Itzbeen Baby Care Timer – You’ll Always Know How Long Itzbeen! Review & Giveaway! {closed}

I remember the first time I came home with my oldest. I completely winged feeding and changing times. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing and when. So, when I had my second I knew how important it was to track this information.
I started carrying around a notebook that tracked his feeding, sleeping, and changing times. The notebook was very useful for me and came in handy at Doctor’s appointments but it was a pain to carry around. It often got beat up by being thrown in the diaper bag or neglected if I had forgotten a pen while I was out.
Itzbeen Baby Care Timers has taken this system and made it easy, fast, and convienent!
It’s a great multi-purpose gadget that personally every new mom should have! It comes in pink, blue, or green, and you can buy them individually or in a twin pack!
It received the 2007 Juvenile Products Manufacturing Associations Innovations Award and the 2007 iParenting Media Award for Best baby Care Product.
It retails for a suggested $24.99 USD. It’s available at most leading retail stores like Target, Babies R Us,,, Land of Nod, and Giggle. If you’d like you can also purchase it directly from their website by clicking HERE.Itzbeen is not about making babies get put on schedules but just the opposite! Helping parents learn their babies schedules! It will help especially new parents figure out why their child is crying or fussy. Help them remember when things were done last. Maybe mom walks out the door to run and errand and forgets to tell dad or the babysitter what times she last did things. The Itzbeen will help with all of this!


  • Soft Glow Night Light
  • Nursing Reminder (what side you did last)
  • Backlight
  • Button Lock
  • Optional Alarms
  • Back Clip

“ITZBEEN™ Baby Care Timer was developed by a new mom and dad who found themselves sleep-deprived and needing help to remember baby care details, such as when their baby last ate or napped. They tried charts and journals, but thought there had to be a better way. So, they created the ITZBEEN™: a multi-purpose nursery tool that helps new parents remember the basic details of baby care. The ITZBEEN™ has four timers that count up with the touch of a button, and a host of other helpful features, all designed with the needs of a new parent in mind.

When I first received the Itzbeen I was surprised by its size. For some reason I thought it was going to be bigger. It was actually smaller then my monitor which was great! It was simple to set up and I loved that it had lock button on the side so I couldn’t accidentally reset the timers. It also had a clip so I could easily attach it to my pants or bag.
I also liked that it had a back light so you could always see what was it read. It also has a clock on it which is extremely helpful as well. If you need to get up in the middle of the night you can just grab it and go. If you don’t want to turn all the lights on hit the nightlight feature and you can use it to see around. The light will automatically turn off after 7 minutes.While we are past the feeding stage and such I have been using this to help with a potty training schedule! When the timer goes off my son knows it’s time for him to try and use the big boy potty! It’s definitely helped…and it’s way cheaper then any potty training timer I’ve seen!

Itzbeen has generously offered a green Itzbeen to one of my readers!



  1. Brad and Hailey says

    I know it will all be useful but I think the nursing side reminder will be most helpful in the middle of the night feedings. Baby’s due in just over a month! 🙂

  2. Brad and Hailey says

    I follow 🙂

  3. Brad and Hailey says

    I have your new button 🙂

  4. momof3dolls says

    I like the one-touch timer.

  5. momof3dolls says


  6. momof3dolls says

    Subscribe via email.

  7. momof3dolls says

    Have your button.

  8. Kim says

    love the lock button feature

  9. Kim says


  10. Tylerpants says

    I like the feeding timer, my baby is always hungry so this would be useful or else I tend to overfeed him!

  11. Tylerpants says

    I’m an email subscriber

  12. Tylerpants says

    I’m a follower

  13. elaine says

    I think the nursing reminder is a terrific feature-wish there was this gadget when my kids were babies.

    Elaine R


    nursing reminder

  15. Andrea says

    keeping track of feedings would be the most useful feature for me.

    apeak At hotmail DOT com

  16. Andrea says

    I’m an email subscriber.

  17. PJ says

    actually i like the whole thing, but not for me, it would be for my daughter. since i am now 1600 miles away from her and this is going to be her first baby i think it would be a great help to her.

  18. PJ says

    i am a follower

  19. stOOpidgErL says

    The diaper changing reminder would be most useful for me and [especially] my hubby!

  20. stOOpidgErL says

    I follow your blog

  21. stOOpidgErL says

    I subscribe to your blog

  22. Laura says

    I love that this features a light, so I can easily read it in the dark and not have to get out of bed.

  23. mverno says

    lets you know when baby napped and ate last

  24. jeanine says

    this is the best invention i have seen in a long time!! i am expecting my 4th baby and this will make 2 children i will need to change, 1 to take potty regularly so there are no accidents, 1 to nurse and 3 to feed at regular intervals to keep them from getting crabby. i REALLY need this thing to keep from losing my mind. LOL! the most useful feature?? all of it!!

  25. jeanine says

    i subscribe via email.

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