thanks
I need help with my cupboards. I don’t have a lot of storage space so keeping it organized is key. Thanks for sharing~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
i have so little space in my kitchen, i need one of these so bad!
autumn398 (at) yahoo.com
Given the times, I am most interested in building my edible stockpile. This would allow me to effectively rotate canned goods, which I am much in need of. This site has very good reports, and so do the products, in a wide range of sizes and for canned goods of many sizes as well.
I can never find anything in my pantry!! Thanks for the chance.
Much cleaner than just jamming everything in the space
Even though I organized one side the other side still looks like a crazy death trap when you open the doors. Yup it’s a open and jump back experience. I would love a little more help ๐ My toes thank you ๐
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I buy lots of cans of soup
But I’m always out of the loop
Which can is oldest, which to use first,
I don’t know, guessed and cursed.
This would help me not to have to jump through a hoop.
(Actually I’ve thought I should do what my cousin does and mark on the cans when he buys something, but that seems like a pain when you could have this!
We always make sure we a a one year emergency supply of food on hand and this sure would help to keep in organized!
My pantry is super small and I’m always haphazardly stacking cans to try and make the most fit. This would be great to have.
I need a Shelf Reliance Cansolidator in my kitchen because I take any opportunity I can get to become more organized. I’m not a super organized person by nature, so every bit of help helps!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
all i have to say is come look at my pantry and you will know why i need this!! LOL!
2by2boutique at gmail dot com
2by2boutique at gmail dot com
need to get organized and for my little ones who want to help with dinner, no more dropping cans on the little toes while trying to reach in the back of the shelf
i dont have a lot of storage space in my cupboards, this would really help!
Thank you for a great giveaway. This would be fantastic to be more organized and not waste. Thank you!
We have lots of canned vegetables and pasta just laying haphazardly in our pantry. Being able to see everything and get to everything easily would be a welcome change.
My cupboard is a mess and this would keep it so nice and organized. I could fit a lot more in it with this.
our panty is in a mess. Not happy with it. It often fall to the ground when I opened it
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They have lots of things & food items!
I need an organization intervention!
gramousetails (at) gmail dotcom
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my cupboard for my canned goods is a mess this would help me organize the soups, fruits and veggies
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I really could use this in my pantry because I am so tired of digging throughte cans trying to find the one I need to cook with. Plus it would be so much organized if I had one in the pantry.
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Because our shelves are a mess! This would be great!
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I need one because my pantry is a mess! The things that get shuffled to the back never get used because they’re lost in the labyrinth of my cupboards! Help!
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Tweeted – bridget3420
We have a very small house. This means my kitchen is small which means we have limited cupboard space. Forget a pantry, doesn’t exist.
Tweet -bridget3420
i hate that things get pushed to the back of our cabinets and never used.. i try to dig back there to see whats there but everything is such a mess! this would be really helpful
We have a TEENY house with one kid, and one on the way! Any way to organize or make more space in my house is GREATLY appreciated! =)
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i need one because my cabinets are such a horrible mess
I have cans in the cabinet, cans in the pantry and cans in another cabinet. So i really need to organize these cans.
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We have a kitchen in FL from a 2 bed 1 bath house, but 5 of us live here- there’s no room for anything. This would help me organize and store more.
My cupboards are a mess. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
I stock up on canned goods when my grocery store is having a good sale, consequently I have a ton of canned goods in my pantry. This can organizer would bring some organization to the chaos.
WOW! This could help me keep track of whats behind everything in the pabtry-the stuff I forget about!!
Because I live in a smaller home then the seven dwarfs and when I do find the can I am looking for , whether in the front porch or the cupboard or under the sink, half a dozen fall to the floor just getting the one. ๐
I need a Shelf Reliance Cansolidator to help me organize my kitchen cabinets.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Imagine not having to take many cans out of the cupboard every time I’m searching for something. That’s why I need this product.
wolfcarol451 at gmail dot com
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wolfcarol451 at gmail dot com
I love the Shelf Reliance products! I hate manually rotating my cans, I would love to have the rotation system!
