Olive Smart … a new shade of green! Reusable Bags! Review!

I admit I have not used reusable bags. I own them. I’ve attempted. Really. However, when it comes down to it they are so bulky and take up half the shopping cart I tend not to bother. It’s not because I don’t want to use them but with half my cart already gone with my son in it I can’t really spare to have anymore space taken. Plus, I usually forgot them until I’m half way in there because they are in the back of my truck because they end up all over the place otherwise.Olive Smart makes the perfect reusable bags. They aren’t just fashionable and practical – they are earth friendly too! They hold their bags in convenient carriers small enough to fit in the cup holder of your car!

The Olive Smart Sack

I got to test out these awesome Olive Smart Sacks. There are six bags inside a sack bag. The sack is about the size of a soda can when all the bags are inside it which make it incredibly easy to carry around with you. The sack also has a draw string to keep it closed. They are currently in my purse now since they don’t take hardly any room at all. The bags themselves are great!!! They each come in a different pretty color and they are the same shape as a typical plastic bag you would receive from the store. However, they are larger!!! These are the perfect reusable bags! I am so pleased with them! Plus, they have a 20lb capacity! You can purchase these directly off their site for $39.00The Olive Smart Half Sack

These Olive Smart Half Sack bags run along the same idea as the regular bags, but they are designed to fit over your shoulder for easy carrying. They come in a set of three and also have a 20lb capacity. They are also $24.00 These would be great for the local farmer’s market!

From now until June 15th they have FREE SHIPPING!
Wouldn’t these make a great graduation or end of year teacher gift?


  1. Connie Walsh says

    These are really cool. I have found that I use my bags that are similar. They go in my purse and when I am shopping I pull them out.

    These ones on your review are kind of expensive though. Mine were $1 a bag at a local grocery store. Not nearly so pretty though

  2. Connie Walsh says

    These are really cool. I have found that I use my bags that are similar. They go in my purse and when I am shopping I pull them out.

    These ones on your review are kind of expensive though. Mine were $1 a bag at a local grocery store. Not nearly so pretty though

  3. missknits says

    very cool!! what a great eco friendly idea too!

  4. missknits says

    very cool!! what a great eco friendly idea too!

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