Aloha Friday: What’s your pet peeve?

So this is my first time doing Aloha Friday!
If you’ve never heard of it, it started over on An Island Life.
I ask a question….I answer it….and then you answer it too!
Sound like fun?
So, the question is:

Do you have a pet peeve?

I have many pet peeves but a few are:
1. Why am I the only one who knows how to replace the toilet paper in the house?
2. Bad drivers, yes, I sometimes have road rage issues!
3. People standing over me while I check my email!
4. When the mail man is too lazy to walk up my driveway and leaves a package on top of my mailbox and it rains.
5. Waiting on hold on the phone for a ridiculous of time!

If you participate in Aloha Friday please link up below!


  1. Abby says

    Oh yeah, I’ve got pet peeves!
    1. When I put things on the stairs for my husband to take up and he walks past them over and over again!
    2. When my husband leaves his clothes on my dresser-I tell him that they are either clean or dirty and they need to be put away or put in the hamper, but he says they are somewhere in between!
    3. It drives me nuts when people don’t know how to take turns at a 4 way stop sign!
    4. Grammatical errors.
    5. Shorts and a winter coats. Doesn’t make sense to me!

    Ok, I could go on and on, but I won’t!

  2. Pegsy says

    Well, let’s see…I have a few, for sure!
    1. Cupboard doors or drawers left open!
    2. Messy eaters! Yes, my kids drive me crazy, particularly one!
    3. Impatient drivers who honk at me when I’m trying to turn left at a green light. I have 2 precious children in the car and I’m not going to endanger their lives for a few seconds. Makes me so mad!
    4. And I’m with Abby on the grammatical errors. Spelling errors too!

    Now that I read this, I sound like a terrible person! Maybe I should relax a little! lol

  3. Brandi says

    It drives me nuts when people don’t talk right. I know we live in Wyoming, but we don’t have to talk like we are hillbillies! πŸ™‚

    When the garbage is right there, and people put the garbage on top of the counter instead of in the can.

    I have more, but can’t really think of them right now! πŸ™‚

  4. sues2u2 says

    Welcome & man, have you picked the topic! Nice one.

    1. Bad drivers – we live in the boondocks & it drives me nuts that people can't even do the speed limit!

    2. Someone breathing down my neck @ the checkout while I input my pin number. Security!

    3. My kids whining. Yes, we live in the country & I have to import friends but I'm not going to drop everything because you didn't plan ahead!

    I think I should stop now. Don't want to give too bad of an impression. *grin*

  5. Brandi says

    My pet peeves are Bad/slow drivers and having to repeat myself over and over again.

  6. The Pink Potpourri says

    -people who are too lazy to move their finger and use their turn signal when driving are idiots. its not rocket science and it is the law. fools.

    -i can’t stand the word “glad”. glad, glad, glad. grrrrr

    -parking tags are issued for a reason. you’re no cooler or more special than anyone else to park in our spots. you’re just plain lazy.

    -take 30 seconds and wash your hands after using the restroom. its just plain disgusting, and unsanitary, not to.

    -when two cars come to a stop sign across from each other and one is going straight and the other is turning left, THE PERSON GOING STRAIGHT GOES FIRST!!! somehow KY drivers think differntly.

    I happen to be in a bit of a cranky mood today, so writing this list helped me let go of some stress πŸ™‚ thanks for posting this! I promise, i’m not a bitter person…just today πŸ™‚

  7. TheAngelForever says

    1 – People that do not say thank you when you hold a door open for them. Sometimes I give a sarcastic “you’re welcome!”

    2 – People that tailgate me when driving

    3 – Not putting the toilet seat down

    4 – People answering call waiting and not coming back

  8. Susan says

    A few that just happened today…

    as soon as you paint your nails you realize you have to pee…

    you go to the gym and go to your favorite treadmill and see that someone is “saving” it with their towel and water bottle…

    that is just a few…i have to go and cook dinner now before my family starves!!!

  9. wenbren explains it all says

    too many but here’s one that I thought about this week I hate when people ask friends for a discount, ex, if they work at a retail store etc, Ugh someone did that to a coworker this week and I think that;s soo tacky!!

  10. Erin @ Closing Time says

    So many! One that really bugs me is at the grocery store when the cashier puts my raw meat in the same bag with my fresh veggies. Disgusting!!

  11. Juls says

    cupboard doors left open
    and dirty damp clothes/towels left on the bathroom floor..

    Thanks for stoppin' by my blog today & sharing the walmart story

  12. Grammatically Delicious Designs says

    1. When the garbage has not been taken out by those who are supposed to, and I say, “The garbage stinks.” And the reply is, “It only stinks a little.” Since when are there levels of stink? Stink is stink. Listen up boys. Stink is stink, and it needs to leave the house!


  13. Lisa C. says

    WOW… I can fill a few pages of them.. I think they should make the toilet paper changing a class in HS.. it seems to be an epedemic,. like the toilet seat… or putting a trashbag in if you take out the trash.. nothing like having hands full with trash to find an empty trash can… know what i do? throw the trash in there ANYWAY.. lol.. I’m bad, I know.. i can go on forever

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