Our cans are currently mixed up in a food closet. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I need to restore some order to my pantry and some sanity to my self. OTHER people in my home seem to think it’s fine to shove stuff anywhere when they’re looking for something and my system is all messed up in a matter of hours after I organize it. This system would force them to leave things where they belong and they’d be hard pressed to fight the built-in organization. I love this!
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Now this is something that I really can use. I have very limited pantry shelf and it’s always so hard to find what I’m looking for. I could put my canned goods in this and have them all nice and neat and easy to find.
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We need to organize this modular home! Thanks!!
Our kitchen cabinets are over 30 years old, and it's difficult to get to some of their lower shelves & back corners. This product would help me to get to all of the canned foods without removing the ones in front of them.
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My kitchen is such a mess and this would really help organize it.
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I would like to have some order in my cupboard and to be able to know what is in there without disrupting the whole space.
I wish I could submit a photo for you to see why I need one of these. I am constantly buying more of an item because I simply do not realize I already have it in my pantry. I need this!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
THis is the perfect solution for us! I can never tell what is behind the first layer of cans because I am too short so this would be great for organization and I would be able to tell what’s what! thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
I am a follower. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
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Because I’m short, and out of sight is out of mind! Every year I find things way in the back I’ve forgotten about for months.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
My pantry is very unorganized. This would definitely help. This is a great idea!
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I need this because all my cans are stacked on top of each other and I have to dig through them to find what I need. Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I need a shelf reliance cansolidator to help me keep my kitchen foods organized.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
I need a Cansolidator because I have to keep cans in a lower cabinet and they are always an organized mess.
My pantry is a total mess! I always lose things in there! I end up with bunches of the same item because I forget that I already have some or I will be making something and I can’t find what I am looking for so I go to the store then the next day or so I find what I just went and bought.
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My food storage is all over my garage. This would get all of my cans organized very nicely!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
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this would help us get one little area organized. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
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I hate digging a can of veggies out of the pantry only to find that it is out of date! Such a waste. The cansolidator would solve that for me.
We would be so glad to have this prize in our storage-challenged kitchen! We live in Florida, so we really stock up on the non-perishables this time of year to prepare for hurricanes :-\
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I have just recently started using coupons and with coupons comes stock piling. I need one to help better organize the stock pile.
I need this in my pantry because my cans are not organized in there!
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I don’t have a lot of cabinet space – the cansolidator would make the cans organized and easily accessible, no fears about knocking over one can and having the rest fall out of the cabinet!
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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I need one because I don’t move the old stuff to the front enough so some of my canned goods have expired on me!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I can never find what I need in the cupboards.
I NEED to organize my canned goods better!
I have a lot of space and not a lot of room.
silverhartgirl at gmail.com
I have minimal pantry space and this would allow me to keep more in there and keep it from falling all over the place.
Our cupboards are a mess, and now that I’m trying to coupon and stock up, it’s getting worse!
We for sure need this as we just moved into a new apartment and it has only one set of cupboards!!
Thanks so much for the chance:)
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i am so unorganized and this would help intimeatmyself.com
We stockpile food and this would be a great way to use the older food first.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
Call it ‘simplification’ for my wife… to organize and seperate the canned soups, sauces and veggies! ๐
I need this because my cupboards are a mess of things in no good order, and I never have enough room!
We don’t have a lot of cupboards, so space and making things fit conveniently is a big issue with us!
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These would save me so much space & keep everything organized!
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my cupboards and counters are jam packed this would be great for some organization ๐
following your blog as klp1965
I need a Shelf Reliance Cansolidator in my kitchen to get it more organized so I can reach everything
this would help a lot
i love canned goods but don’t have a lot of space so having this would be great!
With a small kitchen, this would be great to save space!
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I have so many cans stockpiled I would love this so I can use them in the order I bought them (and be more organized) ๐
My husband is still working on refinishing the cupbourds. My house has been a mess for a month now. I would really like to win this rack. Thanks.
I think it would be perfect to organize my can goods.
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