General Hospital…..Sneak Peak For the week of 4/27

From their website:

“Nikolas and Elizabeth kiss! Sonny vs. Jax over Carly.

Robin’s been floundering in the throes of post-partum depression for some time now, and it all comes to a head this week. At his wit’s end, Patrick gathers Robin’s loved ones for an intervention. Things get pretty ugly, and not just for Robin — but can Patrick convince her to get serious about treating her condition?

Meanwhile, Carly and Jax are wrestling with the decision to go through with Carly’s pregnancy despite the risks to her health. And it seems like everybody in Carly’s life has an opinion; particularly Sonny, who in no uncertain terms thinks Carly should value her own life over having another child. This doesn’t exactly endear Sonny to Jax, and the two end up involved in a physical encounter! The more things change, the more they stay the same …

Sonny and Jax aren’t the only upset Port Charlesians; Nikolas and Elizabeth spend the week fuming over the sight of Lucky and Rebecca’s new relationship. They decide to make Lucky and Rebecca jealous by faking a hookup. Except the two actually end up sharing a real kiss. Whoa! Does this mean something more — and equally important, does it tick Rebecca and Lucky off so much that they sleep together?

Speaking of which, Maxie hatches a plot to get back on Spinelli’s good side by pretending to be stalked so that Spinelli — who’s still out to prove that he’s a Man of Action — will rescue her. Boy, Maxie’s plans make a lot of sense … to Maxie. She stages a fake mugging in a dark alley, but it does not go as planned.

All this, PLUS: All the speculation finally gets to be too much, and Luke and Ethan finally decide to get DNA-tested to see if Luke really is Ethan’s father.”


  1. Duni says

    I used to watch GH when I was a teenager! We don’t have it over here in Germany. I can’t believe it’s still running 🙂

    have a great weekend!


    ps – thanks so much for your kind comment re my denim bag!

  2. cherscrap23 says

    I haven’t watched GH in ages! But I still enjoy keeping up….

    I have an award for you:

    so head on over and grab it!

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